17. Meeting Your Guide & Guardian Angel

17.1 Who is Around You

There are a number of guides who surround you daily and these can be simply Angels and Masters who assist you in your daily activities, as well as Angelic beings who come to support you when you require help.

Your primary invisible friends are your Guardian Angel & you can have more Guardian Angels depending on what you came with as your life purpose. Sometimes it is a requirement for some people to incarnate with multiple Guardian Angels because they need extra attention. These people are mostly the ones who chose incarnations to assist Humanity and took on larger roles. Discernment about Angels is easy to figure out. Usually, Angels are loving and it feels good when they are around. Discernment here is not required. 

Your primary spirit guide is someone who assists you from birth. This spirit being is someone who you usually aware of too and even can feel their presence around you, but you cannot exactly know what they are or how they assist you unless you discern who is around you. Angels are not difficult to discern. As for spirit guides, it is a little more complex. They are benevolent beings and also carry high frequencies, and they intend well for you and your life. Regardless of that, they are still human or taught to be humanized and can have their own opinions and ideas which at times won’t resonate with you. This is what helps to discern who is your spirit guide. 

When you communicate in your head with someone who is meaning well but comes across as asking too much and even pushy, or sometimes telling you what to do, that can be your spirit guide. They are very similar to human beings. And they won’t back down when they have to speak with you and need to bring across their information. They are well-meaning and only care for you to fulfill what you intend for yourself. They will allow you to figure things out on your own too and even will let you guide yourself, but in certain situations when your wellbeing and life is concerned, they will step in and insist on you listening and doing as they ask.

Their mission and purpose is to stay around and keep you on your path. They are responsible for your life purpose and need to have your full attention and recognition of who they are. Spirit guides are usually felt like a relative, someone who cares, but also can tell you what is necessary to know regardless of how that feels.

Beings of Light and Ascended Masters feel like expansion of light and love around you. These are easy to discern and Archangels also carry a special quality that you might feel about them, but they also have high energy and beautiful auric fields. You will feel safe with them.

At times there are entities who come by and are not well meaning and these can be so called entities who vary in nature and we won’t cover them here much. Some can come to you for help and these are discarnate people who died and did not cross over. They are usually felt as various types of energy, can be low too. And you might feel a sense of invaded space when they are around, and they sometimes talk a lot and you might feel overwhelmed and not aware and feel off. 

Majority of beings who come by are Angels and you shall not be scared about discarnate people. You can simply ask Archangel Michael and his legions of Blue Lightning or Warrior Protection Angels to come and take these human beings into the Light. It is a simple request and you simply state, Archangel Michael & Angels of Protection, please take a discarnate being around me to the Light.

Besides that, we also deal at times with entities whose intents are malicious and that is not to scare you because it’s simply a lower frequency and their intents are also very primitive. They survive off of negative energies produced by humans and for that reason they might tell a person something not so good and a person could sense their intent regardless and might even hear, and will produce a fearful reaction which proceeds in releasing the energy to them that they need. These are not always demonic. They can be simply attachments that like little blobs of energy that are low in frequency. And sometimes these are etheric parasites that exist in lower dimension close to where you are. And they only want to feed and that’s the only purpose of their existence. Surround yourself with white light when you feel icky or not feeling good. The energy of white light dispels negativity and pushes them away. When you created a white light bubble around you, you can simply sit and create a powerful surge of positive emotion and allow that emotion to rise and create a vortex through the core of your body and that resonance will completely clear your space.

If for any reason you don’t feel good and sense that something or someone is around you. Or you simply feel a negative emotion which exists for no apparent reason, we suggest that you learn how to clear your surroundings and help yourself. 

16. Conducting Spirit Communication Sessions

Just before starting the session with a client, you will need to set the space, and clear energies in the room where you hold sessions. Clients bring various energies that may linger and stay behind. These can be entities, energies, and simply bad emotional imprints. Often clients react to the information they are hearing and that may come as overwhelming emotional response that is highly charged and leaves behind an energy imprint. When people hold such strong emotions buried, once they resurface, they get dumped right in there and you are the one who has to deal with those energies after. Energetically, these vibrations neither bad nor good but emotionally they are highly potent and they clutch onto people who pass by or stand in those places. Therefore, every once in a while you have to attend to clearing these places and train yourself to do this work often. Regular clearing of the premises will create an amazing healing for those who come and after the session you won’t need to clear for long also.

