7. Creative Channeling from Higher Source
Creative Channeling as a topic is an inspiration that teachers of spirit communication turned to when they realized that we created a chapter on Conscious Channeling and we tried channeling Higher Consciousness. In this chapter, we are going to relax and assume a new form of channeling that goes even higher in level and refers to as Creative Channeling from Higher Source. We realigned ourselves to view this as a continuation of the levels of channeling and see that channeling can be done from a variety of sources including the Highest Source of All That Is.
Understanding that we all are connected to the same Higher Source aligns us to the Absolute Truth and Absolute Understanding of Unification of Consciousness whereas Higher Level Conscious Beings will channel to you at their own Levels of Truth that is higher than your perspective. Yet it is not the highest quality that exists within this Creation.
Asking questions from Higher Source and asking questions from Higher Beings differs and is a way to state that we are still creating our own realities based on the levels of truth and existence that expands from our vantage point to free us from our perceptions as far as we move forward in our realignment with the Highest Source of All.
To fully understand your truth alignment you have a choice to work with any number of beings that you might realign your truth to by seeing them as valuable in what they have to offer. And from the levels of Higher Source you are already complete and all knowledge is available to you in a manner of Higher Consciousness that is ever expanding, as Universe expands, and ever creating new ideas and solutions resolving any issues of the Collective Consciousness. There is no subject that has not been covered so far, and even though Consciousness of All That Is evolves as we all evolve as a Collective, there is a need for new knowledge that Higher Source receives to attain even Higher states of Truth through constant expansion of Consciousness.
Higher Consciousness does not oppose other ideas and new solutions. It simply has all the knowledge accumulated from the variety of sources. These collective ideas get stored in a Consciousness of God and trickle down to those who reach upward for solutions and ideas to rely on. The Consciousness of the Source of All That Is has all the solution and ideas already in its potentials. Such knowledge is higher truth that rises above the human limited thinking and realigns them towards Higher Truth.
7.1 Transcending Limited Views for Higher Purpose through Higher Alignment
Training yourself for non-dual perception of life takes you out of the limitations of the human conditioning which was ingrained in you from early age, whereas abandoning such programming during your lifetime cannot align you to fully embrace higher knowledge. This assumption that you could possibly align to Higher Source and Higher Truth is a wishful thought that claims that you potentially could do that. And that is an estimate that we perceive that brings to you a potential to break down the least misaligned concepts and align to ideas based upon the truth resonating to majority of people.
Training yourself takes a purposeful approach in understanding that you are one with the Source and that you are growing towards the source of All That Is, which aligns you to the higher truth and in its turn takes you from leveraging it wholly by yourself to embracing the whole picture at the levels of God. Exchanging your views for higher views shows up as you become more spiritually aware and helping others see what they cannot see. And we ask those who come to speak Highest Levels of Truth to know the difference between the Truth of Higher Conscious Beings and the Source of All that Is to see what it is and experience the lesser frequency in transmissions. The Highest Source of All That Is transmits highly refined frequency that transcends creational energies and makes you align to the healing that takes place on many planes of existence. Taking further, you are co-creating and manifesting with God the healing for those who come to speak for their own benefit asking questions from the higher levels, those who see you as the source of higher alignment who is capable to guide them in their understanding and vision of Who They Are.
Training your own alignment to the Highest Truth requires paying careful attention to every word and thought you say and think. Those disciplines of your conduct take time to develop. With gradual adjustments you are capable to clear away those ideas that were blocking your higher vision. Taking from there every day alignment happens as a means to Higher Alignment and re-calibration of your personal truth that becomes higher and possibly fully based on highest truth which is the Absolute Truth of Source of All That Is.
The purpose of this topic states that we hope that you could take this information for your personal consideration and learn the ways of your own alignment rising above those personal limitations that tend to break your connections. Rather taking away from conditions arising within, you find your way into the grounded expanded vision and training your own views to reflect Higher Truth with those who rely upon your guidance and their visions align through your personal journey of attainment.
Breaking free from limited conditions of your path, remembrance of Who You Are, sorting out your internal problems, minding your thoughts, stating your truth, feeling the highest emotions and allowing yourself to resolve internal conflicts lead to a higher purposeful journey of life that resembles spiritual steps taken by those who ascend and transcend into Ascended Realms.
Helping others and assisting them on their path requires assortment of magnificent tools that only find their use when as you train your mind to rely on such higher concepts. And these ideas come as smaller revelations that you hold for yourself. Stating higher truths takes a form of mental restructuring and reorganization and breaking free from duality as society takes higher path as a whole as well.
