I am transcendence
I will take myself today higher & co-create with God my transcendence. I transcend every possible issue. I transcend my lower vision, I transcend into the new becoming. I.
Transcendence is an old concept. At times we face in our lives those moments where we think we cannot overcome a problem, or become more than we are… When those moments come, you are ready… Ready to transcend yourself and the states you are in. These precious moments are calls from God. They are the moments when you pause and think that you have arrived, and what’s new is there for you. Your arrival is only a moment and that moment lasts… You will remember it. The moment of pause in your incarnation is a moment that you need to watch for. It’s very important. It’s the call. It’s a call from Divine.
When you are ready to co-create with Divine and have a moment like that, know that you’ve been waiting for someone or something to change your life and bring you to your next level of evolution. Transcending those moments is not what we are writing here about. It’s all to do with your evolution. There are varied times when you feel this moment. One of them is when you are faced with insurmountable problems. Another one is when you are done with a chapter in your life. These are totally different moments. The first one is the harshest idea of all. When you are in your dire time facing the issues and problems are so hard, you think you are not going to make it, you will transcend that moment. The moment is the last call. You know it! Such moments are difficult not to remember. You are reaching your bottom and you are so face down on the floor, not sure where to go next, and what will save you. Transcending those moments is the best because you will translate that experience into power. You are the best love of your life and you are the best. You know it. If you choose to overcome and outgrow the issue, the payback is the best. You will. Those moments then become a turning point. You are no longer at the mercy of the issue. You face it.
Aligning yourself to the best outcomes in life leads you to explore the paths never taken. You will. Someplace somewhere you are becoming the best you can be. The best you will be if you continue on. You know that. You are pausing to see where you are at, and you are wondering, if this is it, if I reached the top, if I am already there. I am the best I can be for myself and I guide myself where I want to go and the way I want to grow. This power that you hold through a positive mind will take you on the wings of victory into the new. The new sunrise. It will come to closure one day. You know that too. When is that?
Transcending the issue of life is what we are here to learn. Life is all about trying. When you stop for a moment, this pause is your call to evaluate. Is that all you want to do? Is there more for you to see? Do you want more?
Whenever you want to continue on with learning, God is listening. Growing spiritually is one direction. Growing exponentially is another. Transcending all is a totally new subject. Leveling up in life does not constitute your wellness. It does not mean you are healthy. You might have achieved in life, and taking care of yourself is an issue. You will see that. Life is the cornerstone of existence. You cannot quit life. Your life is a precious moment. Your integration into life is a moment. Everything becomes a long stream of events. The holographic idea of your life is in God’s Mind. It’s only a moment. It is…
God’s Light outlasts every moment…
Spiritual subjects are many, we hold our vision on Divine to continue on into the abysm of not seeing… We cannot see if we think only. We have to start walking. The walk to the Divine is not a subject of this article. The transcendence is… When you are faced with dire circumstances, you call on God. You think you are already there, yet nothing is working. You will ask God why…
Divine Laws of Universe… They align with regulations of life. Life is an embodiment of spirit, it’s life, God has no meaning to it if you stay closed. Life is all to do with the Divine. It’s a mysterious matter. You are a part of the mystery called life. A few years ago I was just a person. Today I am the embodiment of Divine. I worked on myself to transcend all of the issues. I saw that I could with God. Divine Laws only help when you are doing well. If you are going down for any reason and transcending a problem becomes impossible, you can reach for the end of the rope and not see the time of the day. I was there… God has no meaning to life, until you say, please… What is the road?
God smiles when He hears about pleas… They all begin with… I am struggling, I have an issue, I am not able to do this… and I don’t know what to do any more… It’s the same for everyone. It’s a matter of time when you start preaching it if you did not yet. Life is one of the harshest ideas. You can try to avoid questions of light and dark, you can stay working and not quit your jobs, you can trust your gut all the time and you can grow yourself into a magnificent person. It’s only a matter of time when you swerve and end up off-road… It’s only a few moments for you, and it’s only a moment for God.
Divine in God speaks to all of us. God never quits anyone. If you are on the path of enlightenment, you will read this article. Growing into a guru is another topic that I want to expand on here. Gurus are self-grown. Nobody creates a guru in the skies. They all claim I am a knowledgeable one. It’s because they are only a few steps ahead of you. The truth about is, you are the guru of your life. Co-creation with gurus are magnificent if they are advanced and love. If they are not aligned, you won’t either. You have to discern and grow the big protection around you because they fail sometimes too. You are the malevolent one if you think I am not discerning, you say. I just say. I know you. Those of you who go to gurus, they are good for a while. You are your own light-bearer, and your own truth carrier and you are the love for yourself.
The ages of the old have passed. We are upon the New Age. The Golden Age is right after. We are birthing the new ideology and the New. The Age of Pisces has accomplished one part of your psyche, it’s the cause. The cause of who you are. You are Divine and your benevolent master Jesus has claimed that He was Divine. So here we are, after over 2000 years, speaking in tongues… The Christians of the modern days have found Jesus. The Moslems have found a new direction to wind down. The hibrus are thinking. The old nation of China has many Gods, they are still present. Russian empire has never been so much induced by all of the false prophets as now. They are failing. In the aboregeans communities of Southern Africa, the very South of Mozambique, we see a few tribes, they are enlightened. These beings never know about technology. They are God.
It comes down to the same, it does not matter what you did or will do. Divine Force is in all of us, be it Africa, or America. Anywhere on this planet, divine force is not dreaming, it’s springing, it’s coming into one area of the country where we are. We will get there as Mass consciousness. We are on the way… Don’t dream those dreams told you by others, dream your own dreams. Co-create. I am.
I am
a Divine Channel & Ascension Teacher.
I work with God & Goddess to heal people and their dynamics, work within the timeline of their life and beyond, and get them to their optimal Ascension path. You are your own guide. I am here to assist & bridge the Light of Who You Are back to you.
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