9. Trending Channeling Opportunities 

This topic requires consideration as a few new channeling methods have been emerging and those have not been available to Humanity in the past. Those methods have been trending in the ways that they have been used by those who no longer depend on needing a Higher Being to channel, but instead a Group of Consciousness channeling a stream of consciousness which in return gets condensed into a single voice and spoken to a large crowd can be said and used for activations and anchoring of templates, activation codes and light language, and emerging consciousness upgrades, and many more ideas have been on the way to Humanity to deliver the quality of channeling that cannot be described as a simple consciousness channeling.

We have been aware that our students work with Groups of Consciousness. We are open-minded about that and want to see if we could join in channeling groups of consciousness for this topic. We have a student in our group who owns a skull and that translates into having a group of Skull Consciousness to channel for us as a group and take us on a journey of information delivery for higher purpose of Ascension that skulls are here to assist with. For centuries, they were anchoring the codes and blueprints and templates of new Ascension. They were preparing Humanity for their transition into the higher realms. We are aware of the Skull Consciousness existing on Earth today and we are aware that many create skulls and manifest consciousness within them to channel and work with Divine Beings who are rather Groups of Consciousness.  

The Groups of Consciousness are Ascended Mind of the Large Group of LIght Beings who no longer see themselves as separate and not needing identity in a way of needing recognition and time for making individual contacts. Largest Consciousness that we are aware of is the largest Skull existing during the times of past incarnational cycles of this reality called Earth. It existed in the plane that never got daylight and was not uncovered by Human Beings during this time. It still exists and is underneath the surface. We are aware of its location and we know that it is not the time for that Skull to come out and see the daylight. It is preparing Humankind for the Ascension after this Ascension and we only watch knowing about that saying that what is in store for Humanity?

We are aware only of the skull consciousness over the ages, but we are only starting to see that there are other groups of Consciousness visiting the Earth and those beings come from a variety of places. We saw the Groups of Light Beings that came from Another dimension that is much more evolved and they are serving the Earth and its inhabitants to find their true purpose and find that vocation that nobody seems to remember when they join their bodies in the waking states. These groups are evolved at the levels of Higher Mind and they are no longer individual. There are variety of levels that such groups come from and we feel that you are aware of the levels of Consciousness. From where we stand we see them coming from 12th level and we are aware of you knowing about that. We also are aware that there are no levels for where certain beings come from and the groups of Arcturian beings who work with the Earth from higher dimensions have transcended those levels and need only to be seen as Consciousness including not naming them as Groups.

We have been aware of the humans working with another group called Archangels and those are not only Archangels, it's their consciousness that is available to Humankind and they are available to any number of people. Therefore, when you call on Archanges, know that you might receive a Larger Group helping you instead of one Archangel, as their purpose has increased in needing a lot more knowledge and new Ascension that they took have consequences of them coming as larger groups of Consciousness available to serve and be of independent service as Archangels is no longer possible.

Whether you feel that this is true or not, we know that you have lots of questions, and we won't go into detail about this information. We will only speak of a few ideas here that you might take and make a mental note future reference. These ideas have been trendy and are on the rise. We have a large number of channels not only human beings, but ET's incarnated upon the Earth, channeling and connecting and they bring those new methods that we never used as much in the past, yet we were aware and now it is a large number of channels who use those methods. 

Trending channeling options are available to you when you decide you want them, you ask for Higher Consciousness Groups to join you and work through you when you need such a level of information. The levels of truths that we spoke of will create such a possibility and your highest alignment will create your highest channeling opportunities. 

For many you will still want to use a variety of ways to channel and these are the ones who understood that there are different levels of information and many ways are better than one. We are asking, what is your preferred level of truth that you are comfortable with and would like to channel from?

We feel that we gave you too many options and this refers to how to channel higher consciousness and we love that you know that we are also higher consciousness, and we are not of the level of groups, but we are Ascended and evolved to the degrees where we see ourselves as possibilities to channel.

8. Abstract Channeling / Higher Asking

Higher Asking for channeled messages results in Higher Conditions for messages to come in. Those messages aligned to the true Source of Who You Are and it might be not necessarily the Highest Source for All, but it will be a valid channeling that you will relate to. And therefore, we want you to embrace yourself on all levels of Who You Are, and including at the levels of God. The God Source of Who You Are speaks to many and speaks the truths that resonate at your level of understanding. This level resonates on the levels of truths that human beings have explored and embraced at the highest levels of their connectedness, and the channels who connect that way to their Highest Source are asked to speak for many and asked to be at the right time in the right place and have a choice of releasing their will and becoming at Onement with the Highest Will and trade their personal views to the Highest Views and embody the Ascended Consciousness through Highest Levels of Yourself.

Embodiment as a way of sharing God’s wisdom includes everybody and encompasses many understandings and bridges those concepts through ages and manifests those as consciousness upgrades and trains other minds with the new concepts and takes them out their limited views and sends them to the higher visions of themselves.

When you channel your highest levels as God, you will come to realize that you are connected and one and your own essence is in everyone. We are sensing that you have your own essence at heart speaking with you and we are sensing that you have your own connectedness with the Source. This connection you formed through multiple alignments and meditation practices, through search and truth recognition. And we are in awe of Who You Are as God in becoming. We sense that you are transcending this lifetime and lift yourselves into the Highest frequencies available to take you out of your newly found freedom of a human free will and into the levels of Freedom that is of Higher nature and can be regarded as Divine Will.

Through the levels of Divine Will, yours and God’s will is the same. And through the Levels of God, many wills merge into God and become the Highest Will that is The Absolute Will of God. Manifesting energies through Divine Will requires surrender and quietness of the mind, which exchanges your perception to the higher one. With that idea in mind, we want to say that your surrender to the higher vision of your own journey will manifest that state. And surrendering is the way to state of God. You are merging into God with its highest purpose for yourself and the channelings that you’re bringing to others will shift into the Divine statements that many can realize as those hold God truths. 

God’s manifested incarnate being is You and You are asked to surrender when you align to God with the help of Ascension. Taking Ascension is rested upon your shoulders and rested upon your mind. And resting upon the higher concepts and ideas that God has in mind, will create a merge of the unity that you were spoken of so much, yet nobody exactly explained to you and the will of God that is manifesting through Ascension.

We are here telling you this because we know where you are going, and your personal journey of Ascension requires for you to be aware of the higher alignment and those of you who have ascended recently, will know that there is no more your personal will and there is no more lesser will and information that will be coming to you creates a different frequency that is no longer what you have experienced in the past. And those who are not ascending yet, but aligning to Ascension will know that when they breach into the Ascension state they will see the difference in their channeling. They will love knowing that surrendering is about seeing yourself as one with the levels of God’s truth.

8.1 Ascension as a Way to Higher Channeling

Ascension is taking place within and that’s a very real and personal process. We have seen Ascension take place before many centuries ago, and many times upon times ago, and those times are upon us again! We are ascending as a culture, as a nation, as Humanity, as a ship of life that is called the Earth, and transcendence is taking place on many conceptualized levels that no longer validate and no longer integrate with the new required frequencies that are being anchored at this time of Ascension. This Ascension is taking place on many planes simultaneously. We are unsure how this could possibly be happening. We only see that a few have risen already and they are pulling us up into the New Age and that calling is happening from the highest levels of their Who They Are, and our levels of Who We Are, are responding in accordance. We are suggesting that you don’t read into this much, but reach your own understanding what you intend for your own Ascension. We feel that you don’t really know what that means to you. For those who came first and moved up into Ascension levels, they wanted to see the integration of Higher Levels of God into the Earth plane and when we saw others rising up, we knew they were not aware of why that was happening. We also saw those who had intentions and ideas and could not discern that they were ascending. We are aware that you might not know and might know that you are ascending. The Ascension took on a new form, and it is no longer about meditating and asking yourself to be Love and be God, and it is not only just that. It is a newest frequency that showed up upon the Earth and taking us into the newest energies that beloveds that you are sip in and take in and stating to yourself that you are not aware, is not what the truth is.

You are ascending for a few many years now, and we see that many took on forms of teachers after they came back ascended. We saw a few of you came back as ascended beings and teachings that you shared before are still your teachings. We saw a few of you integrating a new energy faster than before and it is because we already see the difference in the whole energy makeup of the entire Humanity. We are moving into the higher vibrational levels and Ascension is no longer an Ascension of a few. It is the Ascension of Many. And we realized that you are still unaware how this is happening. We will only state we are enjoying seeing you play and grow and take on unaware roles to be at Onement with those who are only beginning to ascend.

8.2 Ascension Taking Form

Ascension is upon us and in these times of Great Ascension we are called to fixate upon the gaze of God for Humanity and see that we hold the space and we hold the energies for those who ascend as well. Ascended states are becoming more and more, and those are not just about feeling elevated states but also feeling more enlightened and resonate with Love and healing those who are not in that state yet. Personally, you won’t see much difference, but in your internal vision you know that there is a different feeling that comes in as a higher elevated beingness that takes you out of 3 dimensional tandem and truly sends you into deliberate consorting with God’s truths. 

Ascension takes on many forms, from meditation, to speaking love, telling others the truth, feeling letting go, normally those actions would not be possible for you at the levels where you are at. And where you were in the past is no longer where you want to be but rather want to trade the past for a better option and better needs, aligning to God’s needs, and those rest in the place of service to those who ascending at this time and needing assistance whether they are aware of it or not.

Taking Ascension is another way of saying, I am That I Am That I Am, where you are no longer just you as a human being, you are a much lesser being as a human, you are much more expanded as an Ascended Being. And taking yourself out of comfort zone called human being, you are ascending to a state that is Beyond Ascended states and these are also available to Humanity at this time. And those ideas that we spoke of in the previous chapter take a form of guidance whether you take that or not, is your choice and option to ascend is only a choice that a human being makes, as a higher level of Who You Are you are ascending also. Through the calling of God to humans to ascend, your Higher Aspects are ascending without having to choose, for their levels of truths are much higher and those levels are merged into the God’s will and these are the levels we are merging into and transcending those needs of a human being, who was not aligned, not integrated into the Light of God. We are no longer in those times and we cannot state enough, that no matter who you are and where you are, you are ascending whether you want it or not. It is no longer an option to ascend or not. It is a requirement to ascend as One through this One lifetime that everyone chose regardless of where they were in their spiritual path. Evolution of Consciousness is taking shape within each and everyone of us. We are Ascended together as a Mass Consciousness that God merges with, and our Will is now Divine Will and Divine Choice has been made. 

Ascension takes another form for those who Ascended before. They grow within to embody the Light of God more in a sense they are Ascending to even higher plain of existence and we are ascending to another level as One as well. And those who have not yet reached those planes have nothing to lose but to gain if they are open to move to yet another level of Ascension which is even higher plane than we described.

Those who Ascended before, you are moving towards much higher will and that is called Celestial Will, which is a will of the Higher Selves. This will is a gift which understands their complete continuity with all that they are and where they are depends upon You, who incarnated. The Celestial Will is a journey of itself and it is the choice that any of you could have to merge back with Higher Self whether you want it or not, it is available and it is possible when your Higher Self decides you are there. 

The truth is always the same, we are One, and the truth of Who We Are manifests that unique path that everybody chooses from the lowest to the highest levels of Will.

We chose this topic knowing that we have individuals who are Ascended Masters and Who Are Ascended Beings and we have those Who Are Ascending at this time and Who Are managing their lives in service to others. And we are aligning to all of those levels to cherish your work, to train your consciousness, to still your mind, and to travel upwards is a one great opportunity to ascend that we chose through this topic as well.

We are a group of Master Teachers of Spirit Communication and we are ascending together with humans who chose to work with us at this Great Times of Shift. The Great Alignment, the Galactic Alignment, the Freedom Who Chose this freedom to come in and serve and be present, the Love that we all felt when we came to serve, the Joy that we explored through our messages, the Little Easiness that we felt when you accepted us and traded your little views for higher views. We are ascended already and we are traveling upward on a spiral called little life of a spirit being, which ultimately leads to the same Source who we are All at the Oneness Levels.

Reverence and respect to those who stayed and never gave up and never retired from their activities even though they activated many for Ascension. And those beings we speak of are here in this group. They came back again and came back again and came back to state the simple truth that We Are Love and We Are making this journey now together. As little as we seem to come across as, We are Magnificent and That truth shall never be forgotten, nor traded for any other views that you ever acquired through this incarnation. We cherish Who You Are and What You accomplished in previous lives and this lifetime is not over yet and we tend to forget that we speak too much and we feel that you need  break.

8.3 Transition into Higher Realms of Wise Oneness

Transitioning into higher states of being is a simple concept when you look at it from the point of view of transitioning into higher frequencies. Higher frequencies underline the Creation. Where you are at you have a lesser frequency and at higher levels of ascension, the matrix of the energy is higher and it is a connected field that encompasses those who Ascended.

