Please refer to the subject 2.6 to recall information on what conscious channeling is in comparison to other ways of spirit communication.
5.1 Conscious Channeling of Higher Consciousness
We are expanding today on the topic of conscious channeling. The class that we held last time turned out to be a great success, and many of you have created a positive experience and were fully excited about possibilities that are opening up for you with the new ways of channeling. Channeling consciously is a way to be in tune with all that you are, including your Higher Self, your spirit guides, your Angels as well as Higher Consciousness, including other type of activities that involve spirit communication.
We are joining you today in your asking and your asking is leading this class. We are fully joyous at the possibility of collaboration as we are learning through you and with you. We are you and you are us. We are fully your reflections. And that leads us to the subject of oneness which could be taken to the next level and be used as a higher concept for spirit communication. We are here to explore the concepts of Unity in Consciousness and see if true unity is possible. And as time progresses, we wish to see all of you in a state of awe and be fully bringing your higher guidance and be in complete surrender to the higher aspects of yourselves.
Higher consciousness is a one long subject to discuss. We have been discussing quite a few new ideas already and we feel that you are ready to align to the highest possibility of channeling tonight. We are asking you today to be open minded, because we are here to do what you decided in your dream time, and we are bringing a new experience into this class to channel Higher Consciousness.
For now, we are asking you align your ideas about who you intend to channel and we ask you to pick a very Advanced Spirit. A few of you have already picked who you would like to channel. And if you don’t remember we are ready to tell you who these advanced souls are. You can pick a Divinity, a Saint, an Advanced Spiritual Teacher that you are aware of.
5.2 Exercise on Channeling Higher Consciousness / Highly Evolved Beings
This exercise will be very brief and we don’t want you to feel like you have to sit for a long time and breath and align and work hard. This is a simple exercise that you, lovely beings, agreed upon yourselves and we are only saying, are you ready?
This exercise will only require you to name the High Level Being who you prefer to channel and we suggest that you also ask who you picked in your dream time.
For now, we ask you to resolve your issues with thinking it is impossible to channel such level beings and we are not disclosing to you why. It might relate to your personal issues with Divine and we feel that if you feel that you are Divine, you won’t have such issues and can embrace this channeling session by being fully present within the Love and Radiance of the Master / Goddess / Divinity, or other amazing beings of Light to be fully surrendering to their Love and Wisdom and be open minded about what comes to your mind.
They might speak simple truth that transcends complexity, as most of the wisdom is quite simple. Yet there are quite a few eloquent beings who prefer expanding on a subject and you may find yourself having lots of ideas in your mind ready for you to rely on and speak about.
For the sake of the session, let’s say you are them, and they are you, and you have something to tell the group. And we ask you to speak whatever comes to your mind and be open minded on the matter of seeing, hearing and allowing for higher ideas to stream down as concepts, abstract topics ready for use by your consciousness to shape it into words through your personal thought processes.
Your higher consciousness has aligned now to something very beautiful, and we ask that you form an internal bond with the being who you would like to channel. Right now just allow this connection to spring forth and bring about their energies to manifest their consciousness and overlight your being in order for you to be consciously aware of their presence.
As long as you are open minded, the energies of the higher consciousness are ready for use in the manner of your openness. The more open and ready you are to align your thoughts to the highest ideas of the Being that you channel, the much higher information will be brought down into your mind for interpretation.
We are asking that you make sure that you slightly open your mouth ready to speak, and listen carefully and yet don’t, but rather stay open minded and allowing, and see the stream of information coming down to you. And you are weeding out your thoughts to see what their thoughts are.
Now, we ask that each of you go one after another and speak in simple ways what you are getting and you are welcome to speak as in 1st person / as them, and see what will be flowing as information.
5.3 Opening to Channel Your Higher Self
We want to expand on this subject for those of you, who don’t know who Higher Self is. There is a next level of Who You Are that is capable to bring down Higher Vision and Higher Inspiration to your own life. It is a Higher Aspect that is deeply aware of your personal lessons and issues, that you may have known as part of your intuitive sense that is capable to guide you on your personal journey of self-discovery.
In the previous class we have received Attunement for Conscious Connection to Who You Are (topic 2.1). This attunement is all that you will need to connect and align to your Higher Self and from this point on it will be easier. There is a lot that can be done with having such a beautiful alignment, and having your Higher Self channel to you directly will heal a lot of misunderstandings about your own life. A lot of purposeful life leverage can be achieved by recognition of the higher level information that Higher Self is capable of bringing to you.
