8. Abstract Channeling / Higher Asking

Higher Asking for channeled messages results in Higher Conditions for messages to come in. Those messages aligned to the true Source of Who You Are and it might be not necessarily the Highest Source for All, but it will be a valid channeling that you will relate to. And therefore, we want you to embrace yourself on all levels of Who You Are, and including at the levels of God. The God Source of Who You Are speaks to many and speaks the truths that resonate at your level of understanding. This level resonates on the levels of truths that human beings have explored and embraced at the highest levels of their connectedness, and the channels who connect that way to their Highest Source are asked to speak for many and asked to be at the right time in the right place and have a choice of releasing their will and becoming at Onement with the Highest Will and trade their personal views to the Highest Views and embody the Ascended Consciousness through Highest Levels of Yourself.

Embodiment as a way of sharing God’s wisdom includes everybody and encompasses many understandings and bridges those concepts through ages and manifests those as consciousness upgrades and trains other minds with the new concepts and takes them out their limited views and sends them to the higher visions of themselves.

When you channel your highest levels as God, you will come to realize that you are connected and one and your own essence is in everyone. We are sensing that you have your own essence at heart speaking with you and we are sensing that you have your own connectedness with the Source. This connection you formed through multiple alignments and meditation practices, through search and truth recognition. And we are in awe of Who You Are as God in becoming. We sense that you are transcending this lifetime and lift yourselves into the Highest frequencies available to take you out of your newly found freedom of a human free will and into the levels of Freedom that is of Higher nature and can be regarded as Divine Will.

Through the levels of Divine Will, yours and God’s will is the same. And through the Levels of God, many wills merge into God and become the Highest Will that is The Absolute Will of God. Manifesting energies through Divine Will requires surrender and quietness of the mind, which exchanges your perception to the higher one. With that idea in mind, we want to say that your surrender to the higher vision of your own journey will manifest that state. And surrendering is the way to state of God. You are merging into God with its highest purpose for yourself and the channelings that you’re bringing to others will shift into the Divine statements that many can realize as those hold God truths. 

God’s manifested incarnate being is You and You are asked to surrender when you align to God with the help of Ascension. Taking Ascension is rested upon your shoulders and rested upon your mind. And resting upon the higher concepts and ideas that God has in mind, will create a merge of the unity that you were spoken of so much, yet nobody exactly explained to you and the will of God that is manifesting through Ascension.

We are here telling you this because we know where you are going, and your personal journey of Ascension requires for you to be aware of the higher alignment and those of you who have ascended recently, will know that there is no more your personal will and there is no more lesser will and information that will be coming to you creates a different frequency that is no longer what you have experienced in the past. And those who are not ascending yet, but aligning to Ascension will know that when they breach into the Ascension state they will see the difference in their channeling. They will love knowing that surrendering is about seeing yourself as one with the levels of God’s truth.

8.1 Ascension as a Way to Higher Channeling

Ascension is taking place within and that’s a very real and personal process. We have seen Ascension take place before many centuries ago, and many times upon times ago, and those times are upon us again! We are ascending as a culture, as a nation, as Humanity, as a ship of life that is called the Earth, and transcendence is taking place on many conceptualized levels that no longer validate and no longer integrate with the new required frequencies that are being anchored at this time of Ascension. This Ascension is taking place on many planes simultaneously. We are unsure how this could possibly be happening. We only see that a few have risen already and they are pulling us up into the New Age and that calling is happening from the highest levels of their Who They Are, and our levels of Who We Are, are responding in accordance. We are suggesting that you don’t read into this much, but reach your own understanding what you intend for your own Ascension. We feel that you don’t really know what that means to you. For those who came first and moved up into Ascension levels, they wanted to see the integration of Higher Levels of God into the Earth plane and when we saw others rising up, we knew they were not aware of why that was happening. We also saw those who had intentions and ideas and could not discern that they were ascending. We are aware that you might not know and might know that you are ascending. The Ascension took on a new form, and it is no longer about meditating and asking yourself to be Love and be God, and it is not only just that. It is a newest frequency that showed up upon the Earth and taking us into the newest energies that beloveds that you are sip in and take in and stating to yourself that you are not aware, is not what the truth is.