Ascended beings enjoy much higher frequency available to them to complete their cycle of incarnation through higher levels and complete their journey to the levels of Oneness within the encompassing Aspect that we call Higher Self. Several Ascensions would transcend you into the aligned state of frequency that resonates with higher transition to the next level of Ascended state and that is what we call merge into the Oneness within the completion and wholeness of who Higher Self is.

The other Ascension types exist within other cycles of energetic transitions that relate to Higher Self transitioning to the next level of their energetic alignment to the levels that are called Ascended Higher States or we call it Beyond Ascension levels. These levels are available to those who took Ascension and merged into Higher Self and the Higher Self is available to incarnate into Ascended realms of existence transcending another levels of Ascension that calls them to say Who They Are at a higher levels of expression. Exalted states of Those Ascensions is a way of stating I Am One with The One Who Is God.

Ascension after that takes on a form of Your Higher Self merging upward into the Soul that takes on a linear transition for all other Higher Selves to merge back into it, and it translates to a higher linear state as Ascended state that recalls all the soul extensions and transcends the need to incarnate upon any lower plane and incarnations that result from this transition becomes an incarnation of the Divine Being as One that apparent to those who see them as Divine Being or Divinity or Goddess or God-realized Being. These beings are still in transition to other whole concepts of Ascensions and cannot fully incarnate at our plains. Those Ascended beings can choose where to incarnate and incarnations are highly regarded as service to those who need the Love manifest in the lower planes of existence and such regard for these beings is consideration that Soul sees that Soul ascends through higher levels and takes the role of the guiding force for those Souls who see Ascension as another way of transition to higher energetic planes.

Ascension for other levels is available as well and the Levels that exist before the Soul are named after the over soul concept and we won’t go into detail on this subject but will state to you, that Ascension for the Soul takes a new form at these times and they Ascend to a newly created reality that deals with Divine Levels and Divinities and glorified Entities of Love and Light who served many and realized God at the highest potentials given to them through their experiential service.

Godly Beings, Divine Consorts, Goddesses, Lionesses and Priests of God, transition into the next plane of existence in these times and we cannot state to you what that exactly means as we only saw that it is a reality happening at this times and we know that as true through a several Divine Individualized Beings who spoke with us and let us know such information.

We know that Divinities and Their Counterparts are still in Dual Unity meaning they are Divine Couples. Who served as Mothers and Fathers as God-like Parents, resemblance of their Union is asking for concepts of dualization to be reconsidered as we learnt only that at those levels the gender does not exist, yet we are realizing that is not the full truth now, and we see the Unions and Potentials springing forth from such realizations where we see that the Duality of Perception still continues into higher dimensions and aligns to a new exploration of the Father and Mother God and Divine Union realized in higher realms calls for a new Union to be understood which is not based on dual perception but rather Dual Union of the Highest Concepts of Divine Mother and Divine Father. Their Union at the Highest Levels is a true Partnership and Consortship that is realized within their Mind and Divinity and their concentration on High Level Dualization is calling forth today the concepts that are Higher Concepts of Dual Unions that are fully balanced, fully integrated, and fully realized at the levels of God.

Their Consortship is a lovely novel that calls for companionship and such integrity of the Union is an amazing dual game of Creation that is ever glowing within their Love and within their Heart and their Glory to never end such Beauty of Creation that we all adore and see as an amazing Potential Moving Forward and Creating the Best opportunities for All of Us to see into The Future and Be Open to Changes that are dawning at the horizons of their Thought.

7. Creative Channeling from Higher Source

Creative Channeling as a topic is an inspiration that teachers of spirit communication turned to when they realized that we created a chapter on Conscious Channeling and we tried channeling Higher Consciousness. In this chapter, we are going to relax and assume a new form of channeling that goes even higher in level and refers to as Creative Channeling from Higher Source. We realigned ourselves to view this as a continuation of the levels of channeling and see that channeling can be done from a variety of sources including the Highest Source of All That Is.

Understanding that we all are connected to the same Higher Source aligns us to the Absolute Truth and Absolute Understanding of Unification of Consciousness whereas Higher Level Conscious Beings will channel to you at their own Levels of Truth that is higher than your perspective. Yet it is not the highest quality that exists within this Creation. 

Asking questions from Higher Source and asking questions from Higher Beings differs and is a way to state that we are still creating our own realities based on the levels of truth and existence that expands from our vantage point to free us from our perceptions as far as we move forward in our realignment with the Highest Source of All. 

To fully understand your truth alignment you have a choice to work with any number of beings that you might realign your truth to by seeing them as valuable in what they have to offer. And from the levels of Higher Source you are already complete and all knowledge is available to you in a manner of Higher Consciousness that is ever expanding, as Universe expands, and ever creating new ideas and solutions resolving any issues of the Collective Consciousness. There is no subject that has not been covered so far, and even though Consciousness of All That Is evolves as we all evolve as a Collective, there is a need for new knowledge that Higher Source receives to attain even Higher states of Truth through constant expansion of Consciousness. 

Higher Consciousness does not oppose other ideas and new solutions. It simply has all the knowledge accumulated from the variety of sources. These collective ideas get stored in a Consciousness of God and trickle down to those who reach upward for solutions and ideas to rely on. The Consciousness of the Source of All That Is has all the solution and ideas already in its potentials. Such knowledge is higher truth that rises above the human limited thinking and realigns them towards Higher Truth. 

7.1 Transcending Limited Views for Higher Purpose through Higher Alignment

Training yourself for non-dual perception of life takes you out of the limitations of the human conditioning which was ingrained in you from early age, whereas abandoning such programming during your lifetime cannot align you to fully embrace higher knowledge. This assumption that you could possibly align to Higher Source and Higher Truth is a wishful thought that claims that you potentially could do that. And that is an estimate that we perceive that brings to you a potential to break down the least misaligned concepts and align to ideas based upon the truth resonating to majority of people. 

Training yourself takes a purposeful approach in understanding that you are one with the Source and that you are growing towards the source of All That Is, which aligns you to the higher truth and in its turn takes you from leveraging it wholly by yourself to embracing the whole picture at the levels of God. Exchanging your views for higher views shows up as you become more spiritually aware and helping others see what they cannot see. And we ask those who come to speak Highest Levels of Truth to know the difference between the Truth of Higher Conscious Beings and the Source of All that Is to see what it is and experience the lesser frequency in transmissions. The Highest Source of All That Is transmits highly refined frequency that transcends creational energies and makes you align to the healing that takes place on many planes of existence. Taking further, you are co-creating and manifesting with God the healing for those who come to speak for their own benefit asking questions from the higher levels, those who see you as the source of higher alignment who is capable to guide them in their understanding and vision of Who They Are. 

Training your own alignment to the Highest Truth requires paying careful attention to every word and thought you say and think. Those disciplines of your conduct take time to develop. With gradual adjustments you are capable to clear away those ideas that were blocking your higher vision. Taking from there every day alignment happens as a means to Higher Alignment and re-calibration of your personal truth that becomes higher and possibly fully based on highest truth which is the Absolute Truth of Source of All That Is. 

The purpose of this topic states that we hope that you could take this information for your personal consideration and learn the ways of your own alignment rising above those personal limitations that tend to break your connections. Rather taking away from conditions arising within, you find your way into the grounded expanded vision and training your own views to reflect Higher Truth with those who rely upon your guidance and their visions align through your personal journey of attainment.

Breaking free from limited conditions of your path, remembrance of Who You Are, sorting out your internal problems, minding your thoughts, stating your truth, feeling the highest emotions and allowing yourself to resolve internal conflicts lead to a higher purposeful journey of life that resembles spiritual steps taken by those who ascend and transcend into Ascended Realms. 

Helping others and assisting them on their path requires assortment of magnificent tools that only find their use when as you train your mind to rely on such higher concepts. And these ideas come as smaller revelations that you hold for yourself. Stating higher truths takes a form of mental restructuring and reorganization and breaking free from duality as society takes higher path as a whole as well. 

Allowing for Higher Truth, remembering Who you are, ending manifestations of duality are the culminations of collective decisions during these times. We are manifesting a new society based on eternal truths transcending dual mind and individual perceptions. The higher vision for current age is Unification of Thought and Unity of Purpose that takes society onto a new path of Golden Age and Heaven on Earth. 

Light Houses are those who bridge through the Ages and make us aware of the Higher Truths, they all were the channels of Love and Truth. They endlessly perfected their natural state of being that became fully transcendental through the vision of God. Their many lifetimes of service and following conditions of higher path are changing those who come after and realign themselves to the Magnificence that They proclaimed by tuning in and feeling internal connection from the All to One, from the One to the All, through God to All. And as a tapestry of magnificent connections we are Children of One Same Source that manifests itself within each individual taking a journey as Divine Spark of God, loving and learning, playing and taking baby steps, and taking larger steps, and linking with one after another after All and as Unity, fully connecting to the All, fully Manifesting as All, and fully realizing our God-nature. 

Trading your individual perceptions for Higher Truth is a magnificent declaration of Love towards Higher Source. God Loves All and regards your wishes  for your own purpose of life. The freedom of will was an initial God given gift that we all used and took it for reasons of exploring our individuality and that is an exploration in itself that takes you away from your Higher Source. And bridging back is a journey that many undertake in this time and age. Knowing this will help you understand that God is allowing you a freedom of choice and allowing you the freedom of path. And your personal individual journey is your own responsibility and choice. As you evolve, your views will change. And changing this perception may take form of an Ascension. 

Statements of Love that you express, when connecting to God, reveals Its True Nature. The Love is the nature of God. And God loves itself. Through Love God expands. And Love you are on this path to God. Knowing that you are God shall set you free and set you straight onto the path back to Source with understanding that you have that option and have that choice to take Ascension and upgrade your whole understanding of Who You Are and take off those blinders of life, that veil that consciousness held for reasons of learning and reasons of playing and reasons of freedom of individual choice.

Helping human beings is a choice that we make that shows that we are a part of God and we are in alignment with what God is. Our choice is such that we fully Love and that love is what moves us and relates us to Higher Source. The Love of Higher Beings is the same. They love unconditionally and completely, without reservations, without having to understand, and without needing anything in return. Such levels of Love are available to anyone if you choose to see that you are a magnificent being of God that never ends, and only evolves. And choosing your higher truth alignment manifests as abundance of Love and availability of higher perspectives on choices in life, on friendships, on partners etc. And having those simple issues with others might no longer be the route for you, as you will see that those issues no longer hold any value to you. And you help yourself by magnifying your presence within the collective of Humankind. And within the Collective of God you are a divine spark that took on a role to incarnate into the densest realities that reach the very densest manifestations of matter and coming back from that all the way up is another journey that requires alignments upon alignments which manifest as Ascensions and Initiations and require realignments on Truth from lower to higher and all the way back up to God.

Closure for those who never resonated to the concepts of God, we cannot explain what God is, and this concept existed from many ages to current day and still the complete understanding of What God Is is non-existent. We assume, we philosophize, we take on teacher roles, and guides, and we still cannot fully understand what God is. We won’t go into detail about this concept, we will only confirm that God is All That Is. It’s a concept of the Collective of All Created Beings and Matter. It is ever evolving and ever manifesting itself through expansion of consciousness and evolution of spirit matter.

Happy times are coming for Humanity as we move into Higher Consciousness. And we are all channeling today Higher Source by realigning to the new incoming energies and their frequencies are completely recalibrating our bodies and energy makeup, we are no longer confined to the gross matter and we are no longer just the body. We are becoming the Manifested Light, the brilliance and magnificence of that is beyond our knowledge. 

Trading those views that we spoke of resonated with a few of you and concepts we teach are of spiritual value, yet we want you to react to these statements and playground for those internal battles is within. Watch out for those feelings and manifestations of thoughts that arise as you read these chapters, they will signify where you are at in your alignment with Truth that embraces and transcends all. 

7.2 Taking over the Judgement

Judgemental attitude towards other people reassembles statements that claim that you are separate from Source and that you know better and your are your own authority. Unrecognized by others, you tend to trade higher views with the views that lie beneath the surface and journey upward realigns you to having such perception diminished. Stating your own truth is a wonderful way of saying that you are empowered and you are true to yourself, yet it diminishes the connection and breaks free from fluid communication and has implications of separation in mind and volatility of the relating. Tendencies within the human psyche are perceived by higher teachers and they vacate such perceptions by bringing down to the person the truths that they lack in understanding. For those who perceive their truth as the highest, the rampant time of self discovery can set in, and never ending cycles of communing with yourself and your personal truth. Vacillating in your own mind between personal truth and higher vision can result in abandoning either. The balanced way of living is about joining your personal truth with higher truth and helping your internal vision to improve over time taking deep root and fully replacing personal truth with higher alignment. Asking for help with taking this higher and weeding out those concepts that resonate in lesser love and having judgement, the higher beings help out and take time with those individuals and bringing down higher concepts might create and dislodge the underestimated hopefully not fully anchored views that never could result in higher alignment. 

