17. Meeting Your Guide & Guardian Angel
17.1 Who is Around You
There are a number of guides who surround you daily and these can be simply Angels and Masters who assist you in your daily activities, as well as Angelic beings who come to support you when you require help.
Your primary invisible friends are your Guardian Angel & you can have more Guardian Angels depending on what you came with as your life purpose. Sometimes it is a requirement for some people to incarnate with multiple Guardian Angels because they need extra attention. These people are mostly the ones who chose incarnations to assist Humanity and took on larger roles. Discernment about Angels is easy to figure out. Usually, Angels are loving and it feels good when they are around. Discernment here is not required.
Your primary spirit guide is someone who assists you from birth. This spirit being is someone who you usually aware of too and even can feel their presence around you, but you cannot exactly know what they are or how they assist you unless you discern who is around you. Angels are not difficult to discern. As for spirit guides, it is a little more complex. They are benevolent beings and also carry high frequencies, and they intend well for you and your life. Regardless of that, they are still human or taught to be humanized and can have their own opinions and ideas which at times won’t resonate with you. This is what helps to discern who is your spirit guide.
When you communicate in your head with someone who is meaning well but comes across as asking too much and even pushy, or sometimes telling you what to do, that can be your spirit guide. They are very similar to human beings. And they won’t back down when they have to speak with you and need to bring across their information. They are well-meaning and only care for you to fulfill what you intend for yourself. They will allow you to figure things out on your own too and even will let you guide yourself, but in certain situations when your wellbeing and life is concerned, they will step in and insist on you listening and doing as they ask.
Their mission and purpose is to stay around and keep you on your path. They are responsible for your life purpose and need to have your full attention and recognition of who they are. Spirit guides are usually felt like a relative, someone who cares, but also can tell you what is necessary to know regardless of how that feels.
Beings of Light and Ascended Masters feel like expansion of light and love around you. These are easy to discern and Archangels also carry a special quality that you might feel about them, but they also have high energy and beautiful auric fields. You will feel safe with them.
At times there are entities who come by and are not well meaning and these can be so called entities who vary in nature and we won’t cover them here much. Some can come to you for help and these are discarnate people who died and did not cross over. They are usually felt as various types of energy, can be low too. And you might feel a sense of invaded space when they are around, and they sometimes talk a lot and you might feel overwhelmed and not aware and feel off.
Majority of beings who come by are Angels and you shall not be scared about discarnate people. You can simply ask Archangel Michael and his legions of Blue Lightning or Warrior Protection Angels to come and take these human beings into the Light. It is a simple request and you simply state, Archangel Michael & Angels of Protection, please take a discarnate being around me to the Light.
Besides that, we also deal at times with entities whose intents are malicious and that is not to scare you because it’s simply a lower frequency and their intents are also very primitive. They survive off of negative energies produced by humans and for that reason they might tell a person something not so good and a person could sense their intent regardless and might even hear, and will produce a fearful reaction which proceeds in releasing the energy to them that they need. These are not always demonic. They can be simply attachments that like little blobs of energy that are low in frequency. And sometimes these are etheric parasites that exist in lower dimension close to where you are. And they only want to feed and that’s the only purpose of their existence. Surround yourself with white light when you feel icky or not feeling good. The energy of white light dispels negativity and pushes them away. When you created a white light bubble around you, you can simply sit and create a powerful surge of positive emotion and allow that emotion to rise and create a vortex through the core of your body and that resonance will completely clear your space.
If for any reason you don’t feel good and sense that something or someone is around you. Or you simply feel a negative emotion which exists for no apparent reason, we suggest that you learn how to clear your surroundings and help yourself.