Innermost & Outermost

The success in relationships depends on your Original Divine makeup. This ancient knowledge came to me as a response to my own despair. The levels of Higher Selves were downplaying my life and I didn’t understand why. Everything seemed impossible to fix. Until… my desperate prayer to Divine was released, the answer came as a lightening in the sky and I was stunned! The reason for any failure in varied relationships was the duality charge that we carry from the very birth of our spirit. It is impossible to succeed in relationships unless you know about it. Many wise individuals tried to divide people into various types to warn, to heal and to avoid using their own experience and methods which are good up to a point. You have to always discern and heal yourself & your patterns, love yourself etc. And many more tools were created to stop the unhealthy relationship dynamics. The whole idea was revolving around blame game: either you blame yourself for involving with the wrong people, or you blame them for whatever they were doing do you. You can never step outside of the blame game unless you fully integrate the truth and the knowledge. So, here I am.

Your Innermost Blog

Science of Self Intuitive Reading


This reading is to understand yourself and your relationships. Your divine makeup from the perspective of the Science of Self will disclose who you are. Your strength & your weaknesses. How to treat yourself and others. How to be. In your endeavor to understand your light hides the solution. There is a reason for you to be how you are. The intention was of divine origin. This reading will bring you a new disclosure for you & your relationships. For this reading, pick a few important connections in your life to discuss where you want to understand your dynamics with them. We will view everything from a totally new perspective never been done before.