Very few feel that personal truth is lesser truth. That is why we cannot fully talk about this topic. We can only guide you towards an understanding that your personal truth is not the highest, and your individual tendencies are not the most welcoming for higher truths. We understand that you are learning and you are ascending and your journey is in progress, yet we don’t define our message as something to hold closely, but find for yourself what resonates to true and see the truth through your understanding. 

7.3 Exercise for Practice of Channeling God

We ask everybody to relax and take a comfortable place and if you need to lie down, please do so. We are going to do a silent exercise where you achieve connection with God and you take time with that. We will guide you upward and we will connect you to God. After that, please stay there and ask a question. And we ask you to use any question related to your life that you would like to know the answer to. We recommend to pick very duality based issues that you cannot resolve otherwise. And such a question you shall be able to openly discuss with others. Please see if you can come up with one.

7.4 Exercise for Healing Your Perception 

Taking further our previous exercise, we want you to state within your mind what is the perception that you held before, and we want you to see what is different. And such a difference shows how dual perception is resolved and you can tell that it feels different and you can see why you held those ideas in the first place. Now, please know that you cannot continue this exercise for too long. We want you to see what it’s like to find answers to your questions from the Highest Source of All.

7.5 Topics:

  • Higher Path / Choice / Option for Evolution of Consciousness

  • Happiness as a Concept

  • Evaluation of Statement: “Mind Over Matter”

  • Creativity as A Way of Existence

  • Wholeness and Internal Voice of Integrity

  • Meaningful Relationships

7.6 Exercise for Going Within

For this exercise we are going to take a step back and find those moments in time where you felt that you were searching and exploring, and searching was usually an external activity and you never found answers through those ways. If you hold Internal questions, they will resonate to energies where you continuously attract similar circumstances and manifest conditions in your life that attach more stigma or emotional charge to the gridlocks existing within your being. And saying that you have a problem would attract a problem, we refer to this as finding those energetic mind grids that are frail and cannot be straightened and need to be adjusted within your mind and consciousness. These energetic mind grids are very real connections formed within your brain that hold those tiny knots of misunderstanding. And resonance from those clearly won’t solve your matters, but instead you will be attracting situations which conditions state that you still need an understanding. 

We ask you to simply find such an energy pattern that lost it’s value to you and you no longer want same conditions to manifest in order to have an opportunity to resolve it. Such a pattern exists within your mind and it is a patterned energy imprint that resonates inside and triggers emotions within your body. Such patterns exist in everybody and form a crystalline structure that takes on a life of its own as your creation and has a program to deal with conditions of similar kind with similar understanding until you change it so that it dissolves. 

Your pattern is not forever. You only need to find it as an energy and you can clearly see it in your mind and take it out by stating a simple truth that dissolves it. And this is a very simple technique that we recommend for those that work with energy to work on themselves because treating others for conditions does not allow you to take care of yourself and you have an option now to have this technique and try it out.

7.7 Exercise for Taking Higher Consciousness Channeling into Perspective

We are asking all of you to imagine yourselves healing the patterns that you hold and now that you found those patterns we also want you to take it into a perspective of Higher Consciousness through the Levels of God and see what comes up as you clearing it.

7.8 Healing Your Own Perception through Higher Choice

Higher choice is the right condition for those who need one. And higher choice is not a condition at all when you know there is the Absolute Truth. When you are asking for the Highest Truth, conditions are no longer part of it, and options are taking a form as one choice. Speaking your own truth to others is a behavioral pattern within your own perception, but having said that, your own truth is an option offered to them, and they may choose if they like it. Whether they like it or not, there is an option that is Higher. And some beings can offer such higher option and those could be a few as well (options). 

As we proceed going higher with higher commitment to higher truth and wisdom, perception is anchored into the highest possibility and normally that highest option is a one but powerful choice which never results in any consequence or any misalignment and can simply go on and form a life of own and be presented to those who seek higher truth and Absolute Truth. 

There are a few higher options too that human beings can attain as a perception that are as powerful in their views. And yet those will be mostly related to you and will resonate with just a few people as well but not with the humanity as a whole. Such groups of consciousness make simple truths attainable through feelings of resonance. Knowingly they guide you to say to you that your truth can also take a form of Higher Truth when you regard yourself. And stating little truths for personal reasons is not about an option here, but rather regarded as Higher Personal Truths, and those revealing them to you attained an understanding that your truth can take a higher level and achieve a higher purpose where you transcend yourself and become open-minded and more connected to the truth of others. This level of truths is harmonious to other Truths and will cause no issue of dissonance but rather neutrality for those who do not perceive this as their Truth.  

7.9 Higher Option of Higher Consciousness over Practicing Your Personal Perception

Higher consciousness attained a multitude of understandings over simple matters of life and those views are simply higher truths that were optional to many beings who transcended over into higher ascended realms. Those optional availability of truths are simply choices of the higher consciousness to share them with those who seek advice and who try to go to higher dimensional realities. We underestimated this idea in the past by simply stating that higher consciousness resorts to higher choices and they align us to their truths. Nevertheless, we share with you a little larger perspective over the simplified version of truth to signify that you also have a choice to use higher wisdom or simply rely on your own ways of solving patterns and issues. Higher understanding comes into view when you realize that the vision you hold is leveled at your perception which doesn’t see potentials aligning for you during your life. When you can view life as potentials and perceive timelines, past and future, all of that forms a circle of related events where one thing / event influences the other where all of the connections that you ever held with beings who entered your life, are still influencing you in majority ways and life events. And your transition into the higher asking for relevance of your life conditions treats your life as a whole where everything interconnects and relates and where you become a beacon that  that moves along that circle / plane but never transcends the circle itself. 

When you are moving across the same plane of existence, the time creates a straight line which creates a separation between past, now and future. Where you are on your line of existence, you are still on the same line and it is still the same whole experience that is not separated into section nor is unrelated from one event to the other. These circular movements create upward motion yet they are interconnected and interrelated and cannot be split apart. When you did before will influence you now, and what you will do in future will influence you now as well. Statements of this kind might send you into feelings of no control over your life experiences, yet we free you from limited vision telling you that this is only an idea that is suggesting that you are influencing you in every moment of time, and that brings up the subject of responsibility for your action.    

Stating to yourself a forming perceiving of where you are at, you will realize that you can no longer just move about your life without paying attention. It is an integral part of your daily life to envision where you are and where you are moving so that your now influences your tomorrow in a benevolent way. 

Saying these ideas to many is not what we are here to do. We simply want you to realize that you are in your own way learning about what it is possible to become when you are working with higher consciousness and what is pushing you towards your ideal perfection of yourself. 

There is a wonderful saying: Birds of a feather flock together, which suggests that such concepts are easier to integrate when you come together with like-minded individuals. Where perceptions fade in comparison with the higher truth and where ideals start rising and becoming a vision for a group to grow in consciousness and in alikeness through truth. 

Integration of concepts that we spoke of relate to majority topics that many today try to channel for trying out and figuring out if these would stay and root into the understanding of Humanity. Taking steps to other conceptualization of ideas, we formed a permanent view of many that integration is a such a not an easy task to accomplish. It seems that whether you are a small child or an adult these practices leave you confused without proper guidance. Reminder for practice is also not exactly an easy way as discipline is required. Therefore, there is a large number of those channels who deliver messages and remind people about new concepts to anchor new understanding and train human mind to recognize what is helping them from the levels of higher consciousness. It is not easy to track your own progress and it requires a discipline and making effort. And knowing about this common issue, this is what we would like to express. You can help people as well as yourself by translating those ideas when they have no other means of getting to the real understanding. As you hold the higher vision of you helping, it will take you to a higher ways of communication.

7.10 Helping Yourself versus Helping Those who need guidance

Assisting others with their common issues will relate to you as well. And majority of people who you will be attracting will hold the same patterns and issues and majority will close those issues with your help as well as you will do the same. Coming as one to solve issues and taking responsibility with steps of accommodation of higher consciousness, you heal in various ways and those ways are not simple to describe rather it is an experiential time with your client whether you both realize it or not, whether you both conclude those issues of not depends on the level of openness and commitment to change in the timeframe of the channeling. Taking steps to integrate answers and yet seeing yourself as avoiding those issues cannot heal old views and openness is the loving way to see yourself leaving the situation and embracing the higher view of what this could be. 

Same concludes about your relationships.When people assume things and don’t resonate on the levels of truths, such situations call for attention and resonance on the truth has to come from a higher levels of integration of the levels of truths that resonate with both.Same concerns friendships and relationships with parents and children and such.

Whether you are going to use this wisdom for your spirit communication endeavour or not we decide not, but conclude this chapter with a saying. Your way is the best way of enjoying the spirit communion and we are only here to speak and we teach you of the ways we speak so that when reading this materials, you could realize that this might be something that you will channel yourself one day and that truth might come out of your own mouth.

7.11 Simplicity over complexity within the topics

When you channel, sometimes you will perceive very simple truths that will reside as thought forms very clear and very simplistic in such a way that you can simply state those without worry. Yet, on other occasions, there are ways where you will not recognize a concept and will try to search for alternatives within your mind and might not come up with an answer. We advise that you simply take time and stop communicating until you realign and able to say what is the closest idea that comes to your mind.

7.12 Setting your Space for Channeling

Channeling comes easier when you set aside a particular time whether it be in your office or home, and you simply allow yourself to realign your thoughts and flow of thinking becomes lesser and rather patience sets in where you are in full openness state to yourself that you are willing to commune with your teachers in spirit and take a practice time with them, or a session time. When you state clearly your intents and have nothing bothering you or touching you deeply that you cannot focus, we are aligning easier and we are taking turns with you to do a similar practice to set intents and sacred space to speak with you at the highest capacity of our own being.

Those times are officially named communion in ancient scriptures. Such times that we speak of are asked for by you and they are not enforced but rather examined as practice times that you chose and regard as your personal times with your spirit teachers. 

Same ideas about setting a place and maybe nice music and sometimes wonderful accessories combined with stones and crystals and soft incense and elevated statements, mantras, including a prayer for safety reasons, an hold that sacred alignment for your personal adjustment towards a successful connection to be formed. 

The forms of setting a sacred space and many. We do not dwell on the idea what that means to you, but rather rely on your personal preferences and saying this, we would like to give you a general summary of the things that you need to be aware of:

  • Taking time to realign in your thoughts

  • Clearly stating intents

  • Safety precautions

  • Aligning with Spirit Teachers

  • Communion to Align

  • Channeling

  • Ending Energy Alignment

  • Releasing the energies

  • Stopping the session

7.13 Taking effortless speaking choices

When you have language dictionary, you will see a lot of words that are not used yet they are available to you if you want to use them, yet when you channel you won’t have a dictionary available to you. That means that you have to clearly be learning topics that are of a higher nature and require your vocabulary to expand and align with your spirit teachers. Teachers will speak high level vocabulary yet if you are not familiar with the concept, you may choose a lesser impact word and that will resonate with a lesser truth. Therefore we are asking you to know that words are important and statements of choosing the options for speech shall not decrease the energetic alignment but stay at the level of truth that you both aligned. 

Simple truths are easier to translate and yet we suggest that you speak allowing yourself to advance your speech with rather intricacy to see if you could choose a word that is out of the ordinary and out of the box. We would like to explain that what you choose as a dictionary of your choice to communicate our messages we feel that we can only do as much, depending on how well versed you are and those public speakers who attended workshops and spoke to the public have an ideal setup that allows for highest thoughts to be spoken and deeply resonate with multitudes of people and we want to state to you your ultimate similarity with a public speaker is that you yourself will have to speak and whether it be public or just you yourself, the words you choose create an energetic resonance that crowds can feel and relate to the concepts and choices that a speaker presents to be examined by public.  

Public speakers realize how their words affect crowds and the choice of words magnifies the concepts that the put forth. Their ability to manage their speech in great confidence and great conceptualization of ideas and training for addressing multitudes of people at one time takes them to a level of understanding the needs of majority and their needs are normally based on social ideas. We recommend that you include into your studies addressing public speaking as it might help you see what is a difference when you speak to one or many and there is a big difference when you have to speak in front of the public and state such projections that people could grasp ideas at higher abstraction levels and understand you whether you speak high language or simple language is something that is a matter of choice for many won’t speak higher concepts based on their education, yet they will understand similarities in truths and relatedness to issues spoken of.

7.14 Worksheet

  1. Read all of the content on your own

  2. Practice connecting with the Source of All That Is

  3. Find time to channel a message for the group 

  4. Take a few ideas about personal life and channel from higher levels of God

6. Higher Consciousness Layer

Higher Consciousness Layer was a topic that we discussed a class ago and it was concerning the area of the higher mind that trains the upper mind and creates higher connections to the higher realms. Higher consciousness attunement allowed you to perceive higher realms with higher parts of your mind related to Higher Consciousness Transmissions and allowing those transmissions to anchor into your psyche wonderful messages of Love and Transcendence.  These ways of channeling that you imagined within your mind were a sure link that connected you to Higher Consciousness which translated within your own receptors light frequencies of information and managed those as well as downloaded important information for further exploration for channeled messages. 

