4. Assignments

These assignments are to be practiced for the first month of the course on Spirit Communication:

4.1 Clarity Assignment

This assignment will be asked of you to do weekly. A few times a week sit down quietly and decide on receiving a transmission from teachers of spirit communication from our course. We suggest choosing the time when you are alone, or maybe in nature, and not disturbed by other people even in proximity. You may find a quiet location where you can be alone and not focus on anything that revolves around your daily activities. When you are in such a place, connect to your heart and quiet your mind, relax and feel your breathing in and out. Consider this a relaxation time, nothing can disrupt your peace and feeling light headed might show up as a result of such breathing. This requires a few minutes until you are fully relaxed and no longer feel the need to stop thinking. That time we ask that you connect to your heart and move your conscious awareness above your crown, focus on your energy expanding and moving outward. Stillness of the mind creates opportunity to receive the message easier. When you feel like you have connected to a spirit teacher, receive information in whatever ways it comes. No need to stress or worry if you don’t get anything. This is not a competition. We want you to understand the idea of connecting and being able to receive transmission. 

This assignment to be done once a week for the duration of the course. The outcome of this is the ability to tune in to receive a message. When successful, type up the message and share with students in class.

4.2 Examination of Your Thoughts Assignment

This assignment only requires that you weekly discern, where your thoughts are coming from. Are they your thoughts or they just popped into your mind? This discernment will help you develop your ability to recognize your thoughts from the ideas and thought impressions of the spirits and Angels around you.

4.3 Navigate Your Mind Assignment

Sit in a comfortable chair, relax and assume meditative state. When you turn off your outwardly connections and become focused on your breathing, realign yourself to receive transmissions of spirit communication. By realigning we mean, focus with no thoughts in your mind. Instead just breath and keep focused awareness of the incoming transmission. This activity allows you to realign your mind to be able to tune in and focus and resonate with transmission and align itself to receiving it. The ideal scenario would be to have your guide or Guardian Angel to stand by you and work with you together. 

4.4 Assignment on Practicing 

Daily routine for practice should begin with time when you open your eyes and first thoughts that come to your mind. These first thoughts are usually ideas that your teachers and spirit guides try to fill you in on, for you to be able to navigate your day. This is not exactly an assignment by rather a way to become even more aware on who is talking to you.