When you are in a good state of being, you are very capable to give a reading and it is highly valuable to go outside and breath fresh air just before another session. Taking time to breath is essential when you are dealing with situations of emotional reactivity and you need to disconnect from the session and the person. 

16.1 Exercise for Setting the Space

We ask everybody to release your ideas about how sessions need to be conducted. You have probably seen psychics and other spirit communicators. These people have their own ways of delivering messages. The ways they acquire are usually dictated by old school of thought which is based on rituals, prayers and incenses, and other tools needed to set the space and use old communication ways. In our school, we release the need to follow the old, and we would like to ask you, what do you want to create as a setting for your session. 

In this exercise, we will ask you to state to me, what do you consider doing to create a safe space, ground yourself, and invite spirits, and how you feel is the right way to conduct a session. We suggest after our own way which we consider works the best when we work with spirit communicators.

16.2 Our suggestion for Setting the Space

Take now time to feel more relaxed, and we ask that you set your intent on bringing in the highest energies about you. And we also suggest that you start aligning your thoughts to the highest ways and grounding them into peace and love and clarity. Take a moment to align. See yourself resolving all internal issues that do not contribute to the session. 

When you are allowing yourself to release energies, ask your team in etheric realm to clear you. You can ask for an Angel, or Archangel, and other beings of Light to clear away those thoughtforms, energies, emotions and other feelings that are not of highest and best for the session.

After clearing, we suggest that you take your time to bring in the healing energies for the session. And we suggest that you ask your team to bring in the right energies. You can only ask that the highest and best energies for this client will be present to them and you during the session.

There are a few ideas that we would like to suggest that refer to the highest energies. These can be Angels, Your own Guardian Angel, and your Spirit Guide, and an Ascended Master, Divinities etc. When you realign yourself after the session, simply ask that same beings come by again and clear you and the room from those stagnant energies. 

From this moment on, we are setting the space for the session and we won’t go into session idea just yet. 

16.3 Exercise for Advanced Sessions

Take a few moments before the session to figure out who is available from your team and your clients’ team to speak with you. Your team is usually fully present to serve those who come. And for the client, it depends. At times you will have their Angelic guides to be around, and at times you will have their spirit guides there, and sometimes you will see Ascended Masters with them, and a few times there might be some relative who crossed over. And when you give a reading to the person, make them aware of who the message is coming from. It is relevant because they won’t know the difference. And every being has their own information and opinion and it comes from their level where they are at. They don’t feel the difference, and you need to simply say that this information is coming from this particular being. And when they are aware, they won’t doubt once you give them a small confirmation and they will tell their person a few details which will create a confirmation for them. 

At times there won’t be enough beings and a few times there will be more than one being. That will direct the entire session into a particular flow. And when you have too few beings, simply ask the Highest Source that is them, and invite their Higher Self. You can also ask them if they have a particular Guru or Deity that they work with to give this information. And you can also ask their Guardian, Angel. And if neither resonates for the session, you can directly go to God and ask God about information. In cases like that, know that it’s a high-level being coming in, and you will need to be open-minded as they tell what they see and can see the future too.

At times, information is required from ETs and those are also available to speak with. If you have an ET on your team, then simply use telepathy for communication. 

16.4 Spirit Communication Training

You can allow yourself to be trained in spirit communication and too time dedicated to this won’t yield results. It takes a lot of practice and noticing differences and paying attention and developing focus and awareness. From this point on, you have the information and knowing how to do this. And we won’t discuss much at this time as we realize that this is only a beginner class. We won’t give any new information after this class and we simply will practice on advancing current techniques.

We are Spirit Communication Teachers who ask of you to give us feedback on what you feel you have not understood from the classes and wish you could have touched upon more. And we can speak on those misunderstood concepts and subjects, as well as practice more.

16.5 Information about Next Steps 

We have contacted you in your dream states to figure out what your direction and next steps are. And we saw that many of you have clarity about this idea. The realization about your needs is important for us to form new classes in the future and see where we have missed out on.

