3. Spirit Communication

To improve spirit communication, Master Teachers of Spirit Communication are bringing to you a few attunement sessions throughout this class that will allow you to better align with ability to channel and hear spirit.

3.1 Attunement for Conscious Connection to Who You Are

Conscious connection to Who You are is not an ability, but rather an attunement of your consciousness that allows you to bring alignment with your ability to channel messages. This is a universal ability that transcends duality and is a capability that many evolve in this lifetime. We, as Teachers of Spirit Communication, have decided that attunement is required for this ability to evolve. 

The attunement will take a short few minutes and we need you all to sit straight and allow attunement work to begin. Attunement takes place in the upper part of the consciousness where connectedness to the higher realms resides. This ability of connecting to a higher source helps you in channeling, and when you channel you can transcend consciousness limitations and allow higher information to come in. This is a relationship with the Higher Aspect of Who You Are and we are here to enhance this connection and bring it closer into your set of tools. 

Please understand that this is a gift from your Spirit Communication Teachers who realized what is missing and developed a way to attune humans to allow higher connections.

3.2 Impressions & Thought Transmissions

Impressions of thought-forms happen to you all the time through your Angels, guides, spirit companions. This type of transmission is sort of like sharing thoughts with you. And it comes naturally, without forcing it and as a particular intent on the part of a spirit. You pick those impressions up via psychic senses and that requires little effort on your side too. This is a part of what we are also learning in class to be able to recognize, but it’s not considered to be intentional communication. 

Consciousness is capable to imprint ideas without recognition of the source of ideas. As humans progress on their path of higher consciousness, this ability evolves into higher states and becomes the ability to channel higher consciousness.

3.3 Consciousness Attunement / Overlay of consciousness

This is a form of channeling that does not involve the body, but is in a way overlay of the consciousness of the spirit over the consciousness of the human. This technique is used by majority people as they get aligned to higher consciousness. Inspiration is what allows this channeling to come about. History has known many inspired individuals who taught Humanity. These are the teachers who are attuned to higher consciousness and brought forth amazing knowledge. Consciousness attunement happens usually spontaneously. This technique is transferred from a spirit to a person through an instant connection and union of consciousness and alignment in thought. This activity is not something that is usually planned. This happens at will of the spirit and human in communication. 

This ability is very common and in certain situations you might have felt like you suddenly knew information and spontaneously shared wisdom and higher knowledge without prior knowledge of it. This is very useful when you align yourself to a higher consciousness, the overlay of consciousness happens as an alignment in frequency and alignment of the mind transmissions.

3.4 Consciousness Stream Transmissions via Crown Chakra / Channeling via Crown Chakra

Stream of consciousness is being brought into the crown of a person and streams down onto the cranium of the receiver. This transmission doesn’t happen spontaneously, this is a planned activity with conscious intent to communicate and translate and receive. Crown chakra extends upward several feet. This chakra has many partitions and faucets and layers. The chakra can be imaged as a number of layers from top to bottom and each layer has many partitions or faucets. With each layer closer to the head partitions become more focused and pointed transforming transmissions into particular frequencies that are adapted to being received by the mind. Partitions of the closest layer of the crown chakra are sectioned in a way where a few of those transmit received information as encoded packets to be absorbed by the receptors of the mind to be translated from their original meaning to what a person is able to perceive. This activity is aligned with what you call translation from one language to another. And if a person has smaller awareness of the language capabilities than intended by the messenger, the translation won’t be as accurate as intended.  

3.5 Attunement for Consciousness Overlay and Ability to Channel via Crown

This attunement will take place at this time of reading and we ask that all of you align yourselves to the highest capacity to higher connectedness to your own higher consciousness. This is a way to translate your own higher consciousness into the way that you could perceive this as information through your own physical self. This attunement does not require any work on your part but rather will take place as an upgrade in your makeup of your crown and higher mind.

3.6 Conscious Channeling

Conscious channeling is a form of channeling that does not involve the body. Spirit does not enter the body, nor animates the body. It rather uses other senses that involve mostly the top of the head.  The top of the head is the location of higher senses and higher chakras. This part of the body utilizes higher mind to connect with the spirit and transform information to usable words and phrases. Conscious channeling involves also many other senses and it can be clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. This is different from let say cognitive perception concept which only depicts a state of having those senses fully engaged. Conscious channeling is rather a way how a person receives spirit communication without engaging the body, and where he/she is the one who actively receives and translates information.

Channeling consciously is about receiving spirit communication rather than anything else. Conscious channeling is a mixture of senses that a person uses to receive information from a spirit communication source. Many people do conscious channeling without realizing. This work is usually relates to public speaking, writing and other activities, where a person feels they are connected to higher source and sometimes they called it inspiration. 

