2. Psychic Senses

2.1 Clairvoyance

Clairvoyant ability is an ability to perceive with the pituitary gland transmissions or projections in the form and shape of images and visual clues including visual continuity as movies. Visual pictures, which are encoded light particles that travel through the optic nerve, are formed inside visual receptors connected to a gland located in the middle of the head which is called the pineal gland. 

This pineal gland is able to perceive information as images and also able to transmit images and project them through the 3d eye to another person. This requires the ability to focus and direct or project the image with intent to another being/person and that gets received and taken into receptors of the main gland in the head which is called the pituitary gland.

The connection to the receptors is formed in the visual area of the brain, which is located inside the mind’s eye, one inch behind the 3d eye. And this is what is called the pituitary gland, which leads to the pineal cone gland. The pituitary gland acts as a lens that forms visual perception. 

The pineal gland is the one responsible for the transmission of visual information, and pituitary is only a lens that transforms visual information into images. The lens action of the pituitary gland is something that we won't go much into detail, perception is formed there and that's what we are going to work with. 

Information perceived by the pituitary is not only one way to experience visual information. There is also another way that is related to your ability to imagine and perceive through the upper part of the brain. Perception is a large subject and we want to only express what you can perceive and how.

Perceiving information through a higher portion of the brain is a new way that is starting to develop in humans through higher consciousness and this ability is largely increasing. Perceiving with the higher portion of the brain is possible if you learned how to channel and connect with higher consciousness. Perception then is formed in a higher mind that is above the body and not only above but can be even higher. Perceiving is a versatile ability. It requires training as visual perception is something that evolves with time. Practice and this will take off for you.

2.2 Clairsentience

Clairsentience is a common skill that exists currently among people. This ability translates information into feelings like, for example, a gut feeling, deep stomach feeling. Clairsentience manifests through the emotional body that is charged with emotion and as a part of the mind/body/spirit system it reacts to truth / no truth. Emotions range from highest emotions like feelings of love, happiness, joy, compassion, to lowest from sadness, unhappiness, bad feeling, distrust, doubt and more. Such a wide range allows people to recognize the message using the emotional body’s response directly. 

Many people know this as a deep knowing. Deep feeling that something is right or wrong. Truth resonance is what really it is. This is a way to monitor your relatedness to people, and how others relate to you. This ability helps to feel things out. And move through your life by feeling the road. When intuition fails, this ability is the first one to rely on. It’s not an easy task if you are misaligned in the heart. Others may influence your emotions too by projecting what they are feeling. This is something that needs to come with discernment to validate your feelings and know what they are, whose they are and where they come from.

The higher aspect of your true self is capable to bring clarity to the subject of discernment of truth. 

When you are in unison and alignment with your Higher Self, you can truly use clairsentience to the highest degree and rely on its messages. Truth is a high range of emotional resonance. Untruth is less than a high emotional response. Now you understood that there are levels of truth and untruth. This is what you need to understand about this ability and in order to take it to the next level, you would need to understand better where you are in your connection to your truth.

Truth is a relative subject to discuss and we ask you to heal your emotional body to be able to feel a wide range of emotional responses and respond to life inappropriate manner. This subject takes you into understanding yourself and your need to allow your Higher aspect of Self build close connection. This relationship takes you into a new journey of self-examination and exploration where you learn about you. 

Healing work is required to assess your emotional body and see where you are getting an ego-based response from the emotional body or a pure emotion based on the truth that comes from the level of the heart or higher. The heart-based emotional response will be a clear indication that you are resonating with the truth. The expansion of the heart is a result. When the message is untrue, it creates a contraction effect on the heart muscle that you can physically experience and energetically it is a contraction effect. The expanded heart is the high state of truth, contracted energy of the heart signifies untruth. This relates to your own truth. That which is true to you and not to others. That which is good for you and aligned with your truth. Contraction is experienced through muscle closing or contracting and it feels like tugging at your heart. Expansion feels like love and flow and good emotions within. Many students recognize this by noticing how their heart reacts. This will require from you to notice what is going on with your heart. 