We have cleared a lot of feedback through your teacher, she always commented on her perception of the information. And we have ideas what she feels we have not covered fully also. Due to the time issue for many, we discussed a possibility of practicums, where we get together from time to time for a few hours to focus on a particular idea and see where we can improve on it and give you more information.

We ask that you provide a written feedback and email that to your teacher as your last homework and we will be fully open-minded about whatever comes to your mind. We suggest that you don’t hesitate about delivering your feedback, as we don’t care for good or bad, and rather open-minded we are to hear you out and knowing where we could improve.

You have the course contents at your disposal, please take time to read and fill in the gaps in your understanding and we won’t take time on re-reading these in practicums, we simply will find subjects from the course and cover those as practicums. If you would like personal training on a particular idea of spirit communication, we are ready to assist and set one on one sessions to develop the skills that you want.  

Take time to practice without classes. You will find out what is still missing. Please email your teacher and let us know what else you haven’t learned or covered in class. 

We want you to have a safe journey in spirit communication. We would love to see you again and we want you to grow and enjoy what we are offering. So, please take time to practice, create practicums and let us know when you are available.

16.6 List of Angelic Beings Who Assist in Spirit Communication

Archangel Ariel - to clear the space

Angel Saliel - to speak the words of Love

Archangel Saroniel - to set protection 

Archangel Tariel - to set open channel (for channeling)

Angel Toriel - to speak high-level love

Archangel Kasel - to do solo channeling

Archangel Utate - solo channeling where nobody channels to you, but rather you channel yourself

Archangel Staliel - Angel, who speaks divine language / divine word through you

15. Creative Spirit Readings

There are a log of new ways to speak with spirit and we are gathered here to ensure that we understand who we are speaking with and why. When we are giving readings to others from spirit realms, we need to make sure we know who we are speaking with. And this may come as a surprise that not all spirit messages hold true and are valid. And therefore, testing connection, setting the space, making sure that you are speaking with the right being, and delivering high-level information are important. We are very aware that this activity borders with danger if not done appropriately. And when we speak about setting the space, we need to simply only have safety precautions taken before any communication begins.

Right now we are going to practice setting the space and allowing for safe communication. This space is easy to set. All of you have received chapters on safety and making sure that the place where you give your readings is properly cleared. You can request a special presence of Archangel Michael to be with you during your reading. And you can ensure that you have your beloved Spirit Guide attending as well. You can also have extra assistance such as benevolent ETs to ensure interdimensional safety. Some of people burn incense to set the space or invite special beings to help them achieve higher states of consciousness. During the reading these companions hold the safety for you and you no longer at risk.

15.1 Setting the Space for a Reading

Right now we are going to do an exercise and see how you prefer to set the space for your reading, and we want you to speak about it and gain our insights if that’s appropriate or needed.

15.2 Exercise for Giving a Creative Reading for a Client

We ask that you split into pairs and we will choose a medium and a client. Those who are mediums, we are asking you to set your space right now. And those who are clients, we ask that you come up with a question that your invisible team could answer.

Now, we will switch, and those who were mediums become clients, and clients become mediums.

15.3 Creative Readings

When people read others, some of them use psychic information and it can give you impressions of where people are. These impressions are valuable to discern what is going on with your client and when these impressions are strong, you will know what is best to do and what reading is best to give.

Some people come with entities attached to them. We have given you information about clearing with Archangel Michael and Angels of Blue Lightning. These Angels can take out spirits and entities, and they can seal the client from you being affected by them. If you sense an entity in someone, it is a clear sign for you needing to protect yourself. That’s where you have to use your best judgement who is speaking with you and not fall into the perception or thinking that information is of the highest light. When information starts becoming negative or unpleasant to hear and your client starts reacting or crying, and you can sense, there is an energy that is clearly negative, that’s a clear sign, you are undermined on communication and have to take immediate measures.

Those of you who worked with spirit in the past, you are aware of such cases, and you felt and knew when information came in and it was bad, and it was unkind to the person in front of you. That happens. Yet, you are the one in control seat and you can stop communication immediately and address the problem right there. Simply call on Archangel Michael to protect communication immediately and ask them to remove entities around you and your client.