3.7 Practicum on Conscious Channeling

This part of the class will be held with teachers of spirit communication. We are aligning ourselves to your faculties to inspire and suggest a message to the group. Please allow connection to take place and settle comfortably into a good feeling state and feel free to ask questions before we begin. This exercise consumes a lot of energy from a student as you will be aligning to higher conscious transmission and that requires a lot of openings within your energy makeup and admission of the higher energies always produces a stronger response on the physical body. If you start yawning or feeling the need to release, it’s a sign of higher connection happening for you and your ability to align to the energy of the spirit teacher is essential to your ability to translate what is being transmitted. 

For this exercise we are aligning to the highest energies that you could possibly align towards and this exercise requires that you settle into a comfortable position and allow the higher energies of spirit teachers to decrease in their frequencies to match yours. After you have settled, alignment within your energies will translate in you rising upwards in energetic frequency and aligning yourself to the level that you can to meet your teacher. The release and settlement of energies requires a few minutes to complete before you could consciously channel your spirit teacher. Potentials for this alignment are varied / many. The highest connection would produce a more inspired message and lower alignment will allow you to understand the message and translate it at the level of your perception.

Higher levels require higher ideals and higher thoughtforms within your psyche. This requires your alignment to the higher portions of your brain, where you hold those connections and higher option would be upper parts of your crown. The alignment requires work on your side and requires your attention. Attentive mindset works really well for translation of the messages. And we are aligning via multiple senses to see if such connections are available to us to be used in appropriate manner. Such activity does not imply that a spirit speaker is aware of your senses available for use, but rather tunes in and as alignment in energy persists, this connection grows and adjustments happen within the frequencies of both. Student rises higher, and a teacher decreases in frequency. 

Students are suggested to speak quietly and close their eyes for the sake of attunement to the speech of the spirit speaker. We are aligned to translate for you as well what we are giving you in plain English, but we want you not to rely on that communication through us and develop higher ways of communication with spirit. 

Now, if you could please create a bold with your teacher by your side and allow yourself to relax and close your eyes and be in proximity to each other. We want to ensure that all of you align to the highest level of energies before teachers come in.

[alignment takes few minutes]

Now, one by one, please allow yourselves to align and speak with calmness and preciseness and clarity. Nothing not usual will happen when you align to the teacher, you will simply feel connection and it is your choice to use that connection and speak.

3.8 Hearing with Internal Ear

Hearing with an internal ear is a way of your own body to hear spirit communication. Spirit that you are infuses the body with that ability when you are born and you generate and emit frequencies that allow the physical body respond and form connections within the internal area of the ear. This ear is located beneath the real ear and it is a pathway that forms on its own. Internal hearing is allowing you to communicate with a few spirits that speak only spirit language and the rest use other faculties of your mind and body.

3.9 Higher Consciousness Layer

Higher consciousness is your own ability to channel your own truth from higher realms and you can shift into the state of higher consciousness at will and at your own timing. This conscious ability is usually a form of channeling and this is present within a few people as a development of your capability via many lifetimes of attuning yourself to your own truth. 

4.0 Energy Transmissions

Many spirits do not communicate with spirit language or consciousness, they are simply attuning to you using energy transmissions. This way they are in alignment with your own energy and they are capable to see and feel as you. From their vantage point they perceive and feel and see as you and can advance with your help. This is a channeled transmission idea that we are putting in front of you, so that you are aware and available to be in service to those who are asking for your wisdom as well from spirit realms.

4.1 Higher Consciousness Transmissions

For this understanding you only need to also be aware that there are a few higher consciousness beings who allow themselves to hear thoughts of humans and be allowing their own thoughts be imprinted and flowing through a human mind. This is usually a sign of a higher connection that a higher being from higher realms is working with you to bring the required knowledge and assist you in your daily life. Nevertheless, we are free will beings and you are not receiving those transmissions unless you are in agreement on that through your dream time. 

4.2 Becoming a channel

Channeling is an ability that many are consciously asking for today. Channeling information for books, or channeling interesting topics or new knowledge and we are asking you to ask this yourself, have you been a channel before? And we suggest that you take a few moments right now and sink into a deep conscious alignment and feel that connection rise up and notice that a channeling ability is your natural state. 

Channeling messages is a long subject to speak about. There are many reasons to learn this ability. Channeling is a way of streaming ideas into someone’s mind with ease without need to adjust the mind and bring in more energy. Energy transmissions for example were lesser energy alignments through spirit and higher consciousness transmissions were higher energy transmissions. When you channel there is no energy transmission and we only align to communicate.

Channeled messages are spontaneous, and they are not overshadowing your own thoughts, they are rather an accompaniment for your thoughts and information that you receive is a part of your own thought process. 

Channeling messages is an ability to clearly understand that you are channeling, and it is an ability to also align to higher way of thinking and understanding through someone else’s wisdom. 

Channeling content for your own books is a way to go for many, and when you work with spirit helpers, they rely on this ability and willing to go an extra mile to see if you could be as close to their messages as possible. This conscious transmission that you receive allows you direct access to information without realizing how and where information is coming from.

