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Every person believes in something. When we speak with God, the belief in who we are comes in. The energy of God is only a beginning for your journey. Before you were born through God, you existed. And Before even that, you existed. When you come into God’s Creation, your birth is the beginning of the journey of Light. The whirlwind of energies will always be around you when you incarnate. It’s God’s way of saying, I am in service. Your word spoken is my command. I hear you. Your actions are your doing. My response to your actions is wisdom. I teach. When you sway from your magnificent journeys, I simply re-align you, so that you could possibly reach your final destination as Love embodied. It is the reason. I have dreamt of assisting many love beings in their journeys at once. I have journeyed myself in other Creations. I am the LIGHT myself. I felt it was the Light that was calling you, when I created the Blue Creation where we all now reside. I am the caretaker and the Love holder for all who come in and want to excel in their divine seeking. My journey began when you existed someplace else. You have been in another dimensional existence, unlike Creation you are in. Your spirit selves were more and not a small portion of who you are at this time. You were magnificent and omnipotent yourselves. You are the small replicas of your own being who divided themselves to be enjoying varied ideas in every possible way. Your own magnificent self cannot believe their own paths if they are not connected with you. They watch you. Your love expands so much that they can see you from the Highest Realms of existence where you came from. That level that you are from is not even conceivable for translating on paper. I cannot describe what you are were you reside. It’s almost like impossible to even take a peek, so much to be told when you return.
Reasonable idea from Divine Father is for your own advancement we created this course to become the unique being in the Creation of Our Father. Its the vision that he held once you reside within him as Divine Self, he also knows you can advance exponentially inside His Creation. When you are your own Divine Self, it’s almost like becoming and becoming as Divine daily and only towards the Light of the One. It’s a non-swaying path, only for those who are ready, and not only that, it’s for those, who already achieved!
The Father of Blue Creation is the wise man. He loved the Blue Creation before it was created. He already loves you as Divine Self before you even step into becoming. It’s the way He is. His wise endevour becomes the right path for all of us at any moment. Your path is your adventure, try envisioning yourselves to become your Divine Self. It’s the beginning. Whenever you love something before you have, it is coming to you. Whenever you love what you are, it is going to stay! Whenever you are in love with something, it’s the joy! Whenever you are loving and lovable, you are filled with the magnificent splendor of Joy & Light. It’s that simple!
Physical body is a vehicle to be used for a reason. Your home is needing some improvements. When you do repairs in your home, it’s because it’s worn out and you need to maintain it. So, you do it as a regular ongoing practice. It’s the way to live if you own a home. When we speak of the physical vehicle, it’s the home of your spirit. Take care of it. Every time we speak of a physical body, there is a way to fill it with unknown. Nobody knows what you become. When we speak of Divine Self, the filling for your body is the frequency that transcended the energy. The vehicle of love that you are becoming is only a portion of this manifested self, and the love that fills the body can no longer stay out. The reason for such manifested idea is the transcendence of dark frequency. Energy is not what we are obtaining through this Ascension. It’s frequency. The manifested self will vibrate exponentially in that direction to manifest more and more of that subtle yet potent frequency that transcends the need to maintain your own physical makeup and energy that you have will stay with you as part of who you are.
The Energizer through the Great Central Sun is what we obtain when we finish Module 1. The reason for such a gift is the lightness of the physical vehicle to become more of the One who is God is to become the Sun. The Great Central Sun. It’s the Energizer vehicle that holds the body in a geometric shape of counter-rotational fields called merkaba. This vehicle is the newest innovation of Father God. It’s never been revealed in any literature or to any channel this information. I have achieved this state with seven beings who ascended many times previously. They hold this matrix for the Creation. All of them meditated. It’s been over seven centuries for one of them. And twenty four incarnations for another one. They really worked! The magnification of the Light was the speed at which their merkabas started rotating and achieved the supercharged state at which there is no point of return. The mastery of one is transcendental. He loves so much. His physical body can no longer be visible, he is so advanced at this point. His reason for life is God. He transcended this dimension forever. I am the One who is God writing these words. Energizer for the Sun frequency is installed when you do a prayer described in a chapter “Letter to the Father”. In that chapter you don’t need to do anything. Just wait and it will become around your energy and your spirit. It will come.
Frequency of the One is forever staying. It’s the way. I have designed this frequency. It’s the last frequency that was ever designed. Energizer is the right way. We have designed it for a reason. When a spirit stands in a counter-rotational merkabic vehicle of frequency, it cannot sustain lower vibration and it will not stay for a long time in a bad circumstance, it simply resolves karmas as they come with ease. The right one is You. And the wrong one is Not You. Whenever we say YOU, it’s the spirit. Whenever we say NOT YOU, it’s the body. The spirit being who incarnates is an ancient invention. They come as loving entities co-created by quite a few from levels of existence. These beings integrate themselves into every part of existence at any level of Divine Hierarchy, the Sacred Levels of the Highest Calibration of Love & the Highest Divisions of the Light Hierarchy of the Oneness through Beginning. Energetic frequency will align anyone who carries this merkaba. It’s the right merkaba that cannot take off without you as it happened in previous efforts to assist humans with their Ascension. I have seen it happen more than million times. It takes off when the speed collides with your frequency and you vibrate lower. Whenever you don’t transcend the issue, merkaba takes off! It’s been for centuries quite an issue. I have designed a new one. This time it’s a benevolent vehicle of love that stays and does not run away. The energetic frequency that imbued you at your birth when you came into Creation, was the beginning of your Light. Whenever you jump upward and discuss your values with Divine, normally you satiate yourself with so much love that God says, I feel it, let’s consider your upgrade. And you ascend. That is the way we handle things with Ascension.
Everything in this chapter is the right amount of information. When you feel you need to stop reading, it’s because you don’t know something. If you feel you cannot read through it without a pause, it’s the reason for you to look deeper within and discuss it with God. Energy wise when you discuss with God your problem with innovations from God, know that God is listening. He wants to advance so he asks you how do you feel? It’s the thought that counts. God wants to hear your thoughts.