When you are channeling and information doesn’t go well, and you translate something that bothers your client, you have to ask why this is happening. You will know that everybody in spirit has an opinion, and you have to mention to your client right there, it is just an opinion, you don’t have to rely on it or take it and you can always offer to speak with another spirit being to get a better perspective. Now, when opinion is voiced it is just an opinion. Spirits are like people, have their own views, and they have good intentions, yet those are their intentions for your client, and you can ask for advice from them, yet you are responsible to a client to ensure that they don’t get a wrong impression by taking advice fully and letting go of their own intents. Spirit is not always right. It is just a different perspective.

When others have issues with your reading and they don’t resonate, do not let them control the reading. They might have options to choose another reading with someone else, and you can state to them clearly that you are only a medium, it is not you who is speaking and if they feel that messages were not good enough, they are free to go and choose another medium.

And when you have someone who had a great reading with you, yet they go and feel the reading was not the best, it is up to them what they want to do with that reading. You are not responsible for their feelings.

When reading is done, you need to simply speak for yourself after and tell them that you are no longer channeling spirit and information is coming from you. Because people get confused and they cannot discern when you channel information and when you speak for yourself.

Taking time to clear yourself after the reading is important as well. You speak with the spirit you don’t know who they are, and they carry their own images, information, and energies. These are not yours and they might stay in your field after the reading and be taking the form of their emotions and feelings and that energy is no longer needed for you. Just ask your spirit guides and Angels to clear you.

14. Spirit Communication Exercises

14.1 Exercise for practice with Internal Ear

We spoke of this ability at the very beginning. Internal ear is a part of the spirit body and it integrated at your birth into the physical. Which means that you are fully capable to hear spirit using this channel and translate it with ease into the language of your choosing. Internal ear is a part of the physical body now, and everybody has it fully tuned up and ready to be used. Almost everyone hears spirit this way. And it is not a channeling high level capability that we have been using up until now, yet, when you cannot go into special Ascended, or Elevated state of Consciousness, or don’t have the time to prepare for channeling and align in proper manner, this ability is readily available and is fully capable to carry out a simple task of spirit communication when you want a message to be immediate and fast and just need to maybe simple check in with your spirit guide, or some relative in spirit, or an Angel. This internal ear is a way of fast, quick and easy communication that we want you to practice with to really learn how to discern also who is talking, and where the messages are coming from, and why you have certain thoughts in your head.

We will ask Spirit Communication Teachers, Your Spirit Guides and Your Assisting Angels to be ready. And we don’t want to tell you who will be speaking. We want you to discern and tell us, who you think was speaking. And messages will be easy and not complex. You will need to simply go into a silent state and simply feel like you have dialed in and waiting on the phone line. Let them come close to you now. And you can close your eyes if you wish, and you don’t have to. Simply stay silent, not thoughts, and let them speak, and let those thoughts form in your mind. And you stay tuned into them and receive. The message won’t be long. And we will practice a few times, until we see you discerning who is speaking.

14.2 Providing information from their own Spirit Guides

This is the exercise where we will be taking turns to kindly providing information from their own spirit guide to each other. And this exercise will be done in pairs. Please choose your partner and you don’t need to have a question in mind. Your teachers, spirit guides and Angels have messages for you. 

We now ask the medium to be chosen between the two. And we ask the spirit being who assists your client to come close to you. We are asking them not to give messages just yet. We simple want them to tune in and test your internal ear. And if they cannot feel that you hear, we want them to let us know right away, so that we can work on attuning those who need help!

[help out those whose spirit helpers required attunement for]

For those who are ready, we are asking that you simply stay silent, no thinking, and tuned to pick up communication. Just know that you are receiving information, and speak it right away to the client in front of you. This is exactly how you can do readings for other people with their own invisible teams.

[now switch client and medium roles]

14.3 Meditation for Ascended / Enlightened / Elevated State of Being

Now, we are asking that all of you go into the meditative state of being. You have information on that in your print outs how to achieve that state, and I simply will ask you to call on your Ascended State right now… And I won’t go into details how to achieve that because you already know how to get there. Simply command that state right now. Please release all the need to feel, think and go outside of yourself. Make sure you are fully present within, and that feeling of you being only one who is God, is what will command that state to come into being.