Channeling is a way to speak your truth as well and we often align to higher transmissions of our own consciousness and allow our own truth to sink in and be brought to us from our higher selves. Anyone of us has this clear conscious connection to our higher selves aspects and we rely on that link to be able to channel other consciousness only not just from spirit realms, but also much higher and from other dimensions.

Channeled messages are usually imprints that people perceive and they are separate packets of information that relate to a particular question or matter. For any other reasons of mastery of channeling, we advise that you align yourselves with your own aspect of higher connection that will allow you to bring down your own truth and knowledge and help you align to your own higher wisdom. 

4.3 Attunement for Allowing Channeling of Higher Wisdom 

This is an attunement that we are receiving now, which allows you as a human to bring down higher wisdom via the channeling of messages. Channeling is a versatile ability and we will talk about a variety of channeling activities in detail. For now, allow us to take a look at your psychic channels to see what needs to be adjusted to be able to work with channeling higher wisdom. 

4.4 Marking your Progress

Today we have looked at many ways of channeling that we filtered down to you for your own simplicity of perception. We are here advising you to understand this subject in a simple way before diving into a more complex understanding of channeled messages. There are many ways to channel and a few ways to channel via human mind. We will focus on higher ways of channeling for this particular class to filter what is breaking down in the new society of human kind that is aligning to the higher ways and higher mind as Unity Consciousness. 

We suggest understanding of this subject through various sources of approach, and when we spoke of senses we relied on your current setup that you have as a physical being. We won’t practice much any more with those senses as we feel that these are going aware as new ways develop and they are much higher senses that Humanity ever has known and as a progressive group of teachers, we want to work with the new knowledge and allow you to grow with us as we are learning through you.

4.5 Exercise for Mind Alignment

For every person in class we ask to find a partner to practice with. Align to the person who you would like to work with. We ask you to sit in front of each other and see if you can align your mind to their mind. This exercise will show you that you can tune into a person’s mind. And few can do this easily and few might require a little practice to be able to do it. 

Finally, when you feel that you have tuned in and can clarify the state of their mind, we suggest that you feel them within their energies and see if you can align now your thoughts to theirs. after clarifying your connection you will adjust your mind a few times and figure out how to tune in. Same regarding the other person. We suggest that you now switch back and align to the same exercise.

This transmission of thought alignment adjusts your mind to fixating upon the mind of another being and thus your perception shifts into a place of arrival at destination called mind alignment. Such exercise helps to understand what happens when a spirit tunes into your mind. And a few spirits can clearly attune themselves into human minds and be able to translate their thoughts into a familiar language to their understanding.

For now, we just wanted to demonstrate what it feels like when someone is tuning in and how to tune into someone’s mind.

4.6 Exercise for Mind Alignment with Spirit

For this practice we won’t need you to stay in pairs and just sit where you are in a comfortable position and we mind not to state that your peaceful mind will help alignment to happen faster. Please allow yourselves to create an opportunity for attunement to your own mind via teachers of spirit communication. 

Spirit won’t deliver any messages, and we will only stay mindful about connection taking place and spirit tuning in to create alignment in mind.

Thus, the ability to align mind is just a purposeful state of mind to align and be able to tune in.

Now we will simply ask you to fixate upon one thought in your own mind and allow spirit to tune in and find that thought. A few will be able to hold the thought steady for a while and a few might experience a difficulty. This is a sign that focus is not at your highest for spirit communication and your focus needs to improve.

To work on ability to hold focus requires long hours of meditation and a few have been meditation already and able to focus with ease and effort is only a struggle that creates a lot of unnecessary energy within the mind to hold a pattern of thought. For that reason, we ask you to hold a focus on one thought for now, so that you can give your mind something to do until you can release any need to think.

Now, as you have finished this exercise, can you tell us what you felt when spirit tuned in?

We also want to share our experience of your mind and what took place through alignment with your kind allowance. 

4.7 Practical Allowing for Spirit Attunement

Practice alignment for spirit attunement for a few weeks. Ask a spirit communication teacher to assist you and let them align their mind to yours. And when that happens you will figure out also how to direct your thoughts and allow a higher connection to form between you and your communication guide. When that connection is established, we will be able to consciously learn higher abilities for channeling, including automatic writing, higher consciousness channeling, delivery of instant messages and other type of activities that we are set to explore together in our classes. 

4.8 Worksheet:

  1. Please re-read all the material

  2. Please make sure you set aside time for your spirit teacher to take a moment a day to connect and create a mind alignment until this connection is formed and this will take a week to complete.

  3. Take time to create an opportunity to deliver a message to your helpers who work with you in spirit by assigning them what they need to help you with throughout your week.

  4. Make sure that you communicate with spirit even if you don’t fully understand everything about how they communicate back.

  5. Align to your higher consciousness via meditation and we suggest this to be done a few days in a row until you are hearing your own guidance.