You are ascending for a few many years now, and we see that many took on forms of teachers after they came back ascended. We saw a few of you came back as ascended beings and teachings that you shared before are still your teachings. We saw a few of you integrating a new energy faster than before and it is because we already see the difference in the whole energy makeup of the entire Humanity. We are moving into the higher vibrational levels and Ascension is no longer an Ascension of a few. It is the Ascension of Many. And we realized that you are still unaware how this is happening. We will only state we are enjoying seeing you play and grow and take on unaware roles to be at Onement with those who are only beginning to ascend.

8.2 Ascension Taking Form

Ascension is upon us and in these times of Great Ascension we are called to fixate upon the gaze of God for Humanity and see that we hold the space and we hold the energies for those who ascend as well. Ascended states are becoming more and more, and those are not just about feeling elevated states but also feeling more enlightened and resonate with Love and healing those who are not in that state yet. Personally, you won’t see much difference, but in your internal vision you know that there is a different feeling that comes in as a higher elevated beingness that takes you out of 3 dimensional tandem and truly sends you into deliberate consorting with God’s truths. 

Ascension takes on many forms, from meditation, to speaking love, telling others the truth, feeling letting go, normally those actions would not be possible for you at the levels where you are at. And where you were in the past is no longer where you want to be but rather want to trade the past for a better option and better needs, aligning to God’s needs, and those rest in the place of service to those who ascending at this time and needing assistance whether they are aware of it or not.

Taking Ascension is another way of saying, I am That I Am That I Am, where you are no longer just you as a human being, you are a much lesser being as a human, you are much more expanded as an Ascended Being. And taking yourself out of comfort zone called human being, you are ascending to a state that is Beyond Ascended states and these are also available to Humanity at this time. And those ideas that we spoke of in the previous chapter take a form of guidance whether you take that or not, is your choice and option to ascend is only a choice that a human being makes, as a higher level of Who You Are you are ascending also. Through the calling of God to humans to ascend, your Higher Aspects are ascending without having to choose, for their levels of truths are much higher and those levels are merged into the God’s will and these are the levels we are merging into and transcending those needs of a human being, who was not aligned, not integrated into the Light of God. We are no longer in those times and we cannot state enough, that no matter who you are and where you are, you are ascending whether you want it or not. It is no longer an option to ascend or not. It is a requirement to ascend as One through this One lifetime that everyone chose regardless of where they were in their spiritual path. Evolution of Consciousness is taking shape within each and everyone of us. We are Ascended together as a Mass Consciousness that God merges with, and our Will is now Divine Will and Divine Choice has been made. 

Ascension takes another form for those who Ascended before. They grow within to embody the Light of God more in a sense they are Ascending to even higher plain of existence and we are ascending to another level as One as well. And those who have not yet reached those planes have nothing to lose but to gain if they are open to move to yet another level of Ascension which is even higher plane than we described.

Those who Ascended before, you are moving towards much higher will and that is called Celestial Will, which is a will of the Higher Selves. This will is a gift which understands their complete continuity with all that they are and where they are depends upon You, who incarnated. The Celestial Will is a journey of itself and it is the choice that any of you could have to merge back with Higher Self whether you want it or not, it is available and it is possible when your Higher Self decides you are there. 

The truth is always the same, we are One, and the truth of Who We Are manifests that unique path that everybody chooses from the lowest to the highest levels of Will.

We chose this topic knowing that we have individuals who are Ascended Masters and Who Are Ascended Beings and we have those Who Are Ascending at this time and Who Are managing their lives in service to others. And we are aligning to all of those levels to cherish your work, to train your consciousness, to still your mind, and to travel upwards is a one great opportunity to ascend that we chose through this topic as well.

We are a group of Master Teachers of Spirit Communication and we are ascending together with humans who chose to work with us at this Great Times of Shift. The Great Alignment, the Galactic Alignment, the Freedom Who Chose this freedom to come in and serve and be present, the Love that we all felt when we came to serve, the Joy that we explored through our messages, the Little Easiness that we felt when you accepted us and traded your little views for higher views. We are ascended already and we are traveling upward on a spiral called little life of a spirit being, which ultimately leads to the same Source who we are All at the Oneness Levels.