Allowing for Higher Truth, remembering Who you are, ending manifestations of duality are the culminations of collective decisions during these times. We are manifesting a new society based on eternal truths transcending dual mind and individual perceptions. The higher vision for current age is Unification of Thought and Unity of Purpose that takes society onto a new path of Golden Age and Heaven on Earth.
Light Houses are those who bridge through the Ages and make us aware of the Higher Truths, they all were the channels of Love and Truth. They endlessly perfected their natural state of being that became fully transcendental through the vision of God. Their many lifetimes of service and following conditions of higher path are changing those who come after and realign themselves to the Magnificence that They proclaimed by tuning in and feeling internal connection from the All to One, from the One to the All, through God to All. And as a tapestry of magnificent connections we are Children of One Same Source that manifests itself within each individual taking a journey as Divine Spark of God, loving and learning, playing and taking baby steps, and taking larger steps, and linking with one after another after All and as Unity, fully connecting to the All, fully Manifesting as All, and fully realizing our God-nature.
Trading your individual perceptions for Higher Truth is a magnificent declaration of Love towards Higher Source. God Loves All and regards your wishes for your own purpose of life. The freedom of will was an initial God given gift that we all used and took it for reasons of exploring our individuality and that is an exploration in itself that takes you away from your Higher Source. And bridging back is a journey that many undertake in this time and age. Knowing this will help you understand that God is allowing you a freedom of choice and allowing you the freedom of path. And your personal individual journey is your own responsibility and choice. As you evolve, your views will change. And changing this perception may take form of an Ascension.
Statements of Love that you express, when connecting to God, reveals Its True Nature. The Love is the nature of God. And God loves itself. Through Love God expands. And Love you are on this path to God. Knowing that you are God shall set you free and set you straight onto the path back to Source with understanding that you have that option and have that choice to take Ascension and upgrade your whole understanding of Who You Are and take off those blinders of life, that veil that consciousness held for reasons of learning and reasons of playing and reasons of freedom of individual choice.
Helping human beings is a choice that we make that shows that we are a part of God and we are in alignment with what God is. Our choice is such that we fully Love and that love is what moves us and relates us to Higher Source. The Love of Higher Beings is the same. They love unconditionally and completely, without reservations, without having to understand, and without needing anything in return. Such levels of Love are available to anyone if you choose to see that you are a magnificent being of God that never ends, and only evolves. And choosing your higher truth alignment manifests as abundance of Love and availability of higher perspectives on choices in life, on friendships, on partners etc. And having those simple issues with others might no longer be the route for you, as you will see that those issues no longer hold any value to you. And you help yourself by magnifying your presence within the collective of Humankind. And within the Collective of God you are a divine spark that took on a role to incarnate into the densest realities that reach the very densest manifestations of matter and coming back from that all the way up is another journey that requires alignments upon alignments which manifest as Ascensions and Initiations and require realignments on Truth from lower to higher and all the way back up to God.
Closure for those who never resonated to the concepts of God, we cannot explain what God is, and this concept existed from many ages to current day and still the complete understanding of What God Is is non-existent. We assume, we philosophize, we take on teacher roles, and guides, and we still cannot fully understand what God is. We won’t go into detail about this concept, we will only confirm that God is All That Is. It’s a concept of the Collective of All Created Beings and Matter. It is ever evolving and ever manifesting itself through expansion of consciousness and evolution of spirit matter.
Happy times are coming for Humanity as we move into Higher Consciousness. And we are all channeling today Higher Source by realigning to the new incoming energies and their frequencies are completely recalibrating our bodies and energy makeup, we are no longer confined to the gross matter and we are no longer just the body. We are becoming the Manifested Light, the brilliance and magnificence of that is beyond our knowledge.
Trading those views that we spoke of resonated with a few of you and concepts we teach are of spiritual value, yet we want you to react to these statements and playground for those internal battles is within. Watch out for those feelings and manifestations of thoughts that arise as you read these chapters, they will signify where you are at in your alignment with Truth that embraces and transcends all.