Now, that you have achieved that state, simply stay in it, and let it take you to even higher state that feels like you know everything, and your mind is illumined. And that state will create an expansion in the higher levels of the crown, you will see that your crown might extend higher and become one Higher Consciousness. It is the crown of wisdom and knowledge, with many petals opening up and illuminating your mind.

And now, as you combined both states, just let this blend and merge into one state of being… This state is allowing you to feel as One with God, and experience complete state of knowing at the highest capacity of wisdom and knowledge. This state is what Buddha has experienced in his endeavor of Enlightenment. This Divine State signifies the shift into the Highest State of Consciousness which borders with another state that is beginning to sink in called Elevated State of Consciousness.

And now that you are in that state, see yourself as wise, as love, as light and as complete. Know that you have that capacity to channel yourself at your highest and best, and become your own guide and teacher. This state frees you from the need to channel and brings you closer to understanding of what Divine Knowing is. 

14.4 Exercise for Ascended Channeling for Yourself

And as we are in this Divine state of being right now, we are going to ask everybody to channel what will come to their mind. It is not necessary to ask a question, it can be simply a statement, Divine knowledge, information that you need, or messages to everyone.

And we now we go from one to one, asking for those messages to be spoken aloud, and delivered in oral fashion.

13. Channeling Present Days Information

When we speak about modern days, there is so much happening which is very hard to follow and speak about. The information itself is misused and chronologically, it is very hard to integrate all the events that take place within human lives. Taking time to process and fixate upon higher states of Love and Light are a necessity that many don’t recognize as they chase about their day and run into opposing forces within incarnation and necessity to take time aside and focus upon what is necessary and what is calling you within, is a very own private matter which is an internal and integral need of your spirit being. It is the cause and the source of your well-being and part of your Ascension, and such practice is your immediate and most important need.

What is happening within incarnation is that millions of humans are taking time with things that are lesser in importance, yet they occupy the most of your incarnational time, and that’s where the illusion drops and the veil appears where you no longer recognize the need of the soul that inhabits the body to move into the Light and practice doing it from the lowest physical levels where you are at. Such progression into the physical matter led to the abandonment of many practices that are reviving the spirit and giving birth to your own essence that needs to be fed and nourished by the Greater Light to grow and transform into the ascendence and transcendence of the very deep matter that it incarnated into. 

Letting go and letting God in is what will heal your spirit and transform you into an emerging soul that is ready to take the next step in your evolution towards Enlightenment and other Higher states of being that lead you into much higher realities that exist and transcend lower reincarnational cycles. These realities of existence embrace higher reincarnational cycles and rebirthing is not needed, where you take on a body of a lower vibrational density yet you don’t get reborn and that’s where it differs from the current reality of 3D. 

Vibrational frequencies separate dimensions and higher dimensional existences are ascending as well at a much rapid pace. And catching up is the game that we are all playing until we all can move to a level of existence where we all unite with One who is our Ultimate Source and the Father. 

The need for transcendence of the lower frequency resides within the spirit psyche, and each of you is a spirit having a human experience. Such beauty You are.., yet not fully aware and requiring such information to be given to you to be reminded. For there is no other means and way to get through the veil as to channel such information and allow ourselves to bring these messages to those who are willing to hear and accept the truth that you are a few, yet a great part of Humanity that is ready to embrace the very close and similar to Ascension feeling which is pulling you up, the need, the goal, the very feeling and the purpose of taking time to speak with us.

Speaking with a few of you revealed a much higher truth to us, that we are in the right way of leadership, offering our best help and advice, mentioning a few of us, we are hopeful that we can and capable to assist during such times and deliver the very messages that Humanity needs and hopes for as it is hard to change without knowing what to change. And it is hard to move in the dark, when veil is so close and yet there is no veil at all. We are in the spirit realms yet having bodily separation and human self is getting worn out through daily activities and spirit self is remembering what the true purpose of incarnation was. And we are with you walking beside you, and taking your hand and showing you the way. 

