I was lost and found by ascending, I never realized I could when I was at my lowest point. I did. I never realized I was ascending. My Ascension is the ultimate one, the Ascension into Divine Self. Even though I have led Ascension workshops in the past and have been through numerous Ascensions myself, I shall admit, I never reached as far as I did when Divine Mother granted me my Ascension into Divine Self. It happened a year ago, and I am still progressing. Becoming Divine Self feels liberating. It’s no longer about the fear that I had.
I felt if I ever were to ascend, I would lose my identity, I would get absorbed, disintegrate. I would not be who I am, and I would lose all of my acquisitions as spirit. The qualities that I worked so hard on, are meaningful to me. Divine Mother knows that. I never lost any single quality that I cherish. I never lost my voice among the consciousness of the Divine. I am individualistic & still being myself. I love God & Goddess for working with me at my value.