7.2 Taking over the Judgement
Judgemental attitude towards other people reassembles statements that claim that you are separate from Source and that you know better and your are your own authority. Unrecognized by others, you tend to trade higher views with the views that lie beneath the surface and journey upward realigns you to having such perception diminished. Stating your own truth is a wonderful way of saying that you are empowered and you are true to yourself, yet it diminishes the connection and breaks free from fluid communication and has implications of separation in mind and volatility of the relating. Tendencies within the human psyche are perceived by higher teachers and they vacate such perceptions by bringing down to the person the truths that they lack in understanding. For those who perceive their truth as the highest, the rampant time of self discovery can set in, and never ending cycles of communing with yourself and your personal truth. Vacillating in your own mind between personal truth and higher vision can result in abandoning either. The balanced way of living is about joining your personal truth with higher truth and helping your internal vision to improve over time taking deep root and fully replacing personal truth with higher alignment. Asking for help with taking this higher and weeding out those concepts that resonate in lesser love and having judgement, the higher beings help out and take time with those individuals and bringing down higher concepts might create and dislodge the underestimated hopefully not fully anchored views that never could result in higher alignment.
Very few feel that personal truth is lesser truth. That is why we cannot fully talk about this topic. We can only guide you towards an understanding that your personal truth is not the highest, and your individual tendencies are not the most welcoming for higher truths. We understand that you are learning and you are ascending and your journey is in progress, yet we don’t define our message as something to hold closely, but find for yourself what resonates to true and see the truth through your understanding.
7.3 Exercise for Practice of Channeling God
We ask everybody to relax and take a comfortable place and if you need to lie down, please do so. We are going to do a silent exercise where you achieve connection with God and you take time with that. We will guide you upward and we will connect you to God. After that, please stay there and ask a question. And we ask you to use any question related to your life that you would like to know the answer to. We recommend to pick very duality based issues that you cannot resolve otherwise. And such a question you shall be able to openly discuss with others. Please see if you can come up with one.
7.4 Exercise for Healing Your Perception
Taking further our previous exercise, we want you to state within your mind what is the perception that you held before, and we want you to see what is different. And such a difference shows how dual perception is resolved and you can tell that it feels different and you can see why you held those ideas in the first place. Now, please know that you cannot continue this exercise for too long. We want you to see what it’s like to find answers to your questions from the Highest Source of All.
7.5 Topics:
Higher Path / Choice / Option for Evolution of Consciousness
Happiness as a Concept
Evaluation of Statement: “Mind Over Matter”
Creativity as A Way of Existence
Wholeness and Internal Voice of Integrity
Meaningful Relationships
7.6 Exercise for Going Within
For this exercise we are going to take a step back and find those moments in time where you felt that you were searching and exploring, and searching was usually an external activity and you never found answers through those ways. If you hold Internal questions, they will resonate to energies where you continuously attract similar circumstances and manifest conditions in your life that attach more stigma or emotional charge to the gridlocks existing within your being. And saying that you have a problem would attract a problem, we refer to this as finding those energetic mind grids that are frail and cannot be straightened and need to be adjusted within your mind and consciousness. These energetic mind grids are very real connections formed within your brain that hold those tiny knots of misunderstanding. And resonance from those clearly won’t solve your matters, but instead you will be attracting situations which conditions state that you still need an understanding.
We ask you to simply find such an energy pattern that lost it’s value to you and you no longer want same conditions to manifest in order to have an opportunity to resolve it. Such a pattern exists within your mind and it is a patterned energy imprint that resonates inside and triggers emotions within your body. Such patterns exist in everybody and form a crystalline structure that takes on a life of its own as your creation and has a program to deal with conditions of similar kind with similar understanding until you change it so that it dissolves.
Your pattern is not forever. You only need to find it as an energy and you can clearly see it in your mind and take it out by stating a simple truth that dissolves it. And this is a very simple technique that we recommend for those that work with energy to work on themselves because treating others for conditions does not allow you to take care of yourself and you have an option now to have this technique and try it out.
7.7 Exercise for Taking Higher Consciousness Channeling into Perspective
We are asking all of you to imagine yourselves healing the patterns that you hold and now that you found those patterns we also want you to take it into a perspective of Higher Consciousness through the Levels of God and see what comes up as you clearing it.
7.8 Healing Your Own Perception through Higher Choice
Higher choice is the right condition for those who need one. And higher choice is not a condition at all when you know there is the Absolute Truth. When you are asking for the Highest Truth, conditions are no longer part of it, and options are taking a form as one choice. Speaking your own truth to others is a behavioral pattern within your own perception, but having said that, your own truth is an option offered to them, and they may choose if they like it. Whether they like it or not, there is an option that is Higher. And some beings can offer such higher option and those could be a few as well (options).