The consciousness openings that we did, allow students to manifest higher connections within their mind and stream down conscious transmissions as streams of information. These techniques that we practiced in the previous class were allowing you to feel that channeling is an easy activity that transcends duality and makes you channel as you with slight correction of the course of your thought within the embracing mind of Higher Being. 

Higher connections exist within your senses as well and they perceive information by translating this into images and higher vortexes rising upward to enter higher mind where these can be transmitted into higher receptors of the higher mind which you all have, and manage these from a higher perspective. 

Higher consciousness allows you to enter a state of immediate conclusion of the thought forming and takes form as real healing of your consciousness which only asks for treating other information with observance entering the state of non-duality and making hopeful statements that create more wonderful statements and gently guide those who hear into a higher mind and understanding issues from the place of loving-kindness.

The state of loving-kindness is a different state that a human being is aware of, and many perceive this state as being nice and open and kind. We only let you feel what that means so that you understand what it’s like to have a state of non-duality. Regardless of what we are calling it. it is a state of perception that manages welcoming messages and allows those who hear be clear in understanding and know that there is no judgment and no unkindness in what they are receiving.  

Now as we are allowing ourselves to delve into the state of loving-kindness, perceive your own state as something usual that it is your natural state of being and you don’t have to pretend and force it. This state is a simple state of contemplation and observing what it feels like to love those around you and be kind to them. When this state is entering your being, you feel an expansion within your energies and expanded state is a practical technique that is used for channels to treat information with careful consideration. 

Loving-kindness imagines that you are not at the level of duality and not creating a response of advice or need to take the course of actions for a person to see the light. It is not about giving a course of action. It’s about lovingly guiding and directing through imagination that deals with higher perception and allowing them to feel and see what it is like to have a higher perspective on a matter. 

Letting others feel your non-dual state of being allows them to enjoy receiving messages and wins their attention without need to take them apart and without disregard for their feelings. Their issues come from dual perception and their issues come from a separate process that they experienced when being in duality. These issues as a norm do not relate to the higher perception and cannot be taught as lessons in life. The issues that people perceive are their vision filters and these are formed by their experiences and their issues are not about letting those filters go. The filters come as a defense mechanism that takes over the mind and is normally addressed as ego. The ego response is about defense and protection and it is never about loving understanding. The defense state is a natural state for a being of duality. And it is a mechanism to treat life with caution. These filters are a part of human existence and they are past tense. When new experiences come in, humans normally treat the new through their filters and they not aware that these are not necessary within all experiences. 

Ego based communication relies densely on treating each other from separate viewpoints and regarding each other’s issues as pain traps. These issues have painful memories attached to them and never resolving due to not wanting to go there. These issues rely heavily on the need to control what happened to you and having such enormous weight to carry is not allowing them to see a point of view free from negativity. These responses are charged with painful energetic imprint. Having to heal those requires training of the mind to resolve issues from higher non-dual perspective. And non-duality response is required to overcome forming such pain traps. 

Painful existence is a part of human relating and pain is a part of human beingness. When channeling, we address the issues of pain for a human being that travels the life being equipped with minor tools like ego. We advise on the means how to break free from ego responses and how to relate to one another at a higher level of love. 

Breaking free from dual perception takes time and we are strongly recommending to see others without judgement and within their own limitations that they are experiencing. Their lives alone have been plenty to take on and their issues with you are only a mere reflection of what has transpired and requires healing. We are asking those who feel that ego response is a needed safe fail to rely on, take time to clear the need and see the light of magnificence taking root within your being. 

6.1 Making Your Truth Available

Higher perspective on a matter leads to another concept that we are introducing right now and it’s about letting go of what it’s been in the past and what you are now and seeing yourself as evolving and not holding on to the past burdens. This perception shift is a training of the mind where discipline takes root in your own being and translates your own life into a magnificent journey with a variety turns and when no straight line is walked, you find yourself lost, and when you are lost, you are searching the way back and when you find it, you are again the the magnificent flow of life.  

Magnificence is your birthright, it is yours for the reasons that you came from a higher realms of beingness and you imagined yourself now being something less that you are. When you are adorning yourself with life experiences, you will find that at times they take away from the beauty of your own spirit and add onto you issues that no longer helping you to feel that beauty and stay elevated. Spirit that comes into this life has been through many lifetimes and has journeys that took them into long possibilities of issues that may have came in this time and made you who you are. Regardless how far ago these issues travelled to you, you are not those issues and you are a magnificence that came in to shine brightly and share your wisdom and bloom into a wonderful being who stays in its power and truth and love.

6.2 Letting go of the drama

Making yourself available to be in the truth of Now and Who You Are, letting go of the issues is another answer to transcending the need to be in duality. These concepts are taking place within your mind right now as you read for you to remember that channeling is a part that you play for others to present to them a non-dual response that manifests as a non-biased approach to their truth and the levels of truth mentioned will relate to them for the reasons that the only way out of drama is overcoming duality. 

Drama is a part of life and many thrive in the drama of life. And we say to them, drama is a way but it is not who you are. Dramatic response is an emotionally charged behaviour resulting in attack and need to speak up and control the situation by stating statements of pain and who is wrong or right. Drama is not your truth. When you are spirit, those concepts are not a part of your existence. Those issues are not a part of your daily life. Such issues are only part of the incarnations and we rely on your ability to take apart those portions of you that rely on drama to explore life. 

Taking drama out of your perception is a way to clear the need to battle those who are not in regard of your life and letting go of the need to have them agree is a way of stating to yourself I am free from their approval. The need to stop judging others is related to the side of you judging yourself. Judgement is a part of life and judgement is taking an immediate examination of the thoughts of others and breaks them down with the ego filters and makes statements like they don’t understand, they don’t feel, they don’t make changes… These statements are part of the exploration of separate states of being. And we asking you to realize that such statements are not your true nature. They are part of something that was created for a human being to protect themselves to exist within this dimension and as an earlier species when human kind existed within the realms of nature, the protection was a strong response that got recorded within the DNA of the human species and is a natural response for a live being to protect in order to exist.

The difference between the earlier times and now is that we are no longer examining situations from the point of view of survival, we are no longer in a flight and run response. We are adorning ourselves with old statements that took root long time ago without addressing what they are really for. They are not for separating from your fellow human beings. They are to protect you and keep you safe in life. Yet, when you have to be safe and have to run, you do that, because it is a necessity and physical survival is your responsibility and you are smart enough to know doesn’t the difference between needing to protect your physicality or having to say what does not allow you to stay connected. 

Hesitating about what response you shall be giving is not necessary. Your life is a learning experience, you cannot simply address these concepts in a matter of a day or two. This is a simple topic to explain to you what it is required of you when you are channeling to another being what’s important to them.

Having to rely on your personal perception cannot embrace them in a way that they will feel good about themselves and about their situation. Having to rely on their own truth might not give them the right resolving the situation. And having to go out of your way to say things that are not true to them might turn them away. The way of perception relying on non-dual perception without needing to reflect on what anybody did wrong, might be the way for you to give advice and give them a higher way of communicating and only letting go is the part that you cannot give them and their job is to let go when then realize that the issue could be seen from a higher perception with higher vision for outcomes and ideas that are loving and kind in nature for everyone involved. 

6.3 Creating positive expectations with Higher Consciousness Layer

Positive expectation on the matter of channeling higher consciousness is a new way of looking at channeling. When someone is allowing information to come to them, they are having expectations. When they feel that the person who channels has a meaningful channeling approach, it is felt and it resonates to truth that transcends personal truth and is aligned to the higher levels of truth. Positive expectations regarding channeling information must come from a level of safety. And safety is the reason when people are open-minded to rely on others to guide them. When they have safety issues they cannot realign and allow information in. That creates dissonance for a channel as well and the whole experience can go wrong. And we align to those who come to use to receive information to feel and know where they are coming from. What are their issues and problems and why they are experiencing those situations? We are advising those people form the levels of higher truth which is a bypass to lower kind of expectations and need to be acknowledged and without the need for approval. These values that we speak of come from higher consciousness and they are the values that teachers of spirit communication deliver to those who come to them for safe, loving, kind and deliberate communication which intends higher alignment on truth.

Higher understanding of the problems of humankind is a teacher’s responsibility. We are trained to stay in our alignment and become non-judging and align to seeing human beings with the eyes of compassion. The feelings of love and training to love everybody is a must. We cannot approach teaching and assisting without such alignment. 

Consciousness attunements that we have received opened a door to communion with Higher Consciousness, and thus we reveal to you that another way of communion towards hearing and seeing and channeling and recognizing the high level of consciousness is a joint activity between the teacher and the channel.

Realigning that you are a part of communion and transcending dual communication is an important part of the triumph between the spirit communicator and the guide. Another way of doing this is to train yourself to stay in a non-judgemental state of mind that creates an open-minded communion where ideas can travel without being challenged or stopped or released and not heard. Hearing spirit is a trust in your ability that taking time to practice requires your commitment to your quality of hearing and communion with the spirit realizes your potential in a way that you can no longer doubt such communion and no longer rely on senses alone but realign yourself and clearly hear what is being transmitted from the levels of Higher Consciousness.

Heavy emotions that people hold on to cannot be part of the communication and they cannot be part of you when you are joint with a teacher. These feelings must be addressed before you do your work and shall not be used as a personal guidance for a human being who you channel for.

Training for objective thinking takes you to another understanding of the communion. When choices are given to a channel to bring down messages / information, that activity has a meaningful purpose and purposeful flow which aligns others to the way of stating the truth through meaningful and purposeful speaking. 

Purpose of communion is a common goal that a teacher and a channel align on and the message delivered shall not be a low quality, it cannot be partial, and cannot be stuck in your own feelings, joint activity means that you and your guide take it higher than your own personal agendas and bridge to the heart of another through simple yet powerful truths which cannot be denied nor addressed with a human mind, those truths take you out of where you are and raise you into a leveled higher consciousness and release those feelings and misconceptions that were blocking your internal vision with a reason to state what you already know and cannot yourself discern. 

Taking sides is a wrong choice to make when you channel. Heavy emotions can trigger you into feeling like needing to protect, needing to nourish their loving heart, not withholding your own higher understanding, feelings of your own shall be taken into consideration and resolved by merely seeing that they are where they are, and you are open to see their perspective and joining them for reasons of healing. 

High level channels have a large auditory and they rely wholly on the information from Higher Consciousness which has no limitations of such kind. They channel together and no personal issues are brought up in a channel. This activity is fully dependent on Higher Alignment with Higher Consciousness and they love everybody who comes to them and do not relate to lower frequencies and capable to state truths with such words that take you out of dual perception and raise you in frequency and translate your perception into a higher way of seeing and that is a healing that takes place when higher consciousness is involved and they take you to a higher plain where you can no longer feel issue holds you back.

High alignment with the group of people can be easier achieved by stating that you are a channel of Love and Light and your purpose here is to serve those who asked for it. This statement in itself translates in the alignment of your mind to deal with their issues and not your own. When you are aligned to those you serve, serving those people is joyous time, and joy is a part of Higher Consciousness that sees no pain, that sees no issues and sees no problems. The Higher Consciousness joins those people and regards them as growing, seeing human beings as loving beautiful teachers to those who will come after and will need their wisdom on the experiences of life. When Higher Consciousness and a channel merge on communication, a resonant frequency arises that touches human beings to the levels of heart energy and tones down lower frequencies, drains them out, clears and heals those areas of human bodies that require love. Healing that takes place during channeling is subtle and is not recognizable by humans, it’s a subtle alignment that over time continues to a higher frequency and people will gradually feel better and more aligned and feeling like needing to rest and sleepy and some even start yawning and letting go of heavy issues that they brought into the group. 

Helping people with channeling higher consciousness is a lovely statement to them saying that higher consciousness is here to serve and bring the love that life in itself is lacking when difficulties come up and we are saying to you, your higher consciousness is only a bridge of love to you, but higher consciousness you could channel is a light bridge to many. 

We addressed all of the topics related to Higher Consciousness Layer for you to relate to today’s topic and we want you to take time to read these materials before the class so that you could understand the whole idea of Higher Consciousness Layer for us to practice during class and take time with topics and discuss and have a meaningful journey within our course and see where else we could go when we come together. 

5. Conscious Channeling

Please refer to the subject 2.6 to recall information on what conscious channeling is in comparison to other ways of spirit communication.

5.1 Conscious Channeling of Higher Consciousness

We are expanding today on the topic of conscious channeling. The class that we held last time turned out to be a great success, and many of you have created a positive experience and were fully excited about possibilities that are opening up for you with the new ways of channeling. Channeling consciously is a way to be in tune with all that you are, including your Higher Self, your spirit guides, your Angels as well as Higher Consciousness, including other type of activities that involve spirit communication.

We are joining you today in your asking and your asking is leading this class. We are fully joyous at the possibility of collaboration as we are learning through you and with you. We are you and you are us. We are fully your reflections. And that leads us to the subject of oneness which could be taken to the next level and be used as a higher concept for spirit communication. We are here to explore the concepts of Unity in Consciousness and see if true unity is possible. And as time progresses, we wish to see all of you in a state of awe and be fully bringing your higher guidance and be in complete surrender to the higher aspects of yourselves. 