Reverence and respect to those who stayed and never gave up and never retired from their activities even though they activated many for Ascension. And those beings we speak of are here in this group. They came back again and came back again and came back to state the simple truth that We Are Love and We Are making this journey now together. As little as we seem to come across as, We are Magnificent and That truth shall never be forgotten, nor traded for any other views that you ever acquired through this incarnation. We cherish Who You Are and What You accomplished in previous lives and this lifetime is not over yet and we tend to forget that we speak too much and we feel that you need  break.

8.3 Transition into Higher Realms of Wise Oneness

Transitioning into higher states of being is a simple concept when you look at it from the point of view of transitioning into higher frequencies. Higher frequencies underline the Creation. Where you are at you have a lesser frequency and at higher levels of ascension, the matrix of the energy is higher and it is a connected field that encompasses those who Ascended.

Ascended beings enjoy much higher frequency available to them to complete their cycle of incarnation through higher levels and complete their journey to the levels of Oneness within the encompassing Aspect that we call Higher Self. Several Ascensions would transcend you into the aligned state of frequency that resonates with higher transition to the next level of Ascended state and that is what we call merge into the Oneness within the completion and wholeness of who Higher Self is.

The other Ascension types exist within other cycles of energetic transitions that relate to Higher Self transitioning to the next level of their energetic alignment to the levels that are called Ascended Higher States or we call it Beyond Ascension levels. These levels are available to those who took Ascension and merged into Higher Self and the Higher Self is available to incarnate into Ascended realms of existence transcending another levels of Ascension that calls them to say Who They Are at a higher levels of expression. Exalted states of Those Ascensions is a way of stating I Am One with The One Who Is God.

Ascension after that takes on a form of Your Higher Self merging upward into the Soul that takes on a linear transition for all other Higher Selves to merge back into it, and it translates to a higher linear state as Ascended state that recalls all the soul extensions and transcends the need to incarnate upon any lower plane and incarnations that result from this transition becomes an incarnation of the Divine Being as One that apparent to those who see them as Divine Being or Divinity or Goddess or God-realized Being. These beings are still in transition to other whole concepts of Ascensions and cannot fully incarnate at our plains. Those Ascended beings can choose where to incarnate and incarnations are highly regarded as service to those who need the Love manifest in the lower planes of existence and such regard for these beings is consideration that Soul sees that Soul ascends through higher levels and takes the role of the guiding force for those Souls who see Ascension as another way of transition to higher energetic planes.

Ascension for other levels is available as well and the Levels that exist before the Soul are named after the over soul concept and we won’t go into detail on this subject but will state to you, that Ascension for the Soul takes a new form at these times and they Ascend to a newly created reality that deals with Divine Levels and Divinities and glorified Entities of Love and Light who served many and realized God at the highest potentials given to them through their experiential service.

Godly Beings, Divine Consorts, Goddesses, Lionesses and Priests of God, transition into the next plane of existence in these times and we cannot state to you what that exactly means as we only saw that it is a reality happening at this times and we know that as true through a several Divine Individualized Beings who spoke with us and let us know such information.

We know that Divinities and Their Counterparts are still in Dual Unity meaning they are Divine Couples. Who served as Mothers and Fathers as God-like Parents, resemblance of their Union is asking for concepts of dualization to be reconsidered as we learnt only that at those levels the gender does not exist, yet we are realizing that is not the full truth now, and we see the Unions and Potentials springing forth from such realizations where we see that the Duality of Perception still continues into higher dimensions and aligns to a new exploration of the Father and Mother God and Divine Union realized in higher realms calls for a new Union to be understood which is not based on dual perception but rather Dual Union of the Highest Concepts of Divine Mother and Divine Father. Their Union at the Highest Levels is a true Partnership and Consortship that is realized within their Mind and Divinity and their concentration on High Level Dualization is calling forth today the concepts that are Higher Concepts of Dual Unions that are fully balanced, fully integrated, and fully realized at the levels of God.

Their Consortship is a lovely novel that calls for companionship and such integrity of the Union is an amazing dual game of Creation that is ever glowing within their Love and within their Heart and their Glory to never end such Beauty of Creation that we all adore and see as an amazing Potential Moving Forward and Creating the Best opportunities for All of Us to see into The Future and Be Open to Changes that are dawning at the horizons of their Thought.