As we proceed going higher with higher commitment to higher truth and wisdom, perception is anchored into the highest possibility and normally that highest option is a one but powerful choice which never results in any consequence or any misalignment and can simply go on and form a life of own and be presented to those who seek higher truth and Absolute Truth.
There are a few higher options too that human beings can attain as a perception that are as powerful in their views. And yet those will be mostly related to you and will resonate with just a few people as well but not with the humanity as a whole. Such groups of consciousness make simple truths attainable through feelings of resonance. Knowingly they guide you to say to you that your truth can also take a form of Higher Truth when you regard yourself. And stating little truths for personal reasons is not about an option here, but rather regarded as Higher Personal Truths, and those revealing them to you attained an understanding that your truth can take a higher level and achieve a higher purpose where you transcend yourself and become open-minded and more connected to the truth of others. This level of truths is harmonious to other Truths and will cause no issue of dissonance but rather neutrality for those who do not perceive this as their Truth.
7.9 Higher Option of Higher Consciousness over Practicing Your Personal Perception
Higher consciousness attained a multitude of understandings over simple matters of life and those views are simply higher truths that were optional to many beings who transcended over into higher ascended realms. Those optional availability of truths are simply choices of the higher consciousness to share them with those who seek advice and who try to go to higher dimensional realities. We underestimated this idea in the past by simply stating that higher consciousness resorts to higher choices and they align us to their truths. Nevertheless, we share with you a little larger perspective over the simplified version of truth to signify that you also have a choice to use higher wisdom or simply rely on your own ways of solving patterns and issues. Higher understanding comes into view when you realize that the vision you hold is leveled at your perception which doesn’t see potentials aligning for you during your life. When you can view life as potentials and perceive timelines, past and future, all of that forms a circle of related events where one thing / event influences the other where all of the connections that you ever held with beings who entered your life, are still influencing you in majority ways and life events. And your transition into the higher asking for relevance of your life conditions treats your life as a whole where everything interconnects and relates and where you become a beacon that that moves along that circle / plane but never transcends the circle itself.
When you are moving across the same plane of existence, the time creates a straight line which creates a separation between past, now and future. Where you are on your line of existence, you are still on the same line and it is still the same whole experience that is not separated into section nor is unrelated from one event to the other. These circular movements create upward motion yet they are interconnected and interrelated and cannot be split apart. When you did before will influence you now, and what you will do in future will influence you now as well. Statements of this kind might send you into feelings of no control over your life experiences, yet we free you from limited vision telling you that this is only an idea that is suggesting that you are influencing you in every moment of time, and that brings up the subject of responsibility for your action.
Stating to yourself a forming perceiving of where you are at, you will realize that you can no longer just move about your life without paying attention. It is an integral part of your daily life to envision where you are and where you are moving so that your now influences your tomorrow in a benevolent way.
Saying these ideas to many is not what we are here to do. We simply want you to realize that you are in your own way learning about what it is possible to become when you are working with higher consciousness and what is pushing you towards your ideal perfection of yourself.
There is a wonderful saying: Birds of a feather flock together, which suggests that such concepts are easier to integrate when you come together with like-minded individuals. Where perceptions fade in comparison with the higher truth and where ideals start rising and becoming a vision for a group to grow in consciousness and in alikeness through truth.
Integration of concepts that we spoke of relate to majority topics that many today try to channel for trying out and figuring out if these would stay and root into the understanding of Humanity. Taking steps to other conceptualization of ideas, we formed a permanent view of many that integration is a such a not an easy task to accomplish. It seems that whether you are a small child or an adult these practices leave you confused without proper guidance. Reminder for practice is also not exactly an easy way as discipline is required. Therefore, there is a large number of those channels who deliver messages and remind people about new concepts to anchor new understanding and train human mind to recognize what is helping them from the levels of higher consciousness. It is not easy to track your own progress and it requires a discipline and making effort. And knowing about this common issue, this is what we would like to express. You can help people as well as yourself by translating those ideas when they have no other means of getting to the real understanding. As you hold the higher vision of you helping, it will take you to a higher ways of communication.
7.10 Helping Yourself versus Helping Those who need guidance
Assisting others with their common issues will relate to you as well. And majority of people who you will be attracting will hold the same patterns and issues and majority will close those issues with your help as well as you will do the same. Coming as one to solve issues and taking responsibility with steps of accommodation of higher consciousness, you heal in various ways and those ways are not simple to describe rather it is an experiential time with your client whether you both realize it or not, whether you both conclude those issues of not depends on the level of openness and commitment to change in the timeframe of the channeling. Taking steps to integrate answers and yet seeing yourself as avoiding those issues cannot heal old views and openness is the loving way to see yourself leaving the situation and embracing the higher view of what this could be.
