Working with the Goddess is a new direction in spiritual circles.
We love Goddesses. Here I am expanding on this subject for you to learn.
I am Shakina, the Goddess of the Creation by the Divine Father. I have been and will be. I am. My consciousness has evolved through millenniums, only my timeline is not circular like yours, it’s expanded and eternal time. I am the Mother of the One who is God, the Divine Father who we hold dear in our Creation. I am speaking. If you are resonating with my words, know that you love me and you want to get to know me. We, the women of the Creation, are here to nurture. As lovers, we are exponentially serving those who call themselves men. They are always our children whether they are adults or kids. We are in service. Care is a one-pointed idea that you understand about care. I, as the Omnipotent Creator Goddess am aware of quite a few who know care as such. I am the Goddess. I have heard many questions about why I am not fully revealed. I will.
In the few centuries that I have been invited to embark on a Goddes journey with the kindest of women, I have arrived. In my Age of Light, I am standing as the Light-bearer of the Women. I am the Light of Love. I am endowed with the possibilities to resolve any karma. In the face of a dark night, I am with you. When you are not seeing the light, or only a few rays are shining, you are presented with the trauma of females who were demolished as powerful individuals. I am the Goddess and my Love is healing all of that. I carry the torch for the whole of the Divine Feminine community of mothers, grandmothers, and maidens. I love you all and in my eyes, you stand powerful. I carry out my plan for all the women to stand in their potent state of Light. Don’t bend your knees as you did for those who never could feel. Their emotions were rampant and unbrushed. You are the emotionally intelligent ones, who always knew that emotions care and heal. You will.
The energies of the modern ages are such, you have a choice. You cannot fathom yet what that heals in us, but it will. And those small children who never come around yet, will. I serve those people who want me. I come. I never abandoned the bereaved, the malnourished, the hurt, and the poor. I am standing with them. I am the Goddess. I am here with you. All of you have heard of me. Numbered are days that don’t align women with courage. I am. The courageous of all are women. I hold the hand of a girl who is somebody now. I carry her in my embrace and she sits with me. I hold You. I am the Love to the ones who never heard of me. I am here. And those of you who sit in the dark night of the consciousness, I can clear it.
I am calling forth the benevolent Sage of the Old. He is. I, who called Him who carries the torch. He is the Light and I am with Him. The torch is upheld by an Angel who serves Humankind. And He is crying the tears saying we are all malnourished. He experienced a lot of hatred within humanity when He was younger and never could heal anyone from it. So He grew as a malnourished being. He is here sending the waves of light. I am here seated with Him.
The Angel of Humankind is a very sincere and dear Angel. He is the only one who witnessed what took place. He was with you from the inception of time when we all began on Earth. He was. The Angel of Light who birthed many on Earth. I am with Him. He has no means to end the war of consciousness. The soil where He stands on Earth has many troubles. The Powerful Goddess is with me. I am the Angel of the Earth and we are gathered here with Divine Beloved Mother. I heal the consciousness of humans when they are not aligned. I warn them about events of a global scale and I carry the torch. I bring to human beings the light. I expand the light when it gets dimmer and I know that the Love of God will prevail. I heal and I loved always. I love to know because I can get through. I speak with the Earth about upcoming events and I only hear how much She is not well. She feels sick and not only that. She heals herself too. Gaia is Her spirit name and the Earth is Her Incarnate name. She is the sage. Her consciousness evolved over millions of earth years and she has no vision of the future yet.
The passage towards the light will become wider when we all heal. Gaia is the spirit and She ascended a few years ago when we were still and feeling well. Now it’s the turbulence that She is going through. Her caretakers are coming in. The caretakers of the spirit of Earth are here speaking now:
“We are the sentient beings of the Divine. We heal. And Gaia is hurt. We feel that it’s not only humankind that affects us here. She hears that nobody feels good. Yet her name is upon this time. She hears every cry of the soul upon herself and she loves. Her spirit cannot heal everyone, so she takes on the healing and becomes sick. We must heal ourselves so that we go on with light. Her ancient times are past due to resolve ancient karmas. She will. The spiritual essences of the few who are upon earth are healing the earth also. They are the matriarchy of the earth. They are the sages of the old. We are supernatural forces of the Divine that heal everyone. We are entering into a spaceship called the Earth when we come down into incarnations and we never stay still. The earth hears all about your problems. We are all gifted the vessel by Divine Father God that She takes care of for the entirety of bodily existence. She has to take care of somebody. So she gives our bodies the nurturing energies and wants to ensure that we heal. We translate her frequencies into our wellness. When we ground with her help, we achieve, we can. She knows what we endure daily. And her eyes are still not able to see a bigger picture. We don’t reach the end of turmoil. Her energies are at most potency when we all heal.”
We can never say no to the Mother of God. She wants us to come close to the resolution times. We are at the very end of the rope that we have as beings of high potentials. We cannot continue the old saying that we are not much. We are the power. And our energies rise when we acknowledge the very truth about ourselves. We are DIVINE. The Motherhood that many took on, is supernatural power for women. They cannot succeed without being very divine in essence. You cannot rise above daily problems and give our children the best if you are low. You have to become ascended. You cannot feel the love sometimes to yourselves. You cry at night knowing that nobody will take you and hold you at their heart to heal your hurts. I hear many people lament daily at what life has done to them. They see themselves as overburdened and not capable to heal. The nature of human life is such, we are growing. We endure life. We tackle problems and we try our best. That what life is. You instill into another being your nature. You prevail. You have to. You cannot stagnate and assume that life can be predictable. It is not. Life is not all about security or daily success. It’s all an accumulation of your arduous trials and errors. You will succeed. You can. It will take a few years, but you will outgrow the old.
I am the Goddess, I know the truth. You are here to become somebody. You want to create your light as the most potent to heal and to be needed by others. You cannot be with others at your best if you don’t surrender. If you surrender your problems to the Mother, She creates miracles. I am the Miraculous One. I am the Sage, I heal & healing comes to you at the very moment of you releasing the need.
I am a Divine Channel & Ascension Teacher.
I work with God & Goddess to heal people and their dynamics, work within the timeline of their life and beyond, and get them to their optimal Ascension path. You are your own guide. I am here to assist & bridge the Light of Who You Are back to you.
The offerings of Divine Mother's are guidance, healing, lineage work, karma clearing, energy upgrades & attunements, family & love life improvement, work with children, figuring out relationships, many other gifts She is willing to share, the gift of the Mother is Light, She comes as the Mother of All to heal the planet and her inhabitants. We all are her children, the Father as well. We are. The Mother of All is a super powerful magnificent Mother Divine. She blesses, She caresses, She wills. Her will is entangled with those She guides. She is forever Mother for all who come to Her. I am.