Resonance to truth is a validation of your own emotions. This ability developed from when you were a little baby. As a child, you were close to your mother and needed to only feel. This way you were aligned with you, knowing exactly what was happening around you. As you were growing up, this ability went into the background and went on autopilot. Your ego developed and your relationship to truth changed. Now you have acquired a personality and your relations with people around you are partially based on your understanding of truth. This way you are primarily relying on your judgment and discernment via mental faculties, and sometimes you feel and sometimes you called it intuition. Intuitive senses are not just clairsentience. Apart from this, there is a wide range of psychic senses that define intuition.

Defining your position and relationship to truth is important in development of this sense. Higher spiritual evolvement will allow you to achieve higher relatedness to truth and the ability to recognize levels of truth. We recommend aligning with your higher aspect of you and allowing direct communication with your own Higher Self. 

2.3 Clairaudience

Clairaudience is another truth relationship sense. Only it works in a different manner. When you are open to communication to spirit, you may allow into your field a variety of different beings. Some of them are benevolent and some are not. These entities seek communication and carry their own levels of truth. Communication with spirit via clairaudience requires higher alignment with truth for yourself to relate with the message in an appropriate manner and see where and which level of truth it’s coming from. Messages are neither bad nor good. They are reflections of the entity's evolution. The level of the message and it’s alignment to truth is what defines the highest and best intent that the spirit is bringing to you. 

This requires spiritual awareness and knowledge to communicate safely and to be able to deliver the highest quality message aligned to truth and carrying the best intent. Many authors on the subject speak about variety of techniques how clairaudience is developed. This skill is one of direct communicate with spirit and development of healing faculties of so called internal ear that everybody has. Internal ear is located behind the ear and is cleared through intentional use and practice. This is not something you hear with physical ear. It’s an internal work of your hearing mind that is developed through clarity, focus, internal hearing work, and is achieved through practice and constant use of your internal ear. Healing inside your mind is something that is known as your own second voice, or a duplicate voice that is clearly speaking as you to yourself and participates with you in conversations. Conversation inside your mind is a common practice that many people do. Did you recognize it now? That’s what is called clairaudience. You are hearing and your mind is translating. That becomes an internal dialog that converses as you with you. 

Clarity of clairaudience is achieved by listening intently. Primarily releasing the need of the mind to chatter, releasing the need to control and worry about not hearing. Not hearing is not about not being clairaudient. Not hearing is not the ability that you have. You hear everything that is suggested to you by spirit. The way you perceive it is what causes the main issue with clairaudience. This skill is about being capable to reflect upon your thoughts and rely on your conscious awareness inside your mind to discern what is your thought and what is someone else’s. We recommend to start using discernment to achieve the ability to know where it is you inside your head, or where the thought came from… This might come as a surprise to you figuring out that the majority of your thoughts are not only yours! We are applauding to you now because now you know that all and everybody is clairaudient.

2.4 Claircognizance

This psychic sense exists as an embracing of the deep knowing that comes from Higher Consciousness. This sense develops through connection to Higher Consciousness and relies on that connection. Claircognizance is the ability to know information without apparent reason and need. This concerns psychic knowledge when a psychic simply is aware of what goes on. This ability comes as a surprise to many through understanding that you all have a higher connection. Higher Consciousness is always connected to you, and is available to you. This is simple to say, but raises questions, what is higher consciousness, how do I connect with it and how to channel it? This ability is your own private link to Who You Are at higher dimensions. It is you who provides this connection to you in this incarnation. To experience this connection you can use meditative states and allow yourself align to Higher Consciousness that you are. This ability is simply about conscious knowing and not necessarily requires development. You can take this to higher levels of conscious connectedness to Who You Are, and be able to channel your Higher Self. This is a surprise again, because you are Your Higher Self at Higher States of Consciousness. When you raise your vibration, you are able to transcend limited human thinking and bring higher messages from your own source. It is Your ultimate truth and you can rely on you for this information. 