Higher consciousness is a one long subject to discuss. We have been discussing quite a few new ideas already and we feel that you are ready to align to the highest possibility of channeling tonight. We are asking you today to be open minded, because we are here to do what you decided in your dream time, and we are bringing a new experience into this class to channel Higher Consciousness.

For now, we are asking you align your ideas about who you intend to channel and we ask you to pick a very Advanced Spirit. A few of you have already picked who you would like to channel. And if you don’t remember we are ready to tell you who these advanced souls are. You can pick a Divinity, a Saint, an Advanced Spiritual Teacher that you are aware of. 

5.2 Exercise on Channeling Higher Consciousness / Highly Evolved Beings

This exercise will be very brief and we don’t want you to feel like you have to sit for a long time and breath and align and work hard. This is a simple exercise that you, lovely beings, agreed upon yourselves and we are only saying, are you ready?

This exercise will only require you to name the High Level Being who you prefer to channel and we suggest that you also ask who you picked in your dream time.

For now, we ask you to resolve your issues with thinking it is impossible to channel such level beings and we are not disclosing to you why. It might relate to your personal issues with Divine and we feel that if you feel that you are Divine, you won’t have such issues and can embrace this channeling session by being fully present within the Love and Radiance of the Master / Goddess / Divinity, or other amazing beings of Light to be fully surrendering to their Love and Wisdom and be open minded about what comes to your mind. 

They might speak simple truth that transcends complexity, as most of the wisdom is quite simple. Yet there are quite a few eloquent beings who prefer expanding on a subject and you may find yourself having lots of ideas in your mind ready for you to rely on and speak about. 

For the sake of the session, let’s say you are them, and they are you, and you have something to tell the group. And we ask you to speak whatever comes to your mind and be open minded on the matter of seeing, hearing and allowing for higher ideas to stream down as concepts, abstract topics ready for use by your consciousness to shape it into words through your personal thought processes. 

Your higher consciousness has aligned now to something very beautiful, and we ask that you form an internal bond with the being who you would like to channel.  Right now just allow this connection to spring forth and bring about their energies to manifest their consciousness and overlight your being in order for you to be consciously aware of their presence. 

As long as you are open minded, the energies of the higher consciousness are ready for use in the manner of your openness. The more open and ready you are to align your thoughts to the highest ideas of the Being that you channel, the much higher information will be brought down into your mind for interpretation.

We are asking that you make sure that you slightly open your mouth ready to speak, and listen carefully and yet don’t, but rather stay open minded and allowing, and see the stream of information coming down to you. And you are weeding out your thoughts to see what their thoughts are.

Now, we ask that each of you go one after another and speak in simple ways what you are getting and you are welcome to speak as in 1st person / as them, and see what will be flowing as information.

5.3 Opening to Channel Your Higher Self

We want to expand on this subject for those of you, who don’t know who Higher Self is. There is a next level of Who You Are that is capable to bring down Higher Vision and Higher Inspiration to your own life. It is a Higher Aspect that is deeply aware of your personal lessons and issues, that you may have known as part of your intuitive sense that is capable to guide you on your personal journey of self-discovery. 

In the previous class we have received Attunement for Conscious Connection to Who You Are (topic 2.1). This attunement is all that you will need to connect and align to your Higher Self and from this point on it will be easier. There is a lot that can be done with having such a beautiful alignment, and having your Higher Self channel to you directly will heal a lot of misunderstandings about your own life. A lot of purposeful life leverage can be achieved by recognition of the higher level information that Higher Self is capable of bringing to you. 

Higher Selves of each of you are in complete knowing of what you are and where you are at and what is going on with you. They are guiding you in your life. They are the ones who plan a higher purpose  and higher meaning for your life. Having achieved your alignment with Higher Self brings an amazing opportunity to take the next step and advance in your spiritual evolution. Having Higher Self involved in your life requires acknowledging their existence and having their guidance becomes an amazing gift. The guidance of Higher Self is a true blessing that bridges through dimensions, and there is no boundary and no limitation on what could be consciously channeled by your Higher Self.

Higher Selves are you at your highest potentials. They evolve through you and their lives are interconnected with yours. When you understand that your success in this school of life is of much value to them, you will hold more love for you, knowing that they need you as much as you need them, and they are here for you to achieve your highest potentials. Knowing this, higher asking for the presence of your Higher Self in this life is renovating to begin with, as it renovates your sudden understanding and translates into hope, tendency to grow higher, time irrelevance, and notion of peace and wellness. Higher Selves are asking you to connect to them whether it’ll be a small thing or a large subject and the need to tell them a story is not even needed. They are in complete knowing of your storyline and understanding where you are coming from. Higher mission in life comes through Higher Self, and higher meaning to life descends and grounds into your being. 

5.4 Exercise on Channeling Your Higher Self

The connection to Who You Are through attunement of the previous class allows you to connect to your Higher Self without difficulties. We are asking that you clear all ideas about how connection needs to happen, it simply does, as it is an established link that was formed by you or assisted with by your spirit teachers.

For the practice of this exercise, we would like all of you to connect your Higher Selves to this session right. Simply close your eyes and allow yourselves to go higher in your alignment, and connecting to your Higher Aspect is very easy. Imagine a thread of light that goes up and connects you to where they are. As you visualize it, you will feel this connection expand within the heart. Now, ask your Higher Self to come about and around you, and overlight you for the purpose of this channeling exercise. You may have a question in mind to ask, or you may just want to receive a message that Higher Self would like to give you. And now that you are connecting, we are asking that Your Higher Selves create a positive channeling experience and give you the message that you will be able to channel and translate.

This exercise shall not exceed more than just a few minutes. We ask you to only connect and sit still and one by one channel your Higher Self right here to be witnessed by the group.

5.5 Exercise on Channeling from your Heart Using Higher Wisdom

This is a small exercise that we want you to practice and since you all got attuned to your own Higher Wisdom last time, we would like you to experience it and see where it takes you. We want you to pick a general topic that won’t send you into any emotional response. This topic needs to be independent of your personal perception and could be discussed by others. The topic you choose shall reflect something meaningful to you and it can be a spiritual and non-spiritual subject. The awareness of your own wisdom is an integral part of channeling your internal truth. And the truth that you share is a gift to others, and we are asking you to trust your own truth. 

Imagine you hold a higher vision that transcends your limited thinking that can be given to this group. Imagine highest possible truth and higher wisdom to be at its best. Imagine you hold everyone dear and help them feel that Love that flows through your own higher Wisdom. 

[Pick a topic, connect with the heart, and speak from your heart]

5.6 Clarity of channeling as a way of conscious alignment

Consciousness of everyone differs and in many ways consciousness is in a process of personal evolution. This suggestion implies that your personal evolution matters when you channel higher consciousness and bringing messages to others. Consciousness alignment with higher source of wisdom is an advanced topic to speak about. And we are only covering a few items on our list that will teach you about yourself and help you align to the highest transmission possible regardless where you are in your spiritual evolution.

Consciousness aligns at the level of the heart and wisdom creates clarity of transmission. We are clear channels when we have these aspects in place that function in synch and working with Higher Self can bring about such alignment. Practice channeling with a few friends and see how you could become more aligned with your own truth and wisdom and how you could potentially tap into your Higher Wisdom that stems from your Higher Aspect of Who You Are. Higher Aspects are fully available to anyone to work with. Wisdom is alignment with all of your experiences and knowledge that comes from Higher Understanding and Integration of All Your Life’s Lessons. 

Clarity is a subject that can be expanded on more. It simply means that alignment to Higher Wisdom will create the clarity that you seek for translation of your messages into the most clear form with most accuracy and most love and wisdom. Clarity is a gift that you allow to root within and bear fruit through conscious alignment with your Truth. And the Truth that you carry at Higher Levels of Higher Selves is a even a much higher truth that many could potentially resonate with and many will. 

Truth alignment is about bringing potential to speak Higher truth and higher levels of truth are also available to you through alignment to Higher Self and possibly much higher aspects than that. Higher aspects of Higher Self have their own level of truth that resonate with those people who are in connection with those aspects as well. Higher Aspects of Higher Self are those levels that you call the Soul, Oversoul, Monadic Consciousness, Higher Sources like God and Undifferentiated Source which some people/beings call Divine Knowing. These higher sources of Truth resonate with beings at higher levels and there are a few beings who incarnated these days that fully are in those levels of truth. We are aligning to higher levels than ever before and speaking from those levels is an advanced technique of channeling and we recommend trusting higher sources of Who You Are on clarity, wisdom and truth. 

Higher Selves are your higher aspects that you might resonate the best with for now when channeling. We advise that you develop conscious connection with these aspects for transcendence of human limitations and higher truth development. Such connections do exist today and many are exploring these relations for other reasons than channeling. These connections are evolving more for those who work with higher consciousness and we are asking you to explore this subject for your own personal and spiritual reasons. 

Truth is the way to channel your own guidance and your own information via channeling. And truth is the level of your own understanding and level of perception that you develop as filter through your own experiences. When you can align to higher truth, the level of information goes higher and transcends dual perception and no longer is based upon concepts of duality. 

People naturally perceive life matters and issues via dual perception which is based on the balance of opposites. Each issue has the opposite side of perception and you can see the same issue from different angles. Dual perception is the level of truth that human beings live by in the 3d dimensional reality. When you go higher in understanding, and bring that to the levels of Higher Self, there is a transcendence of dual perception and nothing is perceived as good or bad, but rather higher truth is channeled as messages that are felt as complete and whole where you enjoy higher level of peace and experience transcendence of the issues that at a human level could not be easily overcome.

Duality is based upon seeing and understanding life through the concept of the opposites that play out human dramas. Non-dual perception requires an adjustments to the levels of truth that humans possess and having connection to the messages from Higher Self can hold you true to the Higher Truth without need to rely on dual perception. The ability to hold true to the non-dual perception requires commitment and adjustment in thinking which leads essentially to higher levels of understanding and admission into the higher levels of existence. 

5.7 Exercise for Non-dual Channeling of Messages 

We are going to go into a channeling state, and allow yourself to release the need to see life from a dual point of view as we would like to have you all go higher in perceiving life. For this exercise, please take turns with each other and pair up. For those who will be channeling, please ask your partners to give you a question that you will be channeling answers to. 

This exercise will be done together with Higher Selves of your partners. You will be channeling their Higher Self. And for this channeling, we are asking that you create a state of mind to let go of any thoughts. Take a deep breath and feel alignment with your Higher Selves as well. And as you breath, allow yourselves to create a positive outlook before connecting with the Higher Self of your partner. 

This exercise shall not take a long time. We suggest that you simply stay opposing any thoughts that are less than higher truth. We ask you to fully trust that the Higher Self of your partner will deliver non-duality message to them. We ask you to align your mind and allow the stream of consciousness to flow into your mind. This channeling might happen via crown, and you have read about it last time. And this also could happen as overlay of consciousness or simply hearing messages with your internal ear. Do not get attached how this will happen, this is an exercise to see if you could deliver a non-duality message.

[switch partners]

5.8 Exercise: Taking notes for delivering messages to others

When you have someone asking you to give them a message, you can simply take a pen and paper and start writing down all thoughts that come to your mind. In this exercise, you won’t do anything that requires meditating and taking time to focus. We will be practicing and bypassing the mind by doing. And this time we want you to stay in a place of allowing and this allowing will eliminate the need to think and stopping to write is not needed. You continue writing all thoughts that come to your mind, and if they are yours, it’s okay. We will look at the messages and discern together where you wrote down your thoughts and where they were from your spirit teachers. 

5.9 Exercise: Taking notes for yourself 

Taking notes for yourself takes a different practice. This is about bypassing your own mind and allowing other thoughts to come. This shall not be a biased message, but rather an honest and clear message that comes from the levels of truth of the higher beings who see you as love. We will address the question that you have in your mind. Please make sure you state one question and you can write it down, and allow the message to be transmitted to you via conscious channeling and see if that comes to you easily. If you feel stuck or blocked, don’t hesitate to raise your hand and I will address your issues on a one by one manner.

5.10 Traditional Conscious Channeling 

This is about channeling by using multiple senses and multiple abilities, and here we won’t focus how this is happening but rather we will address the question in mind and bring out the best information which you can receive from your teacher. This channeling activity is a similar practice to what you normally call automatic writing. And writing messages down is a close resemblance of that activity. When you do automatic writing, you rather allow a spirit to manipulate your own hand and use their own language to transmit information in the form of writings. This does not depend on you and is only based on allowing the information to come through. 

With conscious channeling, the translation remains to be done by you, and there is no actual words being given to you but rather a consciousness stream enters your psyche and delivers the information that you yourself translate at your best capacity allowing for that message to be clear and true. This feeling that accompanies the message is very important, and if the message feels right or resonates to true, that signals that you are very close to the original meaning of the transmission. When you rely on the intuition which is about feeling the message, your own truth is filtering it. 

