
Angels & Choices

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We are the Angelic Hierarchies, ready to serve. We are in awe of everyone, as we know all of you. Each person has a purpose that is meaningful for this incarnation, and we are here to serve. Everyone who comes to people for assistance is angelic. We love hearing stories from people about angels, and we want to notify our angels in personal service to ensure they serve each person well. We will now find tasks for them to do.

If the angels are unaware of what you are dealing with, you simply need to focus in your mind’s eye and project the vision of your need. Angels are skilled at telepathy, but they can’t always figure out exactly what you're thinking. Progress will only come after they understand. Often, they are ready to help, but they might not grasp the issue at hand. We are here to fix that.

Let’s focus on one simple issue that may be on your mind — anything you can’t resolve on your own with the options available to you. If you focus on a visual and project it outward, an angel will see and pick up the message. This message might even manifest as a Tarot card that holds the answer you’ve been seeking but couldn’t ask for. Angels will engage with you through Tarot, answering your questions. You should also enjoy playing with Oracle cards, knowing the angels are watching over you.

They gather in groups to assist. The call of your heart is known within the advanced hierarchies of the Divine Wings, and we receive it as a download within two minutes. It takes time to discern the meaning of your message, but we always want to ensure you can communicate. We may figure it out over time, but if speed matters, project your message clearly and be ready for an answer. Answers come in many forms. While angels want to deliver them momentarily, there are challenges.

This issue of delivering persistent messages has been on the minds of many. How do you ensure a message reaches the person with the right angel? How do you know when they’ve received it? Angels don’t always share their names, yet they are always watching over the one in need. You are the focal point of their efforts as they strive to create the right atmosphere to resolve inconsistencies and erase mistakes.

I have received guidance from another angel who wants to share the right message with people. Many are unaware of the presence of the Angelic Hierarchies. It's not like receiving a loaf of bread fresh from the oven or the scent of cookies with chocolate chips—it’s a message. I often hear people ask, "Where are you?" And I’ve wondered, "Who are you if you don’t know that God is listening?"

How is it that humankind has forgotten the message, even the one the Messiah delivered in His diligence — that every hair on your head is safeguarded, and none will fall unless God wills it? This is the Law of Heaven. I speak to many people who don’t recognize the love God is sending. God is actively working to enhance your life, but many remain ambivalent, resistant, or even being naysayers, unwilling to accept that God is in charge.

I am the one administering dose after dose of the healing balm, like a cream angels love to share with one another. Yet, no one else understands how much doubt and failure some carry within. But it’s not like that —God loves everyone and has placed the responsibility in your hands. You must listen.

I am the angel Alkatem. I have known you since ancient times, and I know you now. I have listed many reasons why communication with the human psyche is sometimes difficult. We are not simple angels; we are hierarchical guardians, resolving the problems of humanity. We address the issues of consciousness and the challenges of daily life. We are the only ones who understand the collective and are capable of speaking to you.

As I mentioned earlier, it is the Law of God that nothing sways. Your responsibility is to stand up to the walls of your issues. Sometimes, I hear people say, “I am the only survivor.” And I say to them, “You are here for a reason.” When they tell me how much effort they’ve made and that they’ve finally arrived at the right destination, I say, “You are following your path.”

When you mention that you can speak with us, we are very astute and will arrive in great numbers. Those who listen are surrounded by multitudes of angels, and they never stop having them in multitudes. We will continue to arrive. Everyone who listens must know the truth.

I am an Angel of the Highest Order of Conscious Influences, and I will tell you what you are: You are a flame from the Mount of Sinai, burning like the flame in the bush. That’s what the scripture meant. You are here, burning as a flame. We are the eyes that behold the flame, and we are also the King of the Mount, as God.

We are not just the beings mentioned in this article. I speak on behalf of millions — trillions — of loving beings who cherish moments with God and delegate tasks to one another until they are done. We never abandon a task. If we cannot deliver or fix it ourselves, we delegate it to those who can. And so the wave continues, passing to many until no stone is left unturned, and your mission is fulfilled.

