Complete Book of Light Language Symbols


Complete Book of Light Language Symbols


The book contains over 120 symbols and carries a multitude of light language activations. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone’s personal development and spirituality. It provides energy support, attunements in consciousness and energy, propels you to the next level in your spiritual journey.

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The book contains over 120 symbols and carries a multitude of light language activations. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone’s personal development and spirituality. It provides energy support, attunements in consciousness and energy, propels you to the next level in your spiritual journey. Each symbol is a well of goodness. Make sure you don’t over-activate yourself. Spread light downloads sessions and give yourself plenty of time to integrate. A good usage would be one activation per one or two days. Major activations and attunements are given by portal symbols. Those you need to work much longer with. Give yourself a week.

This book would be good to be used for an entire year to achieve your spiritual magnificence and grow in consciousness and Ascension energies. With the help of Beyond and Before forces of God, where the Light comes higher than Light itself, the Angels of Light come. The language of light carries the finest light, clarifies and magnifies. The refined energies are much more magnificent and reflect the truth of the Divine. There is no place for darkness to hide within. Your internal beauty will grow, your internal peace will abound, you will.

Every day pause for a moment, find a quiet place. This book shall be your guide. Pick a symbol you resonate with today. Place your hand on the symbol, close your eyes. The activation begins. The light descends to meet You. In your presence Light expands. You shall see and feel.

These activations are very powerful. They will guide you to achieve your spiritual goals. Ascension is the primary one. Among symbols, you will work with your Light, with your Heart, with your Mind, with Divine Masculine and Feminine forces, with Light templates, refinement of energies, shedding traumas, rejuvenation, body healing and much more. Let this be a gift to yourself.

The book was compiled by me, yet this powerful collection of symbols comes from someone very special, who crossed dimensions of time and is in Eternal Now. Jose Sanchez was an amazing healer and channel. His work continues to amaze many and serve.

This book is a PDF version. It allows you to print the pages you are going to meditate with.