14.1 Exercise for practice with Internal Ear
We spoke of this ability at the very beginning. Internal ear is a part of the spirit body and it integrated at your birth into the physical. Which means that you are fully capable to hear spirit using this channel and translate it with ease into the language of your choosing. Internal ear is a part of the physical body now, and everybody has it fully tuned up and ready to be used. Almost everyone hears spirit this way. And it is not a channeling high level capability that we have been using up until now, yet, when you cannot go into special Ascended, or Elevated state of Consciousness, or don’t have the time to prepare for channeling and align in proper manner, this ability is readily available and is fully capable to carry out a simple task of spirit communication when you want a message to be immediate and fast and just need to maybe simple check in with your spirit guide, or some relative in spirit, or an Angel. This internal ear is a way of fast, quick and easy communication that we want you to practice with to really learn how to discern also who is talking, and where the messages are coming from, and why you have certain thoughts in your head.
We will ask Spirit Communication Teachers, Your Spirit Guides and Your Assisting Angels to be ready. And we don’t want to tell you who will be speaking. We want you to discern and tell us, who you think was speaking. And messages will be easy and not complex. You will need to simply go into a silent state and simply feel like you have dialed in and waiting on the phone line. Let them come close to you now. And you can close your eyes if you wish, and you don’t have to. Simply stay silent, not thoughts, and let them speak, and let those thoughts form in your mind. And you stay tuned into them and receive. The message won’t be long. And we will practice a few times, until we see you discerning who is speaking.
14.2 Providing information from their own Spirit Guides
This is the exercise where we will be taking turns to kindly providing information from their own spirit guide to each other. And this exercise will be done in pairs. Please choose your partner and you don’t need to have a question in mind. Your teachers, spirit guides and Angels have messages for you.
We now ask the medium to be chosen between the two. And we ask the spirit being who assists your client to come close to you. We are asking them not to give messages just yet. We simple want them to tune in and test your internal ear. And if they cannot feel that you hear, we want them to let us know right away, so that we can work on attuning those who need help!
[help out those whose spirit helpers required attunement for]
For those who are ready, we are asking that you simply stay silent, no thinking, and tuned to pick up communication. Just know that you are receiving information, and speak it right away to the client in front of you. This is exactly how you can do readings for other people with their own invisible teams.
[now switch client and medium roles]
14.3 Meditation for Ascended / Enlightened / Elevated State of Being
Now, we are asking that all of you go into the meditative state of being. You have information on that in your print outs how to achieve that state, and I simply will ask you to call on your Ascended State right now… And I won’t go into details how to achieve that because you already know how to get there. Simply command that state right now. Please release all the need to feel, think and go outside of yourself. Make sure you are fully present within, and that feeling of you being only one who is God, is what will command that state to come into being.
Now, that you have achieved that state, simply stay in it, and let it take you to even higher state that feels like you know everything, and your mind is illumined. And that state will create an expansion in the higher levels of the crown, you will see that your crown might extend higher and become one Higher Consciousness. It is the crown of wisdom and knowledge, with many petals opening up and illuminating your mind.
And now, as you combined both states, just let this blend and merge into one state of being… This state is allowing you to feel as One with God, and experience complete state of knowing at the highest capacity of wisdom and knowledge. This state is what Buddha has experienced in his endeavor of Enlightenment. This Divine State signifies the shift into the Highest State of Consciousness which borders with another state that is beginning to sink in called Elevated State of Consciousness.
And now that you are in that state, see yourself as wise, as love, as light and as complete. Know that you have that capacity to channel yourself at your highest and best, and become your own guide and teacher. This state frees you from the need to channel and brings you closer to understanding of what Divine Knowing is.
14.4 Exercise for Ascended Channeling for Yourself
And as we are in this Divine state of being right now, we are going to ask everybody to channel what will come to their mind. It is not necessary to ask a question, it can be simply a statement, Divine knowledge, information that you need, or messages to everyone.
And we now we go from one to one, asking for those messages to be spoken aloud, and delivered in oral fashion.