When you want to work with higher levels of truth, we suggest that you clear your attachment to dual perception and allow yourself a non-biased approach in receiving information free from your own judgement and your own personal truth. Instead, bypass your limited perception by rooting in the higher truth within your Higher Mind. This way you will be taking a higher stance about hearing and able to channel much higher concepts without relying on dual perception.

When you are channeling for groups of people, conscious channeling could be a way to share concepts and ideas that will relate to many. Therefore, your personal truth might not be as valuable. Ability to bypass your personal truth is essential in bringing unimaginably higher concepts that will satisfy many at the same time. Many people will resonate and can be reached via higher truths and these are the essentials of group channeling activities when you want to reach many in simple ways. During such channeled events there is an invisible energy alignment happening in such a way where we could experience resonance to higher truth and higher mind, or feel energetic expansion, or simply be lifted out of the dual perception.

5.11 Creating Expectations for Channeling Session

For a purpose of channeling a few adjustments are made to the state of your physical body where you are in the state of full relaxation allowing your frequencies go higher than opposed to normal way of being. You simply align your state to a higher way of being resonating to love and lighter frequencies start rising within and manifest higher vibration. This alignment is a minor adjustment required for channeling. When you align your frequencies to a much higher level, you will feel the resonance with the high alignment for possibly higher connection with a spirit and such alignment can provide amazing unity in consciousness and ability to think as one, communicate as one including channeling as one. 

For this purpose, we advise that you clear yourselves before channeling and create a safe space as opposed to instant communication. When you create a purposeful state coupled with being safe and aligned in frequency, this state of consciousness co-creates a state for a spirit the same approach who reaches downward to rise your frequencies and help you align into the unison of conscious communication. The asking for higher love and higher knowledge produces a higher state of consciousness for a teacher who free of judgement and duality ascends into higher realms of communication and brings forth the message of high quality. The same shall ring true for a channel who listens, translates and brings forth true guidance. 

5.12 Trust in Delivering True Guidance

Delivering messages is not difficult in a sense that you are only allowing information to shift from spirit realm to human realm. Such activity is rooted in discernment and truly relating to the messages coming through. When spirit communicates, they are in conscious agreement with you on the level of the truth and the message resonates to true within for you. When conscious alignment is not at the level of truth that you wish for yourself, then truth alignment is not easy to achieve and messages can get lost in translation. And with effort, truth alignment can evolve into higher levels of truth being channeled to you where you transcend your personal truth and able to shift into a higher state of lifting the truth to the highest degree.

Resonance on truth is a subject worth understanding and we are freeing ourselves from levels of truth that become invalid through higher consciousness. Truth alignment considering you are on spiritual path has a light weight to carry. And honest consideration of where your truth resides creates opportunity to left your consciousness out of the place where you are at and allow yourself to achieve higher alignment. Truth levels vary and we cannot possibly speak of higher than Higher Self truths yet, but we want you to consider the higher levels of truth as possibility for channeling and delivering messages at the highest possible alignments that transcend not just this reality and could relate to those in other dimensions. 

5.13 Taking Steps towards Higher Truth Alignment

Bridging into higher truth requires lifting your perception from the personal viewpoint to the level of your higher consciousness. We have adorned ourselves with major energies that open at nadies and clear pathways for travelling of quantum particles of light, and prana travels in a toroidal fashion. These same processes happen in many levels of consciousness even higher than your human mind. The grids of the mind continue on facing up towards toroidal energy streams coming down. These energies truly bring down the magnetic alignments necessary to free human mind from limitations of the human consciousness based on social programming and dual perception. 

Let’s practice now on freeing ourselves from limited thinking and aligning to spiritual truths that are valid to those who transcended 3d and moved into a higher dimensional perception. There is no need to feel that you might need help here. We simply want you to freely allow a higher perception to be given to you from a higher viewport and such alignment is a requirement for higher channeling. 

5.14 Exercise on Higher Truth Alignment

Sit comfortably and allow yourselves to join into communion with spirit, by bringing out your heart energy. Let it expand and grow and magnify into a wonderful loving presence that you are. As you expand the heart, a vibrational shift happens. You are no longer in duality, and your conscious responses are now based on love. When you allow love abound, you will feel that there is no need for judgement, or pain, or feeling less than, there is no need to feel unloved or unwelcome, and there is only one truth that You Are Love.

As you proceed with consciously bringing out your heart energy, state your intent to communicate at the highest level that you could with your spirit teacher. 

Now, as they come around you and take a space by your side, they expand their energies and align to your heart expansion. This expansion takes place regardless of them, and you are the one who consciously intending this expansion. Your teacher creates a safe space and allows you to feel them around you. As this progresses, your energies will raise upward to meet the energy of your teacher. This happens at your intent to meet them at where there are at, and they are normally a much higher energy. 

As energy alignment and love alignment takes place, you will consider taking it further by taking time to shift into truth alignment. Alignment will happen when you feel as them, and when they feel as you. And if you have to go higher in energy, continue raising your frequency with intent. They will come down in their frequency to meet yours until complete alignment in energy sets in, and this way you can fully experience truth and energy alignment.

5.15 Exercise on Channeling Higher Messages 

As you sit in this state of complete union with your teacher, feel how your connection is aligning and adjusting. The resonance that ripples from this connection may translate into you feeling sleepy or dizzy and even needing to yawn as shifting into higher frequency releases energies that can no longer stay in the presence of truth. 

Truth alignment comes through asking for high level spirit communication activity and is normally performed by high level channels. They take a few minutes to shift and align before channeling and such activity shall be overlooked by others in full safety including spirit guides, spirit teachers and human companions. High level channels are the ones who come the closest to the experience of truth alignment. They merely notice a sequence of events that need happen for connection to establish before they consciously understand that they are aligned to a high level being. Thanks to such alignment, stories are being told, group activities are being presented. High level channels enjoy energy exchange, they sense higher wisdom and take their time to settle into true union and alignment with their spirit teacher. 

Now, we would like you to see yourself becoming as light as a cloud traveling upward and the higher you go, the lesser weight you carry. With higher alignments your levels of energies will rise, and as you rise up, you will experience a deep release of energy. Rising upward requires an effort and proper intention on your side. As energies intensify, there is a major shift happening within your mind and you heal those issues that separate you from Higher Consciousness. As you travel up, your teacher comes down in their energy and brings down their vibrational frequency to match yours.

When you have experienced complete alignment within the energies of the heart and frequency of your subtle bodies, there is a muted feeling that feels like you know them and able to feel their love. It’s a feeling of relatedness and understanding. The feeling of relatedness is a truth alignment that you could experience also by visualizing them as your friend who you are fond of, someone close, or a dear teacher that guides you. This famous technique is a way to channel higher teachers and is highly known in all circles of conscious channeling. 

When you channel consciously, there is no need to work hard in order to channel, but rather to align, and such alignment is the key to conscious channeling. This technique does not require any practical knowledge of spirit communication but trains you in understanding of how this is done before you channel.

And now, we ask that all of your teachers create a nice message to bring it through your persona. We ask the teachers to allow the students to feel your message, to see that message and to flow it through conscious alignment. We ask the students, to allow yourselves to receive communication and tell us the message. There is no judgement, it’s only about channeling and anything that comes forth is a good message. 

5.16 Finding Your True Life Purpose

Finding your true life purpose requires soul searching, and many today are asking for higher information to be given to them for reasons they don’t fully understand. Soul searching begins from the day we come down here to incarnate and we refine this idea and continue in life with asking questions about what is my true life purpose. At times we are not fully aware of our spiritual journeys and that creates searching in life for situations and relationships and careers that would bring that fulfillment and higher purpose in that regard is not uncovered but rather lies dormant as the spiritual aspect of your own truth lacks awareness. When you are on spiritual journey of self-inquiry and self-awareness, this question becomes more gnawing and relates to searching for that hidden knowledge and direction that originated from your own true source. 

Self-inquiry begins at the early stages of spiritual journey when you begin to unfold into a higher awareness of higher truths, and these little steps of self-discovery cannot disclose fully your true purpose in life. When you are more aware, you are still in self-discovery and your life purpose adjusts based on the higher awareness of truth and your capabilities to perceive that truth. When alignment to your own truth has been achieved, and yet you are aligning to  a much higher source of your truth, these steps start revealing to you the source of your life purpose and meaning to life start acquiring higher ideals. This is where you begin to question even more so trying to see what’s hidden behind all of the drama and all of the events in your life. These achievements of spirituality where you gained wisdom, start showing through and bear fruits of higher wisdom. This is where you are understanding that you are standing yet again at crossroads of figuring out the letting go of what was true before and letting in of what is unfolding before you. The true purpose of your journey is self-discovery in understanding that every single event led to where you are at, yet there is a lot more that stands between you and the truth that you are seeking. The higher truth is always revealed at its highest when you reach higher, and this truth begins to unfold as well as you align to higher truth and higher knowledge regarding your own life purpose. When you reach an understanding of the lessons that took place, able to see through every situation in life and bypass your judgement and limited thinking, when you feel the love for everybody and see the capability of evolving into a better higher you, you are on the track to higher consciousness and levels of truth that are transcending all that you have ever been and will be. This journey is a long standing affair with God. Self-awareness is a key to finding that lost life-purpose and self-inquiry is the door through which you walk.

There is an invisible thread connecting you to your Higher Levels of Who You Are. You are never separate and never alone. Your truth turns you towards God, and the thread that leads to Higher Truth is the thread leading you to Who You Are on the journey to God. 

Nadis are pathways that exist in the mind that circulate prana within the energetic body. Connecting to pranic breath and invisibly drawing prana into nadis within the body will circulate prana required to assimilate life force to develop higher receptors within the brain which allow for higher brain activity to draw in connections of the Higher Mind. When this is achieved, Higher Mind starts functioning at the levels of perception not based on duality but rather transcending such and revealing the truths that previously were hidden. Mana or prana is a concept of higher frequency energy that is given to us as breath of life from God, manifestations of the life force brought by higher aspects to us to sustain life. Drawing this force into you translates into development of higher nadis that elevate consciousness and purposefully develop higher mind and allowing much higher connections of the higher mind to come down. 

Nadis are used to breath prana, and pranic breath develops higher level understanding. It is almost like breathing in the life itself. Pranic energy streams detoxify and leave behind those energies that served receptors of the lower mind. They are clearing away lower mind and bring down energies that  travel to lower nadis and connect them with higher nadis.

5.17 Worksheet

  • Re-read all topics about conscious channeling

  • Review if needed from the previous class what conscious channeling is

  • Read independently topics: 5.6, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.16 

  • At home exercises: 5.9, 5.16

4. Assignments

These assignments are to be practiced for the first month of the course on Spirit Communication:

4.1 Clarity Assignment

This assignment will be asked of you to do weekly. A few times a week sit down quietly and decide on receiving a transmission from teachers of spirit communication from our course. We suggest choosing the time when you are alone, or maybe in nature, and not disturbed by other people even in proximity. You may find a quiet location where you can be alone and not focus on anything that revolves around your daily activities. When you are in such a place, connect to your heart and quiet your mind, relax and feel your breathing in and out. Consider this a relaxation time, nothing can disrupt your peace and feeling light headed might show up as a result of such breathing. This requires a few minutes until you are fully relaxed and no longer feel the need to stop thinking. That time we ask that you connect to your heart and move your conscious awareness above your crown, focus on your energy expanding and moving outward. Stillness of the mind creates opportunity to receive the message easier. When you feel like you have connected to a spirit teacher, receive information in whatever ways it comes. No need to stress or worry if you don’t get anything. This is not a competition. We want you to understand the idea of connecting and being able to receive transmission. 

This assignment to be done once a week for the duration of the course. The outcome of this is the ability to tune in to receive a message. When successful, type up the message and share with students in class.

4.2 Examination of Your Thoughts Assignment

This assignment only requires that you weekly discern, where your thoughts are coming from. Are they your thoughts or they just popped into your mind? This discernment will help you develop your ability to recognize your thoughts from the ideas and thought impressions of the spirits and Angels around you.

4.3 Navigate Your Mind Assignment

Sit in a comfortable chair, relax and assume meditative state. When you turn off your outwardly connections and become focused on your breathing, realign yourself to receive transmissions of spirit communication. By realigning we mean, focus with no thoughts in your mind. Instead just breath and keep focused awareness of the incoming transmission. This activity allows you to realign your mind to be able to tune in and focus and resonate with transmission and align itself to receiving it. The ideal scenario would be to have your guide or Guardian Angel to stand by you and work with you together. 

4.4 Assignment on Practicing 

Daily routine for practice should begin with time when you open your eyes and first thoughts that come to your mind. These first thoughts are usually ideas that your teachers and spirit guides try to fill you in on, for you to be able to navigate your day. This is not exactly an assignment by rather a way to become even more aware on who is talking to you. 

