13. Channeling Present Days Information
When we speak about modern days, there is so much happening which is very hard to follow and speak about. The information itself is misused and chronologically, it is very hard to integrate all the events that take place within human lives. Taking time to process and fixate upon higher states of Love and Light are a necessity that many don’t recognize as they chase about their day and run into opposing forces within incarnation and necessity to take time aside and focus upon what is necessary and what is calling you within, is a very own private matter which is an internal and integral need of your spirit being. It is the cause and the source of your well-being and part of your Ascension, and such practice is your immediate and most important need.
What is happening within incarnation is that millions of humans are taking time with things that are lesser in importance, yet they occupy the most of your incarnational time, and that’s where the illusion drops and the veil appears where you no longer recognize the need of the soul that inhabits the body to move into the Light and practice doing it from the lowest physical levels where you are at. Such progression into the physical matter led to the abandonment of many practices that are reviving the spirit and giving birth to your own essence that needs to be fed and nourished by the Greater Light to grow and transform into the ascendence and transcendence of the very deep matter that it incarnated into.
Letting go and letting God in is what will heal your spirit and transform you into an emerging soul that is ready to take the next step in your evolution towards Enlightenment and other Higher states of being that lead you into much higher realities that exist and transcend lower reincarnational cycles. These realities of existence embrace higher reincarnational cycles and rebirthing is not needed, where you take on a body of a lower vibrational density yet you don’t get reborn and that’s where it differs from the current reality of 3D.
Vibrational frequencies separate dimensions and higher dimensional existences are ascending as well at a much rapid pace. And catching up is the game that we are all playing until we all can move to a level of existence where we all unite with One who is our Ultimate Source and the Father.
The need for transcendence of the lower frequency resides within the spirit psyche, and each of you is a spirit having a human experience. Such beauty You are.., yet not fully aware and requiring such information to be given to you to be reminded. For there is no other means and way to get through the veil as to channel such information and allow ourselves to bring these messages to those who are willing to hear and accept the truth that you are a few, yet a great part of Humanity that is ready to embrace the very close and similar to Ascension feeling which is pulling you up, the need, the goal, the very feeling and the purpose of taking time to speak with us.
Speaking with a few of you revealed a much higher truth to us, that we are in the right way of leadership, offering our best help and advice, mentioning a few of us, we are hopeful that we can and capable to assist during such times and deliver the very messages that Humanity needs and hopes for as it is hard to change without knowing what to change. And it is hard to move in the dark, when veil is so close and yet there is no veil at all. We are in the spirit realms yet having bodily separation and human self is getting worn out through daily activities and spirit self is remembering what the true purpose of incarnation was. And we are with you walking beside you, and taking your hand and showing you the way.
We hope that we are aligning to those who are willing to listen and speak with us. And we are stating this because we are willing to work with you and we only want to assist and share information for we come from behind the veil. The very word “veil” is similar to the word “blindfolded”, or “blindness”, and we are fully aware from our levels that you are blinded, and not capable to discern for yourself with so much surrounding noise and barriers and bodies where human drama takes over your life. And those of you who manage, are realizing, that it is not what their spirit wants, it is not what they are here for, and it is not where you want to be. Many are reaching this state of understanding and hopefully we are the ones who you turn to, and reach for our hand. Even though blindfolded, we are grabbing your hand and leading you forward. No need to doubt, no need to feel you are abandoned or alone.
We are assisting and needing only your permission to be by your side. We cherish those moments that you gift us with, for we are healing that part of ourselves through you by filling ourselves with hopes for Human Consciousness and Ascension that has been proclaimed and is turning into a full speed motion... We feel that many of you are getting loose bolts and screws and cannot keep up with the speed of Light that consciousness is moving at. We are understanding what challenges you are dealing with daily. And we are seeing that many do what they can and not what they want. And hearing from a few of you that you are healing yourselves, doing clearing work, taking time to work through things together, attending classes, workshops and other spiritual activities, we see the need. We feel we are in the right spot to bring you to that well of knowledge and healing that you can drink from to sooth your thirst for the greater knowing of Who You Are in becoming.
We feel it is helpful to remind you that we are unified, ever transforming, ever loving, celebrating God, magnifying light, brindging into the very essence of Higher Self conscious beings who came down to interact with others in the most separate ways available to find a very simple truth that separation is nothing more than an Illusion hiding the Truth that we are One United Spirit having multiple incarnations, multitudes of paths, many journeys, similarities of experiences, creativity, oneness, truth, units of consciousness, ever changeable, ever growing, ever expanding, magnifying its own Light, ever glorifying itself across all the dimensions, ascending as One.