Beyond & Before Journey, True Origins of Your Soul
Beyond & Before Journey, True Origins of Your Soul
Explore the origins of your eternal spirit. As souls within Father God’s Creation, we know only one side of the story. To reveal the truth, the Creation of the Father is where we came to play His game. The story began for many in the Holy Divine Structure of Beyond and for a few of us in Before. As we incarnate in the deepest manifested matter, we forget our origins. This journey is called for to recognize where you truly came from into the Creation of God. Your original soul spark will be traveling out of Creation to visit Beyond or Before. The offerings of Beyond are enormous for your reconnection. The energies heal and transmute & correct misalignments. Your frequencies upgrade to reflect the original design & makeup of your spirit. The frequencies will shift you towards benevolence, love, higher consciousness & remind you of what you are.