Consciousness is a large subject to discuss. In this class we will experience conscious states to achieve proper alignment to higher truth and ability to connect to higher source of information. Alignment to your Higher source is possible when you achieve complete calmness of your mind, breath deeply and release mind chatter. This way you can enter higher states of consciousness and, by meditating on a question, receive an answer from You. Meditation can help you to be able to go higher and reach higher states of consciousness. Design your own meditation routine to create a space for you in which you can obtain information you need. This is not a requirement for this course. But you will be introduced to a technique that we offer in this course. This course is designed to touch upon variety of clairs to see where your strength are...and what you can learn to develop these abilities more. You can also acquire and develop new skills once you learn how to be aware of them and how to use them.

2.5 Clairalience / Clairscent

This sense is related to ability to smell the scents from etheric realms which are brought about by spirits & Angels. Ability to smell exists in majority of people, and ability to smell etheric scents is another way to extending this ability by touching upon etheric realms. We occasionally use transmission of scents to human beings to translate what we want them to experience. And this may come as news to you, but we do create odors and multiple scents from where we are as spirits and we don’t invade space with scents as humans do... This sounds funny, but it’s relatively close to what we are trying to explain. It is only good scents that we bring about. 

Scents are transmitted by a particular activity that we have in etheric realms. We can bring abound a scent through a number of ways where we remember a scent and we recreate it around a person, or we design a scent by mixing scents that we hold in memories. Scents are created instantly on the Other Side and we recommend that you ask your spirit guides to announce their presence through manifesting a sense that they relate to and like. 

2.6 Clairgustance*  (not used in spirit communication)

Ability to taste without having anything in your mouth. This is a rare ability and it develops through conscious effort to remember the taste. When you incarnate you use physical senses here and this opens you up to being able to use clairgustance. We are unusually open to tastes as spirits and we use this ability only in the incarnation. Tasting food and other substances use the buds of the tongue, and that creates a physical response to your brain and this way receptors of the brain form connections that memorize tastes and make them available to you in your mind. This ability is not available to spirits. And we don’t use this ability for spirit communication. Clairgustance is a psychic ability to sense the taste of a remote target/food/substance, through psychic connection. 

2.7 Clairtangecy / Psychometry* (not used in spirit communication)

This is not a spirit communication ability. But this is a sense that people can develop by touching objects and being able to read information left as an imprint within that object.

2.8 Clairempathy* (not used in spirit communication)

Clairempathy is the ability of a human being to empathize and feel what another person is feeling. This ability is not about spirit communication, but rather can be used for healing work. 

Healing work improves psychic ability. It relies on a psychic sense of clair empathy and it requires to be able to tune into to a person’s body and auric field and feel what they feel and discover where they are ailing. This develops attunement to energy and energy is what psychic senses rely upon.

2.9 Summary

All the above-mentioned clairs are the ones that primarily known today. As a team of spirit communication teachers we rely upon many of these abilities and able to communicate with people with ease. Spirit communication is a subject that covers only senses that involve spirit communication. Therefore, we won’t use a number of senses that we described such as clairgustance, clairtangency/psychometry, clairempathy.

We as a team of spirit communication teachers align ourselves to the person who is open to communicate. This is the way spirits will try to communicate with each of you. Majority will use psychic senses that are developed the best in you. And sometimes beings will attempt to use other faculties to see if you can clearly receive the message that they are sending. Therefore, asking questions from time to time through your physical teacher is valuable, as we can speak more on the value of each sense and how to be able to open them and expand your psychic skills.

2.10 Worksheet (Week 1)

  1. Please read all the material in chapter 1 of the Spirit Communication print outs.

  2. Refer to Assignment 3.1 for 1 week of practice

  3. Refer to Assignment 3.2 for 1 week of practice

2.11 Worksheet (Week 2)

  1. Refer to Assignment 3.3 for 2 weeks of practice

  2. Refer to Assignment 3.4 for 2 weeks of practice