3. Spirit Communication

To improve spirit communication, Master Teachers of Spirit Communication are bringing to you a few attunement sessions throughout this class that will allow you to better align with ability to channel and hear spirit.

3.1 Attunement for Conscious Connection to Who You Are

Conscious connection to Who You are is not an ability, but rather an attunement of your consciousness that allows you to bring alignment with your ability to channel messages. This is a universal ability that transcends duality and is a capability that many evolve in this lifetime. We, as Teachers of Spirit Communication, have decided that attunement is required for this ability to evolve. 

The attunement will take a short few minutes and we need you all to sit straight and allow attunement work to begin. Attunement takes place in the upper part of the consciousness where connectedness to the higher realms resides. This ability of connecting to a higher source helps you in channeling, and when you channel you can transcend consciousness limitations and allow higher information to come in. This is a relationship with the Higher Aspect of Who You Are and we are here to enhance this connection and bring it closer into your set of tools. 

Please understand that this is a gift from your Spirit Communication Teachers who realized what is missing and developed a way to attune humans to allow higher connections.

3.2 Impressions & Thought Transmissions

Impressions of thought-forms happen to you all the time through your Angels, guides, spirit companions. This type of transmission is sort of like sharing thoughts with you. And it comes naturally, without forcing it and as a particular intent on the part of a spirit. You pick those impressions up via psychic senses and that requires little effort on your side too. This is a part of what we are also learning in class to be able to recognize, but it’s not considered to be intentional communication. 

Consciousness is capable to imprint ideas without recognition of the source of ideas. As humans progress on their path of higher consciousness, this ability evolves into higher states and becomes the ability to channel higher consciousness.

3.3 Consciousness Attunement / Overlay of consciousness

This is a form of channeling that does not involve the body, but is in a way overlay of the consciousness of the spirit over the consciousness of the human. This technique is used by majority people as they get aligned to higher consciousness. Inspiration is what allows this channeling to come about. History has known many inspired individuals who taught Humanity. These are the teachers who are attuned to higher consciousness and brought forth amazing knowledge. Consciousness attunement happens usually spontaneously. This technique is transferred from a spirit to a person through an instant connection and union of consciousness and alignment in thought. This activity is not something that is usually planned. This happens at will of the spirit and human in communication. 

This ability is very common and in certain situations you might have felt like you suddenly knew information and spontaneously shared wisdom and higher knowledge without prior knowledge of it. This is very useful when you align yourself to a higher consciousness, the overlay of consciousness happens as an alignment in frequency and alignment of the mind transmissions.

3.4 Consciousness Stream Transmissions via Crown Chakra / Channeling via Crown Chakra

Stream of consciousness is being brought into the crown of a person and streams down onto the cranium of the receiver. This transmission doesn’t happen spontaneously, this is a planned activity with conscious intent to communicate and translate and receive. Crown chakra extends upward several feet. This chakra has many partitions and faucets and layers. The chakra can be imaged as a number of layers from top to bottom and each layer has many partitions or faucets. With each layer closer to the head partitions become more focused and pointed transforming transmissions into particular frequencies that are adapted to being received by the mind. Partitions of the closest layer of the crown chakra are sectioned in a way where a few of those transmit received information as encoded packets to be absorbed by the receptors of the mind to be translated from their original meaning to what a person is able to perceive. This activity is aligned with what you call translation from one language to another. And if a person has smaller awareness of the language capabilities than intended by the messenger, the translation won’t be as accurate as intended.  

3.5 Attunement for Consciousness Overlay and Ability to Channel via Crown

This attunement will take place at this time of reading and we ask that all of you align yourselves to the highest capacity to higher connectedness to your own higher consciousness. This is a way to translate your own higher consciousness into the way that you could perceive this as information through your own physical self. This attunement does not require any work on your part but rather will take place as an upgrade in your makeup of your crown and higher mind.

3.6 Conscious Channeling

Conscious channeling is a form of channeling that does not involve the body. Spirit does not enter the body, nor animates the body. It rather uses other senses that involve mostly the top of the head.  The top of the head is the location of higher senses and higher chakras. This part of the body utilizes higher mind to connect with the spirit and transform information to usable words and phrases. Conscious channeling involves also many other senses and it can be clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. This is different from let say cognitive perception concept which only depicts a state of having those senses fully engaged. Conscious channeling is rather a way how a person receives spirit communication without engaging the body, and where he/she is the one who actively receives and translates information.

Channeling consciously is about receiving spirit communication rather than anything else. Conscious channeling is a mixture of senses that a person uses to receive information from a spirit communication source. Many people do conscious channeling without realizing. This work is usually relates to public speaking, writing and other activities, where a person feels they are connected to higher source and sometimes they called it inspiration. 

3.7 Practicum on Conscious Channeling

This part of the class will be held with teachers of spirit communication. We are aligning ourselves to your faculties to inspire and suggest a message to the group. Please allow connection to take place and settle comfortably into a good feeling state and feel free to ask questions before we begin. This exercise consumes a lot of energy from a student as you will be aligning to higher conscious transmission and that requires a lot of openings within your energy makeup and admission of the higher energies always produces a stronger response on the physical body. If you start yawning or feeling the need to release, it’s a sign of higher connection happening for you and your ability to align to the energy of the spirit teacher is essential to your ability to translate what is being transmitted. 

For this exercise we are aligning to the highest energies that you could possibly align towards and this exercise requires that you settle into a comfortable position and allow the higher energies of spirit teachers to decrease in their frequencies to match yours. After you have settled, alignment within your energies will translate in you rising upwards in energetic frequency and aligning yourself to the level that you can to meet your teacher. The release and settlement of energies requires a few minutes to complete before you could consciously channel your spirit teacher. Potentials for this alignment are varied / many. The highest connection would produce a more inspired message and lower alignment will allow you to understand the message and translate it at the level of your perception.

Higher levels require higher ideals and higher thoughtforms within your psyche. This requires your alignment to the higher portions of your brain, where you hold those connections and higher option would be upper parts of your crown. The alignment requires work on your side and requires your attention. Attentive mindset works really well for translation of the messages. And we are aligning via multiple senses to see if such connections are available to us to be used in appropriate manner. Such activity does not imply that a spirit speaker is aware of your senses available for use, but rather tunes in and as alignment in energy persists, this connection grows and adjustments happen within the frequencies of both. Student rises higher, and a teacher decreases in frequency. 

Students are suggested to speak quietly and close their eyes for the sake of attunement to the speech of the spirit speaker. We are aligned to translate for you as well what we are giving you in plain English, but we want you not to rely on that communication through us and develop higher ways of communication with spirit. 

Now, if you could please create a bold with your teacher by your side and allow yourself to relax and close your eyes and be in proximity to each other. We want to ensure that all of you align to the highest level of energies before teachers come in.

[alignment takes few minutes]

Now, one by one, please allow yourselves to align and speak with calmness and preciseness and clarity. Nothing not usual will happen when you align to the teacher, you will simply feel connection and it is your choice to use that connection and speak.

3.8 Hearing with Internal Ear

Hearing with an internal ear is a way of your own body to hear spirit communication. Spirit that you are infuses the body with that ability when you are born and you generate and emit frequencies that allow the physical body respond and form connections within the internal area of the ear. This ear is located beneath the real ear and it is a pathway that forms on its own. Internal hearing is allowing you to communicate with a few spirits that speak only spirit language and the rest use other faculties of your mind and body.

3.9 Higher Consciousness Layer

Higher consciousness is your own ability to channel your own truth from higher realms and you can shift into the state of higher consciousness at will and at your own timing. This conscious ability is usually a form of channeling and this is present within a few people as a development of your capability via many lifetimes of attuning yourself to your own truth. 

4.0 Energy Transmissions

Many spirits do not communicate with spirit language or consciousness, they are simply attuning to you using energy transmissions. This way they are in alignment with your own energy and they are capable to see and feel as you. From their vantage point they perceive and feel and see as you and can advance with your help. This is a channeled transmission idea that we are putting in front of you, so that you are aware and available to be in service to those who are asking for your wisdom as well from spirit realms.

4.1 Higher Consciousness Transmissions

For this understanding you only need to also be aware that there are a few higher consciousness beings who allow themselves to hear thoughts of humans and be allowing their own thoughts be imprinted and flowing through a human mind. This is usually a sign of a higher connection that a higher being from higher realms is working with you to bring the required knowledge and assist you in your daily life. Nevertheless, we are free will beings and you are not receiving those transmissions unless you are in agreement on that through your dream time. 

4.2 Becoming a channel

Channeling is an ability that many are consciously asking for today. Channeling information for books, or channeling interesting topics or new knowledge and we are asking you to ask this yourself, have you been a channel before? And we suggest that you take a few moments right now and sink into a deep conscious alignment and feel that connection rise up and notice that a channeling ability is your natural state. 

Channeling messages is a long subject to speak about. There are many reasons to learn this ability. Channeling is a way of streaming ideas into someone’s mind with ease without need to adjust the mind and bring in more energy. Energy transmissions for example were lesser energy alignments through spirit and higher consciousness transmissions were higher energy transmissions. When you channel there is no energy transmission and we only align to communicate.

Channeled messages are spontaneous, and they are not overshadowing your own thoughts, they are rather an accompaniment for your thoughts and information that you receive is a part of your own thought process. 

Channeling messages is an ability to clearly understand that you are channeling, and it is an ability to also align to higher way of thinking and understanding through someone else’s wisdom. 

Channeling content for your own books is a way to go for many, and when you work with spirit helpers, they rely on this ability and willing to go an extra mile to see if you could be as close to their messages as possible. This conscious transmission that you receive allows you direct access to information without realizing how and where information is coming from.

Channeling is a way to speak your truth as well and we often align to higher transmissions of our own consciousness and allow our own truth to sink in and be brought to us from our higher selves. Anyone of us has this clear conscious connection to our higher selves aspects and we rely on that link to be able to channel other consciousness only not just from spirit realms, but also much higher and from other dimensions.

Channeled messages are usually imprints that people perceive and they are separate packets of information that relate to a particular question or matter. For any other reasons of mastery of channeling, we advise that you align yourselves with your own aspect of higher connection that will allow you to bring down your own truth and knowledge and help you align to your own higher wisdom. 

4.3 Attunement for Allowing Channeling of Higher Wisdom 

This is an attunement that we are receiving now, which allows you as a human to bring down higher wisdom via the channeling of messages. Channeling is a versatile ability and we will talk about a variety of channeling activities in detail. For now, allow us to take a look at your psychic channels to see what needs to be adjusted to be able to work with channeling higher wisdom. 

4.4 Marking your Progress

Today we have looked at many ways of channeling that we filtered down to you for your own simplicity of perception. We are here advising you to understand this subject in a simple way before diving into a more complex understanding of channeled messages. There are many ways to channel and a few ways to channel via human mind. We will focus on higher ways of channeling for this particular class to filter what is breaking down in the new society of human kind that is aligning to the higher ways and higher mind as Unity Consciousness. 

We suggest understanding of this subject through various sources of approach, and when we spoke of senses we relied on your current setup that you have as a physical being. We won’t practice much any more with those senses as we feel that these are going aware as new ways develop and they are much higher senses that Humanity ever has known and as a progressive group of teachers, we want to work with the new knowledge and allow you to grow with us as we are learning through you.

4.5 Exercise for Mind Alignment

For every person in class we ask to find a partner to practice with. Align to the person who you would like to work with. We ask you to sit in front of each other and see if you can align your mind to their mind. This exercise will show you that you can tune into a person’s mind. And few can do this easily and few might require a little practice to be able to do it. 

Finally, when you feel that you have tuned in and can clarify the state of their mind, we suggest that you feel them within their energies and see if you can align now your thoughts to theirs. after clarifying your connection you will adjust your mind a few times and figure out how to tune in. Same regarding the other person. We suggest that you now switch back and align to the same exercise.

This transmission of thought alignment adjusts your mind to fixating upon the mind of another being and thus your perception shifts into a place of arrival at destination called mind alignment. Such exercise helps to understand what happens when a spirit tunes into your mind. And a few spirits can clearly attune themselves into human minds and be able to translate their thoughts into a familiar language to their understanding.

For now, we just wanted to demonstrate what it feels like when someone is tuning in and how to tune into someone’s mind.

4.6 Exercise for Mind Alignment with Spirit

For this practice we won’t need you to stay in pairs and just sit where you are in a comfortable position and we mind not to state that your peaceful mind will help alignment to happen faster. Please allow yourselves to create an opportunity for attunement to your own mind via teachers of spirit communication. 

Spirit won’t deliver any messages, and we will only stay mindful about connection taking place and spirit tuning in to create alignment in mind.

Thus, the ability to align mind is just a purposeful state of mind to align and be able to tune in.

Now we will simply ask you to fixate upon one thought in your own mind and allow spirit to tune in and find that thought. A few will be able to hold the thought steady for a while and a few might experience a difficulty. This is a sign that focus is not at your highest for spirit communication and your focus needs to improve.