We hope that we are aligning to those who are willing to listen and speak with us. And we are stating this because we are willing to work with you and we only want to assist and share information for we come from behind the veil. The very word “veil” is similar to the word “blindfolded”, or “blindness”, and we are fully aware from our levels that you are blinded, and not capable to discern for yourself with so much surrounding noise and barriers and bodies where human drama takes over your life. And those of you who manage, are realizing, that it is not what their spirit wants, it is not what they are here for, and it is not where you want to be. Many are reaching this state of understanding and hopefully we are the ones who you turn to, and reach for our hand. Even though blindfolded, we are grabbing your hand and leading you forward. No need to doubt, no need to feel you are abandoned or alone. 

We are assisting and needing only your permission to be by your side. We cherish those moments that you gift us with, for we are healing that part of ourselves through you by filling ourselves with hopes for Human Consciousness and Ascension that has been proclaimed and is turning into a full speed motion... We feel that many of you are getting loose bolts and screws and cannot keep up with the speed of Light that consciousness is moving at. We are understanding what challenges you are dealing with daily. And we are seeing that many do what they can and not what they want. And hearing from a few of you that you are healing yourselves, doing clearing work, taking time to work through things together, attending classes, workshops and other spiritual activities, we see the need. We feel we are in the right spot to bring you to that well of knowledge and healing that you can drink from to sooth your thirst for the greater knowing of Who You Are in becoming. 

We feel it is helpful to remind you that we are unified, ever transforming, ever loving, celebrating God, magnifying light, brindging into the very essence of Higher Self conscious beings who came down to interact with others in the most separate ways available to find a very simple truth that separation is nothing more than an Illusion hiding the Truth that we are One United Spirit having multiple incarnations, multitudes of paths, many journeys, similarities of experiences, creativity, oneness, truth, units of consciousness, ever changeable, ever growing, ever expanding, magnifying its own Light, ever glorifying itself across all the dimensions, ascending as One.

12. I Am Presence

I am Presence is another topic that teachers of spirit communication would like you to be aware of when channeling. It is You are the one who holds the space and holds the higher truth for the channeling session. When you offer your channeled material, your job is to be at your best and take into careful consideration every word, and truth to be said, you are a quality being yourself. 

I am Presence is a large topic to discuss, yet it is good to learn as a part of your education. We have a few students who have done this work before and went into higher states and were able to channel their I Am Presence as Divine Knowing. And when you channel from that place of awareness, your mind reaches the states of enlightenment and illumination and such high level of attunement adds a light quotient to your own energy makup and you assist yourself in reaching upward to merge into the One that God Is.  When you are being in your I Am Presence, you ultimately reach your Ascended state, your Enlightenment state and your Elevated Consciousness state combined. 

The I Am Presence can be evoked when you simply call on it. And it is a very simple calling, where you ask that you become Your Beloved I Am Presence. When you state “I Am the Soul”, you are evoking your Higher Essence at that level that adds to your energy the essence of itself and it lasts for a few moments. If you want a more permanent presence, your calling needs to be happening daily and your integration of the portion of self at that level will begin. 

When you want to integrate a much larger portion of yourself from the Higher levels of God, you have no means to integrate such energies and a gradual calling and integrating is advised as this process is a gradual and upgrades your energy systems over time. 

11. Channeling Your Ascended Self

There have been quite a few ideas that we have been able to cover throughout the course of the class on the topic of channeling. Channeling yourself is another form available to you as an option once you move into the Ascended state. Channeling yourself becomes a simple task when you realign yourself through your higher vibration to achieve this Ascended state. Imparting Ascended views through higher state of consciousness achieves the very same goal as when you similarly would channel another Higher Consciousness. Whether you have achieved Ascension throughout your history or not, is not applicable for this exercise. It is simply a technique that you can allow yourself to go into and know that state. 

Such states exist for everybody and they are simple to recognize. They are accompanied by a major energy shift taking place within your energy body where your consciousness expands and you fill yourself with the highest frequency of light, and major alignment with your Higher Selves is happening whether it be Your Ultimate Higher Self that is God, or be it simply next level that is Your Higher Self. Such transition is noticeable within as your consciousness shifts from a normal state of being. It is uprising energies that take you out of your human beingness to meet higher states where your own energies start vibrating higher and expansion is taking place healing you and your views and expanding horizons of your higher consciousness. If you cannot feel it, it is still happening. It is the expansion that you hold first before you can settle into such state. 