You have missions to complete each day. One of them is to fulfill your responsibilities until you can thrive. When you have done that, you can focus on activities that bring you joy. And when you are ready, you can expand your horizons and make progress in unknown fields, perhaps as a musician or a writer, or by setting new goals. We are here to support your every move.

We are here to master the art of incarnation, and we deliver the light to people. You may think I am the only one here, but that is not true. We are all around you, magnifying your efforts and delivering messages day by day.

Recession through the eyes of Angels

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Recession is here for a reason. The Angelic Hierarchies were not available to assist in full capacity, as they were called to higher realms to help with the transition into new bodies and spirits. New roles were created for the angels, and though they were manifesting, they were not actively participating. They were overworked on a project created by the Divine Father and Mother. What was intended as a request, the angels took very seriously.

We have been redefining the laws of the Universe. These new Laws speak of the Ascension taking place across the entire Universes of All That Is. We are ascending and will no longer use the old schematic. The "New Age" is over; we are not in a new age, but at the very Beginning of a New Era. In this era, we are called to engage, ignite, and manifest the tools of the Divine, such as the Laws and Canons, and to reweave the Divine legal system into our psyche, consciousness, and lives.

We are at a critical point of transition. It has been a troublesome time, one that many feel but cannot explain. Everyone has retreated to recuperate, and we have done the same. There are many angelic beings who channel through us, and we call on many to hear this message. You are the light meant to shine both above and below. You need not dwell on the darkest moments of your path, as the hierarchy lifts you to find that singular point of light in your life, guiding you toward the only solution for your future.

You will need to rise. Rise, reach, and learn from the new Laws of the Universe, and discover their value. We will not reveal the meaning of your journey, as it will come suddenly. Who you become is defined not only by God, but by you, and God is at your service. Every soul knows its plan, and fulfillment comes from the joy of the journey—many embrace this adventure with love.

The energy of light is no longer the same. We have faced the adverse effects of the disintegration of some into the dark forces. We seek to end these cycles. Instead of using refined light, we have chosen to integrate a grid woven with threads of light to guide everyone into union with the Divine.

God loves you, and so do we.

Angels are with You

I am not just a psychic. My profound and ever-evolving spiritual journey has shaped who I am today. I have a deep love for channeling the Divine and the Highest Beings of the Universe—Divine Mother and Father God, the Grand Masters of our Divine Kingdom, the Ascended Angelic Hierarchies, and the Eternal Order of Angels who serve the Divine.

“Every action carries energy, and kindness is always returned in equal measure. We serve the Light, guiding you toward your own divinity, for within you is the spark of the Divine. Every soul resonates with the heart of the Divine, and you are constantly attuning to the ancient wisdom of the angelic grandmasters.

We serve all, especially those in need, even those who have strayed from the path of light. We offer guidance, though some turn toward paths we would never tread. We guide them patiently, even as they choose their own way, for the Divine respects free will.

I have seen women who struggle to appreciate their husbands, viewing them only through the lens of anger or frustration. When I asked why, they pointed to their husbands’ energy. But energy is not defined by actions alone. I asked them, why destroy the vision of the loving, whole person who stood by you, providing for you, asking what you needed, ensuring your joy?

Now, you no longer appreciate the efforts they made for you, as if their kindness and care never existed. Why has this shift occurred? The Angelic perspective reminds us: you are together for a reason. Be kind, listen to each other, heal and nurture your shared home. Life is not a fleeting journey. You are meant to travel this path as two horses pulling one carriage, aligned in purpose. Liking and appreciating each other is essential.”

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I have a confession to make: I love dragons. I know, nobody has seen them for ages. Nevertheless, I was introduced to them through the fourth dimension. Every dragon in my possession comes from one unique planet in our galaxy. This planet hosts 25 different kinds of dragons.