To work on ability to hold focus requires long hours of meditation and a few have been meditation already and able to focus with ease and effort is only a struggle that creates a lot of unnecessary energy within the mind to hold a pattern of thought. For that reason, we ask you to hold a focus on one thought for now, so that you can give your mind something to do until you can release any need to think.

Now, as you have finished this exercise, can you tell us what you felt when spirit tuned in?

We also want to share our experience of your mind and what took place through alignment with your kind allowance. 

4.7 Practical Allowing for Spirit Attunement

Practice alignment for spirit attunement for a few weeks. Ask a spirit communication teacher to assist you and let them align their mind to yours. And when that happens you will figure out also how to direct your thoughts and allow a higher connection to form between you and your communication guide. When that connection is established, we will be able to consciously learn higher abilities for channeling, including automatic writing, higher consciousness channeling, delivery of instant messages and other type of activities that we are set to explore together in our classes. 

4.8 Worksheet:

  1. Please re-read all the material

  2. Please make sure you set aside time for your spirit teacher to take a moment a day to connect and create a mind alignment until this connection is formed and this will take a week to complete.

  3. Take time to create an opportunity to deliver a message to your helpers who work with you in spirit by assigning them what they need to help you with throughout your week.

  4. Make sure that you communicate with spirit even if you don’t fully understand everything about how they communicate back.

  5. Align to your higher consciousness via meditation and we suggest this to be done a few days in a row until you are hearing your own guidance. 

2. Psychic Senses

2.1 Clairvoyance

Clairvoyant ability is an ability to perceive with the pituitary gland transmissions or projections in the form and shape of images and visual clues including visual continuity as movies. Visual pictures, which are encoded light particles that travel through the optic nerve, are formed inside visual receptors connected to a gland located in the middle of the head which is called the pineal gland. 

This pineal gland is able to perceive information as images and also able to transmit images and project them through the 3d eye to another person. This requires the ability to focus and direct or project the image with intent to another being/person and that gets received and taken into receptors of the main gland in the head which is called the pituitary gland.

The connection to the receptors is formed in the visual area of the brain, which is located inside the mind’s eye, one inch behind the 3d eye. And this is what is called the pituitary gland, which leads to the pineal cone gland. The pituitary gland acts as a lens that forms visual perception. 

The pineal gland is the one responsible for the transmission of visual information, and pituitary is only a lens that transforms visual information into images. The lens action of the pituitary gland is something that we won't go much into detail, perception is formed there and that's what we are going to work with. 

Information perceived by the pituitary is not only one way to experience visual information. There is also another way that is related to your ability to imagine and perceive through the upper part of the brain. Perception is a large subject and we want to only express what you can perceive and how.

Perceiving information through a higher portion of the brain is a new way that is starting to develop in humans through higher consciousness and this ability is largely increasing. Perceiving with the higher portion of the brain is possible if you learned how to channel and connect with higher consciousness. Perception then is formed in a higher mind that is above the body and not only above but can be even higher. Perceiving is a versatile ability. It requires training as visual perception is something that evolves with time. Practice and this will take off for you.

2.2 Clairsentience

Clairsentience is a common skill that exists currently among people. This ability translates information into feelings like, for example, a gut feeling, deep stomach feeling. Clairsentience manifests through the emotional body that is charged with emotion and as a part of the mind/body/spirit system it reacts to truth / no truth. Emotions range from highest emotions like feelings of love, happiness, joy, compassion, to lowest from sadness, unhappiness, bad feeling, distrust, doubt and more. Such a wide range allows people to recognize the message using the emotional body’s response directly. 

Many people know this as a deep knowing. Deep feeling that something is right or wrong. Truth resonance is what really it is. This is a way to monitor your relatedness to people, and how others relate to you. This ability helps to feel things out. And move through your life by feeling the road. When intuition fails, this ability is the first one to rely on. It’s not an easy task if you are misaligned in the heart. Others may influence your emotions too by projecting what they are feeling. This is something that needs to come with discernment to validate your feelings and know what they are, whose they are and where they come from.

The higher aspect of your true self is capable to bring clarity to the subject of discernment of truth. 

When you are in unison and alignment with your Higher Self, you can truly use clairsentience to the highest degree and rely on its messages. Truth is a high range of emotional resonance. Untruth is less than a high emotional response. Now you understood that there are levels of truth and untruth. This is what you need to understand about this ability and in order to take it to the next level, you would need to understand better where you are in your connection to your truth.

Truth is a relative subject to discuss and we ask you to heal your emotional body to be able to feel a wide range of emotional responses and respond to life inappropriate manner. This subject takes you into understanding yourself and your need to allow your Higher aspect of Self build close connection. This relationship takes you into a new journey of self-examination and exploration where you learn about you. 

Healing work is required to assess your emotional body and see where you are getting an ego-based response from the emotional body or a pure emotion based on the truth that comes from the level of the heart or higher. The heart-based emotional response will be a clear indication that you are resonating with the truth. The expansion of the heart is a result. When the message is untrue, it creates a contraction effect on the heart muscle that you can physically experience and energetically it is a contraction effect. The expanded heart is the high state of truth, contracted energy of the heart signifies untruth. This relates to your own truth. That which is true to you and not to others. That which is good for you and aligned with your truth. Contraction is experienced through muscle closing or contracting and it feels like tugging at your heart. Expansion feels like love and flow and good emotions within. Many students recognize this by noticing how their heart reacts. This will require from you to notice what is going on with your heart. 

Resonance to truth is a validation of your own emotions. This ability developed from when you were a little baby. As a child, you were close to your mother and needed to only feel. This way you were aligned with you, knowing exactly what was happening around you. As you were growing up, this ability went into the background and went on autopilot. Your ego developed and your relationship to truth changed. Now you have acquired a personality and your relations with people around you are partially based on your understanding of truth. This way you are primarily relying on your judgment and discernment via mental faculties, and sometimes you feel and sometimes you called it intuition. Intuitive senses are not just clairsentience. Apart from this, there is a wide range of psychic senses that define intuition.

Defining your position and relationship to truth is important in development of this sense. Higher spiritual evolvement will allow you to achieve higher relatedness to truth and the ability to recognize levels of truth. We recommend aligning with your higher aspect of you and allowing direct communication with your own Higher Self. 

2.3 Clairaudience

Clairaudience is another truth relationship sense. Only it works in a different manner. When you are open to communication to spirit, you may allow into your field a variety of different beings. Some of them are benevolent and some are not. These entities seek communication and carry their own levels of truth. Communication with spirit via clairaudience requires higher alignment with truth for yourself to relate with the message in an appropriate manner and see where and which level of truth it’s coming from. Messages are neither bad nor good. They are reflections of the entity's evolution. The level of the message and it’s alignment to truth is what defines the highest and best intent that the spirit is bringing to you. 

This requires spiritual awareness and knowledge to communicate safely and to be able to deliver the highest quality message aligned to truth and carrying the best intent. Many authors on the subject speak about variety of techniques how clairaudience is developed. This skill is one of direct communicate with spirit and development of healing faculties of so called internal ear that everybody has. Internal ear is located behind the ear and is cleared through intentional use and practice. This is not something you hear with physical ear. It’s an internal work of your hearing mind that is developed through clarity, focus, internal hearing work, and is achieved through practice and constant use of your internal ear. Healing inside your mind is something that is known as your own second voice, or a duplicate voice that is clearly speaking as you to yourself and participates with you in conversations. Conversation inside your mind is a common practice that many people do. Did you recognize it now? That’s what is called clairaudience. You are hearing and your mind is translating. That becomes an internal dialog that converses as you with you. 

Clarity of clairaudience is achieved by listening intently. Primarily releasing the need of the mind to chatter, releasing the need to control and worry about not hearing. Not hearing is not about not being clairaudient. Not hearing is not the ability that you have. You hear everything that is suggested to you by spirit. The way you perceive it is what causes the main issue with clairaudience. This skill is about being capable to reflect upon your thoughts and rely on your conscious awareness inside your mind to discern what is your thought and what is someone else’s. We recommend to start using discernment to achieve the ability to know where it is you inside your head, or where the thought came from… This might come as a surprise to you figuring out that the majority of your thoughts are not only yours! We are applauding to you now because now you know that all and everybody is clairaudient.

2.4 Claircognizance

This psychic sense exists as an embracing of the deep knowing that comes from Higher Consciousness. This sense develops through connection to Higher Consciousness and relies on that connection. Claircognizance is the ability to know information without apparent reason and need. This concerns psychic knowledge when a psychic simply is aware of what goes on. This ability comes as a surprise to many through understanding that you all have a higher connection. Higher Consciousness is always connected to you, and is available to you. This is simple to say, but raises questions, what is higher consciousness, how do I connect with it and how to channel it? This ability is your own private link to Who You Are at higher dimensions. It is you who provides this connection to you in this incarnation. To experience this connection you can use meditative states and allow yourself align to Higher Consciousness that you are. This ability is simply about conscious knowing and not necessarily requires development. You can take this to higher levels of conscious connectedness to Who You Are, and be able to channel your Higher Self. This is a surprise again, because you are Your Higher Self at Higher States of Consciousness. When you raise your vibration, you are able to transcend limited human thinking and bring higher messages from your own source. It is Your ultimate truth and you can rely on you for this information. 

Consciousness is a large subject to discuss. In this class we will experience conscious states to achieve proper alignment to higher truth and ability to connect to higher source of information. Alignment to your Higher source is possible when you achieve complete calmness of your mind, breath deeply and release mind chatter. This way you can enter higher states of consciousness and, by meditating on a question, receive an answer from You. Meditation can help you to be able to go higher and reach higher states of consciousness. Design your own meditation routine to create a space for you in which you can obtain information you need. This is not a requirement for this course. But you will be introduced to a technique that we offer in this course. This course is designed to touch upon variety of clairs to see where your strength are...and what you can learn to develop these abilities more. You can also acquire and develop new skills once you learn how to be aware of them and how to use them.

2.5 Clairalience / Clairscent

This sense is related to ability to smell the scents from etheric realms which are brought about by spirits & Angels. Ability to smell exists in majority of people, and ability to smell etheric scents is another way to extending this ability by touching upon etheric realms. We occasionally use transmission of scents to human beings to translate what we want them to experience. And this may come as news to you, but we do create odors and multiple scents from where we are as spirits and we don’t invade space with scents as humans do... This sounds funny, but it’s relatively close to what we are trying to explain. It is only good scents that we bring about. 

Scents are transmitted by a particular activity that we have in etheric realms. We can bring abound a scent through a number of ways where we remember a scent and we recreate it around a person, or we design a scent by mixing scents that we hold in memories. Scents are created instantly on the Other Side and we recommend that you ask your spirit guides to announce their presence through manifesting a sense that they relate to and like. 

2.6 Clairgustance*  (not used in spirit communication)

Ability to taste without having anything in your mouth. This is a rare ability and it develops through conscious effort to remember the taste. When you incarnate you use physical senses here and this opens you up to being able to use clairgustance. We are unusually open to tastes as spirits and we use this ability only in the incarnation. Tasting food and other substances use the buds of the tongue, and that creates a physical response to your brain and this way receptors of the brain form connections that memorize tastes and make them available to you in your mind. This ability is not available to spirits. And we don’t use this ability for spirit communication. Clairgustance is a psychic ability to sense the taste of a remote target/food/substance, through psychic connection. 

2.7 Clairtangecy / Psychometry* (not used in spirit communication)

This is not a spirit communication ability. But this is a sense that people can develop by touching objects and being able to read information left as an imprint within that object.

2.8 Clairempathy* (not used in spirit communication)

Clairempathy is the ability of a human being to empathize and feel what another person is feeling. This ability is not about spirit communication, but rather can be used for healing work. 

Healing work improves psychic ability. It relies on a psychic sense of clair empathy and it requires to be able to tune into to a person’s body and auric field and feel what they feel and discover where they are ailing. This develops attunement to energy and energy is what psychic senses rely upon.

2.9 Summary

All the above-mentioned clairs are the ones that primarily known today. As a team of spirit communication teachers we rely upon many of these abilities and able to communicate with people with ease. Spirit communication is a subject that covers only senses that involve spirit communication. Therefore, we won’t use a number of senses that we described such as clairgustance, clairtangency/psychometry, clairempathy.

We as a team of spirit communication teachers align ourselves to the person who is open to communicate. This is the way spirits will try to communicate with each of you. Majority will use psychic senses that are developed the best in you. And sometimes beings will attempt to use other faculties to see if you can clearly receive the message that they are sending. Therefore, asking questions from time to time through your physical teacher is valuable, as we can speak more on the value of each sense and how to be able to open them and expand your psychic skills.

2.10 Worksheet (Week 1)

  1. Please read all the material in chapter 1 of the Spirit Communication print outs.

  2. Refer to Assignment 3.1 for 1 week of practice

  3. Refer to Assignment 3.2 for 1 week of practice

2.11 Worksheet (Week 2)

  1. Refer to Assignment 3.3 for 2 weeks of practice

  2. Refer to Assignment 3.4 for 2 weeks of practice