In an Ascended state your consciousness turns inward and you are no longer focusing on the external environment and rather relating to your inner self that is taking on a Higher Consciousness connection rising upward and meeting the very essence of your Energy at Higher Dimensions. Some of you might worry when reading this that you might have not known such a state and nevertheless you all exist in Higher Dimensions. That is what is called resonance. When you relate through your internal self to Higher Dimensional Self you are rising upward and achieve a movement in energy. Higher feelings and emotions rise up and they may signal that you are transcending dual perception. A variety of other internal conflicts may arise until they fully subside overcome by love and luminescent light pouring to you from Higher Consciousness. The Love of Who You Are at your Higher Essence manifests within your energies.

10. Channeling Exercises

Today we are intending to work through exercises to improve your channeling abilities. We will go over techniques that we have already studied improving our understanding and connection.

10.1 Exercise for Channeling Evolved Consciousness

And now, I ask everyone to relax and move into the space of calmness and peace. Allow yourself to release any thoughts and instead stay in the place of allowing of higher consciousness to come around you and align to your state of being. As you continue allowing, you will find yourself feeling and being one with the higher consciousness. As you proceed doing this, you will find yourself aligning to the state of consciousness called Ascended state. When you closed your eyes, you felt that part of your identity has left the scene, and something internal has shifted where you created an internal pull towards higher ascended state of oneness and unity with higher consciousness.  As you have released the identity of your human self, there is a new connection that started to establish. The consciousness of your own being has stepped aside to allow for this beautiful state to emerge. This connection has been experienced by you before in your meditations.

 This state of consciousness continues to grow and expand. While experiencing this expansion, you will notice now slight shift towards a different state emerging as well. This connection is forming into the Ascended State of Who You Are. There are many Ascended states that exist, and each of you have your own unique Ascended state. Ascended state is an amazing state of being where you continue to expand in your consciousness towards higher consciousness and move into the place of Higher Love and light. Achieving a state of alignment to higher consciousness does not have to be a part of your Ascension yet it is a possible direction for some. Many human beings achieved Ascended states through the practice of meditation. And it is also an option for there is no longer a requirement to ascend through such practice.

 And now sit for a few minutes in this expanded state of being, experiencing it and feeling it. And I am giving you a few more minutes, before we end this exercise.

10.2 Exercise for States of Consciousness not related to Ascension

And now we are asking you to continue with the state of allowing higher connection. As you are already in the Ascended state of being, connecting with Evolved Consciousness is a much easier task. We will ask you to align yourself to expand the heart and allow yourself to clear your mind from your own thoughts. This connection grows now as you allow yourself to fixate upon them and this is someone who works with you from Spirit teachers who are Ascended and they hold an Ascended state of being. As you proceed with your internal focus upon your teacher holding them within the loving connection, the bond grows and aligns them to you. When you yourself stay in your Ascended state of being, there is little work to be done for alignment as connecting is now easy.

Now, I ask you to continue holding this state and I will give you a topic that you will channel with your teacher:

  • Twin Flames

  • Romancing God Within

  • Archangel Ariel Messages

  • Love in Action

  • Manifesting in Life

  • Speaking Your Truth

  • Setting Intentions For Your Life

  • Taking Advice from Others

  • Systematic Time Issue

  • Taming Your Shadow-Self

  • Pleasing Others as a Way of Being Liked

  • Bringing the End to a Problem

  • Letting go of Your Attachment to a Story

  • Lifting the Veil

  • Trading Your Views for Higher Views

  • Role-Playing versus Higher Truth

  • Open-mindedness towards new ideas

10.3 Exercise for receiving higher messages as they arrive

We are asking all of you to take a short break before we reconvene to work on our next exercise.  This exercise is about receiving messages as they arrive without having to tune in and wait or worry. These messages are already in you and you hold them as downloads, these messages will be delivered to you as a packet of information to be opened by you at the right time of speaking. So, we are asking you all just simply feel free to have your eyes open and not go into a meditative state. This exercise is about to begin. And you need to state to yourself the idea that you are receiving a download. And this download will result in you having some idea pop up in your mind and you will be able to know what it is and you simply will evoke the translation of that message and describe what you felt you have received.

