Love Divine I AM
We are complete and whole, nothing separates me from love. The Law of Magnificence revealed.
Love is important. Who are you without it? I am LOVE, you say, and what does that mean? Light comes down in meditation, it’s not just light. It’s love. The Light of Divine is the transcendence of Light and is called Love.
Love is… What does that mean? You are the expansion when you get adorned by love. You look amazing. You feel amazing. Those around you also feel and gravitate to you. It’s the law of attraction. What you vibrate, you create. You co-create with Divine Love if you are achieving the state of Divine within your psyche. The state of consciousness is the next level that comes once you feel love. You cannot understand it yet if you never felt divine. The law of attraction dictates you are what you vibrate. Imagine yourself vibrate higher. You are LOVE. If you are vibrationally attractive, your vibration is the best friend to yourself. Love as you is important. You can only think of self-love when you think this way, but it’s not what I am saying. Self-love is only a beginning. It’s not the complete truth. Self-love is a growth opportunity.
Love is the best option if you know your gist. If you know that love undoes and clears karmas, it does. It also clears every option for someone who is not aligned with you. Going to those people who are not aligned with you is almost like, punishing yourself. You have to twist yourself into a knot to even sit next to them. When you are not loving, you are false. It’s in divine terms false. The false identities come in, the shadow selves, the lows of the psyche, and the lessened ideals.
Lessons learned in life and there for a reason. They come all of a sudden as a tornado. You only scream for help. The situations like that do not engage love in you. You are in fear. The outcomes of being in fear are sad. You can never reach for that boat to take off from the shore, you can never find solutions when someone is screaming at you. You cannot believe what others say to you. And you cannot be with someone who is less than you. You feel you have to pack up and go. You feel you need your level. You feel you are about to embark on a grand adventure and they are holding you down. The psychosis of modern time is such, we are all deprived of love. Whether you have partners or parents, it’s all the same. You are lacking. They have gotten where they did and you got yourself where you are now, and you don’t even see how to get up and go. The real day to day struggles outgrows the need to love.
Those who seem to love, they truly try. Every day they get up and remind themselves, they are okay, they tried to be negative, it did not work. They tried to master their consciousness, it was a wrong path. They tried to master healing arts, and it got them someplace, and eventually, it all collapsed.
The work of art is your consciousness. You are the best you can be at any present moment. You do what you do because you don’t know well how to love. If you were one head taller in spirituality, you would understand what I mean. The light of One in all of us thrives day by day regardless of circumstances. God lives in all of us in daily lives and continues on to do so. The love that you squeeze for yourself day by day remains. Whatever it takes, if you continue on loving, you will grow.
Life is not a battlefield. If you ever wondered why so many individuals are hurt by the small stuff. They are simply not seeing a better picture. They are negative. They only feel. Their triggers are at maximum and you as is are struggling already, and if they are driving the car and slamming on the breaks in front of you, it clears the air… your voice… It is simple, life is all about a conscientious attitude, you have to mind others. They cannot take your hand to drive together in peace and you lament too much why they do what they did, and eventually, the charge subsides. You feel relieved. Was it the right path?
The path to love is to never get triggers with anyone. You have to stay cool. You cannot show you are in any trouble at all when they scream and you cannot show them what you feel. That is how people solve it… And when you do scream back, everybody thinks bad about you. Why is that? God hears every cry and when you stop shouting, God wonders, why did you need this? You only need to tell them to stop driving like this and be mindful. You cannot go more with this on them, they will scream back. And you have to apologize after they never resonated with your comments. In your day to day life, love gets subdued. You cannot fixate upon the love that you never showed. You have to have love. Divine Laws expel from people those traits that are not of love. If you continue on with screaming, someone will teach you a lesson.
God loves the attitude that is righteous, if you feel you are right and you are only trying to set the tone to fix the problem, He is with you. Fixing the problem is a must. If you see someone doing a wrong deal to someone else, you stop them. If you are walking and seeing someone being bullied, stop it. If you see someone taking down an elder person, stop it. You have to know your battles.
If you are not aligned to speaking about your issues with anyone, it’s okay. God knows them. Take your journal and write down every thought you are having. They are normally screaming about what went wrong. You are doing this, I am trying that.. and so on. These little screaming thoughts are all to do with your problem. You cannot fix them. You can only fix yourself.
If you are loving in someone some trait, know that you are working towards it. Loving traits in others are the work of art. They worked on themselves and cleared their karmas. When karmas go, love steps in. Love is the only lesson. Whenever you are in despair, your love goes. Despair is a sign of lack of love, it also pushes away all of your connections. Nobody can get through. You will lose temper, you will lose your manners, and you will lose someone close. Desperate people are self-destructive. They connect to the energy that can overthrow light. They simply create from the lowest point of vision.
Lesson learned. Don’t despair, stay connected to your light in your soul. The love that you feel and fixate upon will multiply. You will accumulate yourself into a loving ball of energy that clears karmas. You will become an outstanding creator. You will outgrow pull and push dynamics, and you will thrive throughout.
The Law of the Universe that governs love as you is the Law of Magnificence. This Law clears karmas. When you step into love in dire circumstances, you co-create with God. You abandon those dynamics that have hurt many in your lineage. You step outside of the vicious circle and you clear their karmas also. Your love clears bad karma. Karmic laws cannot step into your path after that. You clear all of the abundance issues by staying loving and clearing the energies of your soul will step in.
Levels of God are numerous. Energies clear you if you request. When you see yourself as love, some Angel will fly to you and it will clear the effects of no love. I heal daily, if you say it through Love, it will heal you. Those people who never heal, it’s not because they cannot heal, they don’t love.
You are magnificent, and you are love, you never align to less if you desire that. You can stick to your daily routine of remembering yourself. It will boost your love internally and will bridge into horizons you never saw before. If you are in any type of problem, use your loving state and raise your conscientious thoughts about how you will fix it. If you focus on the positives, the lack is solved immediately, you will assist yourself any moment by fixation. Love is the best option to fixate upon.
Love will seek you if you seek love. I AM.
I am
a Divine Channel & Ascension Teacher.
I work with God & Goddess to heal people and their dynamics, work within the timeline of their life and beyond, and get them to their optimal Ascension path. You are your own guide. I am here to assist & bridge the Light of Who You Are back to you.
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