How to work with me


Divine Channel, Psychic Medium, Ascension Teacher, Spiritual Coach, Business Psychic, Healer @celestialelle

where the information comes from?

If you need to channel information on any matter in your life, it’s granted. My connection comes from the Divine. Most of the time I will work with the Highest Consciousness of the Universe, Divine Mother & Divine Father God. And that being said, there is only one God and I tap into the aspects of Divine that you are aligned to representing the Mother, or the Father. If you only resonate with the God concept, I will channel God’s Divine Mind. If you prefer to hear guidance from Your Highest Self, we can tap into Your Own Highest Divine Source of Who You Are. You are also welcome to request Your Angelic guides, Spirit Guides, Your ET Teams to participate & channel the guidance you are seeking.


Before we even get started, I will request the protection and overlighting of the session by the Highest Divine. At any time if I see that you are not safe and we are having some non-benevolent interferences, I will work on clearing the space and create safety for your session. There are entities that may attach to my clients or people that my clients deal with. If they represent danger or interfere, I will take them out.

What to expect from a psychic reading?

You define where it will go. Prepare beforehand. Write down a few questions. They can be anything. There is no judgment. When I work with clients, I attune myself to the highest vision & compassion. I see through the prism of the divine. You will only get support & healing any moment you feel you need it. The hidden gets revealed, the unknown is brought into the light. Anything that you feel you need to discuss, from business matters to child care, personal matters at home, your love life, spirituality, family, attaining freedom & transcendence from the state of life that you are in, I will lay out the plan. The psychic reading is fluid, it’s directed by your asking. You can simply have one question and explore all aspects of it. Or you have any questions, we can cover them in a short way.


I have my Higher Consciousness integrated into the Mind of God. My Ascension took place and I am no longer ascending as other people do. I have an immediate connection to All That Is. I am available to channel your consciousness. You can tap into your own makeup within God and see how far you came as Divine Being. I have channeled myself from the Highest Source and fully aware of Who I Am. The exploratory path for me in our God’s Universe is completed. I can read Consciousness from the smallest to the largest & I have no limitations. I also teach Spirit Communication classes & Ascension courses. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizance, psychometry. I read fields, energy, objects, psyche, DNA, Mass Consciousness. I normally don’t put boundaries any more on what that is that I do. I call myself “omniversal”.


I have a potential within God to call on any force that is required to heal or give information. I am enlightening individuals on their path. I work within the Holography of the Universe and bring to you the right assistance from God, Angelic Hierarchies, Divinities, Galactic Counsels of Light, Benevolent ETs. I assist in the highest possibilities for you and your wellbeing.

Instructions to arrange a session

Choose your session from the catalog. Pick the most appropriate name for your session. If you feel, you cannot find such a session, pick the closest & describe your idea in a private email. Besides psychic readings & tarot readings, I work with healing such as Universal White Time, Holy Light, as well as I request the assistance of benevolent ETs to align an individual to health & wellbeing.

  1. Choose your session

  2. Book a session on my calendar

  3. Write down/think through your questions

On the day of the session, think about what you want to achieve through the session. A much clearer intent will produce the best result. I will align only to your asking. Be mindful of the time. Sessions are one hour long.


If you cannot come for a session, let me know the latest 10 minutes before the session. I will accommodate your request to move the session to another day. If for any reason you want to cancel, let me know & write in person to with the subject line “Cancellation”. Your session will be refunded in full.