[go one by one and they will talk about what they have received and it will go one round and maybe two]

10.4 Exercise for Answering Questions of Others via Channeling

Now, we will break into pairs and will create a small circle of those who ask questions and those who answer them. We won’t switch at this time because we have no room to do this. Therefore, we ask those who truly have a question, raise your hand now! We want those who have no questions, be ready to channel with their spirit teacher and allow us to know later what that was about.

10.5 Exercise for Channeling Answers to Your Own Questions

We ask that everybody takes a pen and paper and we will be writing down a question that you have to your own spirit teacher. It is a personal task, and we don’t intend to ask that you share. We simply want you to ask a question and see what information you will start receiving. This task is not an automatic writing exercise. Nobody will move your hand. Rather it will be you, writing, and them, telling you the answer that you are to take down.

10.6 Exercise for Channeling Yourself through moving into the Elevated State of Higher Consciousness

This exercise is to train yourself to become higher consciousness and achieve elevated states that a person could simply do and become higher in views and feelings and be capable to answer your own questions without having to channel anyone else.

We are here now to go into a meditative state and allow ourselves to find our own way to transcend our own personal issues and views, and anything that we need to let go of for the purpose of this exercise. You know how to do this as you have been trained through your life how to move away from what is bothering you. And we are here to remind you that you are your own guide and teacher and have the knowledge required to become all that you could be to yourself.

As we are resolving those issues that cannot be part of this exercise, we want you to heal yourself through realizing that you are your own healer and your own teacher and your own guide. We are asking you to fully rely on your own asking from yourself now, how to achieve this.

[Student needs to figure out their own way to get into an elevated state to be their own guide & teacher]

10.7 Revision: Achieving Channeling State

We are now going into a meditative state to channel your spirit teacher. And we ask everyone now to close your eyes and allow yourselves to be feeling the love within that expands into a magnificent loving presence that You Are. A vibrational shift is happening as you align your heart to the feelings of love. The veil drops as you release the need to be in dual perception and your consciousness responds in love. With love abound there is no longer feelings of pain or judgement, or feeling less than. You simply rest in truth of Who You Are. Continue consciously bringing out your heart energy. This is the time to set your intents. And we suggest that you intend to speak clearly, and be in complete unison and alignment with your spirit teacher. Set your best intents for this session.

We ask your spirit teachers to take their place by your side and expand their energies to meet your heart alignment. As expansion is taking place, you are joining in unity of the heart through your intentions. Safe space is provided by your spirit teacher as they allow you to feel their higher energies. With intent, raise your frequency to meet the energy of your teacher. As your energies are rising up, your teacher is aligning to you by matching the level of energy that you are reaching for. As energy and love alignment takes place, you will feel as them, and they will feel as you. 

10.8 Channeling Your Guide

As your connection is adjusting and aligning, you might experience dizziness and might have to yawn to resolve and release those energies that are not matching the frequency of your teacher. The resonance of connection will ripple through your being translating into a much deeper state of union with your teacher. They take a few minutes to shift and align before channeling.

And now we ask every teacher to speak one after another through each of you. In this exercise we are not giving you any topics to channel, but rather we want your teachers to speak and bring out what they want to speak about. Students, please speak whatever comes to your mind without reservation or judgement. Whatever your teachers want to speak about, including feelings, and impressions and pictures and other types of information what comes to your mind, be willing to share without holding back.

10.9 Channeling One Topic (Homework)

 Whoever wants this homework, who doesn’t, doesn’t have to do it. Please pick a topic from the list provided before. And I will ask you to type it up and give this to me next time as homework assignment. This topic is about how to channel with your spirit teacher and allow the information come in without your added opinion if possible. Make sure that you are fully aligned to your teacher and can truly connect with them. During your assignment it is best to channel entire topic within one session and not break the connection. You can write the topic down, or you can channel it and record your own voice. Or you can simply write down your impressions on the subject. Whichever way it is easier for you and what you have decided to work on for channeling ability.