Same concludes about your relationships.When people assume things and don’t resonate on the levels of truths, such situations call for attention and resonance on the truth has to come from a higher levels of integration of the levels of truths that resonate with both.Same concerns friendships and relationships with parents and children and such.
Whether you are going to use this wisdom for your spirit communication endeavour or not we decide not, but conclude this chapter with a saying. Your way is the best way of enjoying the spirit communion and we are only here to speak and we teach you of the ways we speak so that when reading this materials, you could realize that this might be something that you will channel yourself one day and that truth might come out of your own mouth.
7.11 Simplicity over complexity within the topics
When you channel, sometimes you will perceive very simple truths that will reside as thought forms very clear and very simplistic in such a way that you can simply state those without worry. Yet, on other occasions, there are ways where you will not recognize a concept and will try to search for alternatives within your mind and might not come up with an answer. We advise that you simply take time and stop communicating until you realign and able to say what is the closest idea that comes to your mind.
7.12 Setting your Space for Channeling
Channeling comes easier when you set aside a particular time whether it be in your office or home, and you simply allow yourself to realign your thoughts and flow of thinking becomes lesser and rather patience sets in where you are in full openness state to yourself that you are willing to commune with your teachers in spirit and take a practice time with them, or a session time. When you state clearly your intents and have nothing bothering you or touching you deeply that you cannot focus, we are aligning easier and we are taking turns with you to do a similar practice to set intents and sacred space to speak with you at the highest capacity of our own being.
Those times are officially named communion in ancient scriptures. Such times that we speak of are asked for by you and they are not enforced but rather examined as practice times that you chose and regard as your personal times with your spirit teachers.
Same ideas about setting a place and maybe nice music and sometimes wonderful accessories combined with stones and crystals and soft incense and elevated statements, mantras, including a prayer for safety reasons, an hold that sacred alignment for your personal adjustment towards a successful connection to be formed.
The forms of setting a sacred space and many. We do not dwell on the idea what that means to you, but rather rely on your personal preferences and saying this, we would like to give you a general summary of the things that you need to be aware of:
Taking time to realign in your thoughts
Clearly stating intents
Safety precautions
Aligning with Spirit Teachers
Communion to Align
Ending Energy Alignment
Releasing the energies
Stopping the session
7.13 Taking effortless speaking choices
When you have language dictionary, you will see a lot of words that are not used yet they are available to you if you want to use them, yet when you channel you won’t have a dictionary available to you. That means that you have to clearly be learning topics that are of a higher nature and require your vocabulary to expand and align with your spirit teachers. Teachers will speak high level vocabulary yet if you are not familiar with the concept, you may choose a lesser impact word and that will resonate with a lesser truth. Therefore we are asking you to know that words are important and statements of choosing the options for speech shall not decrease the energetic alignment but stay at the level of truth that you both aligned.
Simple truths are easier to translate and yet we suggest that you speak allowing yourself to advance your speech with rather intricacy to see if you could choose a word that is out of the ordinary and out of the box. We would like to explain that what you choose as a dictionary of your choice to communicate our messages we feel that we can only do as much, depending on how well versed you are and those public speakers who attended workshops and spoke to the public have an ideal setup that allows for highest thoughts to be spoken and deeply resonate with multitudes of people and we want to state to you your ultimate similarity with a public speaker is that you yourself will have to speak and whether it be public or just you yourself, the words you choose create an energetic resonance that crowds can feel and relate to the concepts and choices that a speaker presents to be examined by public.
Public speakers realize how their words affect crowds and the choice of words magnifies the concepts that the put forth. Their ability to manage their speech in great confidence and great conceptualization of ideas and training for addressing multitudes of people at one time takes them to a level of understanding the needs of majority and their needs are normally based on social ideas. We recommend that you include into your studies addressing public speaking as it might help you see what is a difference when you speak to one or many and there is a big difference when you have to speak in front of the public and state such projections that people could grasp ideas at higher abstraction levels and understand you whether you speak high language or simple language is something that is a matter of choice for many won’t speak higher concepts based on their education, yet they will understand similarities in truths and relatedness to issues spoken of.
7.14 Worksheet
Read all of the content on your own
Practice connecting with the Source of All That Is
Find time to channel a message for the group
Take a few ideas about personal life and channel from higher levels of God