Psychic Medium, Divine Channel, Ascension Teacher - Elle

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10. Channeling Exercises

Today we are intending to work through exercises to improve your channeling abilities. We will go over techniques that we have already studied improving our understanding and connection.

10.1 Exercise for Channeling Evolved Consciousness

And now, I ask everyone to relax and move into the space of calmness and peace. Allow yourself to release any thoughts and instead stay in the place of allowing of higher consciousness to come around you and align to your state of being. As you continue allowing, you will find yourself feeling and being one with the higher consciousness. As you proceed doing this, you will find yourself aligning to the state of consciousness called Ascended state. When you closed your eyes, you felt that part of your identity has left the scene, and something internal has shifted where you created an internal pull towards higher ascended state of oneness and unity with higher consciousness.  As you have released the identity of your human self, there is a new connection that started to establish. The consciousness of your own being has stepped aside to allow for this beautiful state to emerge. This connection has been experienced by you before in your meditations.

 This state of consciousness continues to grow and expand. While experiencing this expansion, you will notice now slight shift towards a different state emerging as well. This connection is forming into the Ascended State of Who You Are. There are many Ascended states that exist, and each of you have your own unique Ascended state. Ascended state is an amazing state of being where you continue to expand in your consciousness towards higher consciousness and move into the place of Higher Love and light. Achieving a state of alignment to higher consciousness does not have to be a part of your Ascension yet it is a possible direction for some. Many human beings achieved Ascended states through the practice of meditation. And it is also an option for there is no longer a requirement to ascend through such practice.

 And now sit for a few minutes in this expanded state of being, experiencing it and feeling it. And I am giving you a few more minutes, before we end this exercise.

10.2 Exercise for States of Consciousness not related to Ascension

And now we are asking you to continue with the state of allowing higher connection. As you are already in the Ascended state of being, connecting with Evolved Consciousness is a much easier task. We will ask you to align yourself to expand the heart and allow yourself to clear your mind from your own thoughts. This connection grows now as you allow yourself to fixate upon them and this is someone who works with you from Spirit teachers who are Ascended and they hold an Ascended state of being. As you proceed with your internal focus upon your teacher holding them within the loving connection, the bond grows and aligns them to you. When you yourself stay in your Ascended state of being, there is little work to be done for alignment as connecting is now easy.

Now, I ask you to continue holding this state and I will give you a topic that you will channel with your teacher:

  • Twin Flames

  • Romancing God Within

  • Archangel Ariel Messages

  • Love in Action

  • Manifesting in Life

  • Speaking Your Truth

  • Setting Intentions For Your Life

  • Taking Advice from Others

  • Systematic Time Issue

  • Taming Your Shadow-Self

  • Pleasing Others as a Way of Being Liked

  • Bringing the End to a Problem

  • Letting go of Your Attachment to a Story

  • Lifting the Veil

  • Trading Your Views for Higher Views

  • Role-Playing versus Higher Truth

  • Open-mindedness towards new ideas

10.3 Exercise for receiving higher messages as they arrive

We are asking all of you to take a short break before we reconvene to work on our next exercise.  This exercise is about receiving messages as they arrive without having to tune in and wait or worry. These messages are already in you and you hold them as downloads, these messages will be delivered to you as a packet of information to be opened by you at the right time of speaking. So, we are asking you all just simply feel free to have your eyes open and not go into a meditative state. This exercise is about to begin. And you need to state to yourself the idea that you are receiving a download. And this download will result in you having some idea pop up in your mind and you will be able to know what it is and you simply will evoke the translation of that message and describe what you felt you have received.

[go one by one and they will talk about what they have received and it will go one round and maybe two]

10.4 Exercise for Answering Questions of Others via Channeling

Now, we will break into pairs and will create a small circle of those who ask questions and those who answer them. We won’t switch at this time because we have no room to do this. Therefore, we ask those who truly have a question, raise your hand now! We want those who have no questions, be ready to channel with their spirit teacher and allow us to know later what that was about.

10.5 Exercise for Channeling Answers to Your Own Questions

We ask that everybody takes a pen and paper and we will be writing down a question that you have to your own spirit teacher. It is a personal task, and we don’t intend to ask that you share. We simply want you to ask a question and see what information you will start receiving. This task is not an automatic writing exercise. Nobody will move your hand. Rather it will be you, writing, and them, telling you the answer that you are to take down.

10.6 Exercise for Channeling Yourself through moving into the Elevated State of Higher Consciousness

This exercise is to train yourself to become higher consciousness and achieve elevated states that a person could simply do and become higher in views and feelings and be capable to answer your own questions without having to channel anyone else.

We are here now to go into a meditative state and allow ourselves to find our own way to transcend our own personal issues and views, and anything that we need to let go of for the purpose of this exercise. You know how to do this as you have been trained through your life how to move away from what is bothering you. And we are here to remind you that you are your own guide and teacher and have the knowledge required to become all that you could be to yourself.

As we are resolving those issues that cannot be part of this exercise, we want you to heal yourself through realizing that you are your own healer and your own teacher and your own guide. We are asking you to fully rely on your own asking from yourself now, how to achieve this.

[Student needs to figure out their own way to get into an elevated state to be their own guide & teacher]

10.7 Revision: Achieving Channeling State

We are now going into a meditative state to channel your spirit teacher. And we ask everyone now to close your eyes and allow yourselves to be feeling the love within that expands into a magnificent loving presence that You Are. A vibrational shift is happening as you align your heart to the feelings of love. The veil drops as you release the need to be in dual perception and your consciousness responds in love. With love abound there is no longer feelings of pain or judgement, or feeling less than. You simply rest in truth of Who You Are. Continue consciously bringing out your heart energy. This is the time to set your intents. And we suggest that you intend to speak clearly, and be in complete unison and alignment with your spirit teacher. Set your best intents for this session.

We ask your spirit teachers to take their place by your side and expand their energies to meet your heart alignment. As expansion is taking place, you are joining in unity of the heart through your intentions. Safe space is provided by your spirit teacher as they allow you to feel their higher energies. With intent, raise your frequency to meet the energy of your teacher. As your energies are rising up, your teacher is aligning to you by matching the level of energy that you are reaching for. As energy and love alignment takes place, you will feel as them, and they will feel as you. 

10.8 Channeling Your Guide

As your connection is adjusting and aligning, you might experience dizziness and might have to yawn to resolve and release those energies that are not matching the frequency of your teacher. The resonance of connection will ripple through your being translating into a much deeper state of union with your teacher. They take a few minutes to shift and align before channeling.

And now we ask every teacher to speak one after another through each of you. In this exercise we are not giving you any topics to channel, but rather we want your teachers to speak and bring out what they want to speak about. Students, please speak whatever comes to your mind without reservation or judgement. Whatever your teachers want to speak about, including feelings, and impressions and pictures and other types of information what comes to your mind, be willing to share without holding back.

10.9 Channeling One Topic (Homework)

 Whoever wants this homework, who doesn’t, doesn’t have to do it. Please pick a topic from the list provided before. And I will ask you to type it up and give this to me next time as homework assignment. This topic is about how to channel with your spirit teacher and allow the information come in without your added opinion if possible. Make sure that you are fully aligned to your teacher and can truly connect with them. During your assignment it is best to channel entire topic within one session and not break the connection. You can write the topic down, or you can channel it and record your own voice. Or you can simply write down your impressions on the subject. Whichever way it is easier for you and what you have decided to work on for channeling ability.