Higher Selves of each of you are in complete knowing of what you are and where you are at and what is going on with you. They are guiding you in your life. They are the ones who plan a higher purpose and higher meaning for your life. Having achieved your alignment with Higher Self brings an amazing opportunity to take the next step and advance in your spiritual evolution. Having Higher Self involved in your life requires acknowledging their existence and having their guidance becomes an amazing gift. The guidance of Higher Self is a true blessing that bridges through dimensions, and there is no boundary and no limitation on what could be consciously channeled by your Higher Self.
Higher Selves are you at your highest potentials. They evolve through you and their lives are interconnected with yours. When you understand that your success in this school of life is of much value to them, you will hold more love for you, knowing that they need you as much as you need them, and they are here for you to achieve your highest potentials. Knowing this, higher asking for the presence of your Higher Self in this life is renovating to begin with, as it renovates your sudden understanding and translates into hope, tendency to grow higher, time irrelevance, and notion of peace and wellness. Higher Selves are asking you to connect to them whether it’ll be a small thing or a large subject and the need to tell them a story is not even needed. They are in complete knowing of your storyline and understanding where you are coming from. Higher mission in life comes through Higher Self, and higher meaning to life descends and grounds into your being.
5.4 Exercise on Channeling Your Higher Self
The connection to Who You Are through attunement of the previous class allows you to connect to your Higher Self without difficulties. We are asking that you clear all ideas about how connection needs to happen, it simply does, as it is an established link that was formed by you or assisted with by your spirit teachers.
For the practice of this exercise, we would like all of you to connect your Higher Selves to this session right. Simply close your eyes and allow yourselves to go higher in your alignment, and connecting to your Higher Aspect is very easy. Imagine a thread of light that goes up and connects you to where they are. As you visualize it, you will feel this connection expand within the heart. Now, ask your Higher Self to come about and around you, and overlight you for the purpose of this channeling exercise. You may have a question in mind to ask, or you may just want to receive a message that Higher Self would like to give you. And now that you are connecting, we are asking that Your Higher Selves create a positive channeling experience and give you the message that you will be able to channel and translate.
This exercise shall not exceed more than just a few minutes. We ask you to only connect and sit still and one by one channel your Higher Self right here to be witnessed by the group.
5.5 Exercise on Channeling from your Heart Using Higher Wisdom
This is a small exercise that we want you to practice and since you all got attuned to your own Higher Wisdom last time, we would like you to experience it and see where it takes you. We want you to pick a general topic that won’t send you into any emotional response. This topic needs to be independent of your personal perception and could be discussed by others. The topic you choose shall reflect something meaningful to you and it can be a spiritual and non-spiritual subject. The awareness of your own wisdom is an integral part of channeling your internal truth. And the truth that you share is a gift to others, and we are asking you to trust your own truth.
Imagine you hold a higher vision that transcends your limited thinking that can be given to this group. Imagine highest possible truth and higher wisdom to be at its best. Imagine you hold everyone dear and help them feel that Love that flows through your own higher Wisdom.
[Pick a topic, connect with the heart, and speak from your heart]
5.6 Clarity of channeling as a way of conscious alignment
Consciousness of everyone differs and in many ways consciousness is in a process of personal evolution. This suggestion implies that your personal evolution matters when you channel higher consciousness and bringing messages to others. Consciousness alignment with higher source of wisdom is an advanced topic to speak about. And we are only covering a few items on our list that will teach you about yourself and help you align to the highest transmission possible regardless where you are in your spiritual evolution.
Consciousness aligns at the level of the heart and wisdom creates clarity of transmission. We are clear channels when we have these aspects in place that function in synch and working with Higher Self can bring about such alignment. Practice channeling with a few friends and see how you could become more aligned with your own truth and wisdom and how you could potentially tap into your Higher Wisdom that stems from your Higher Aspect of Who You Are. Higher Aspects are fully available to anyone to work with. Wisdom is alignment with all of your experiences and knowledge that comes from Higher Understanding and Integration of All Your Life’s Lessons.
Clarity is a subject that can be expanded on more. It simply means that alignment to Higher Wisdom will create the clarity that you seek for translation of your messages into the most clear form with most accuracy and most love and wisdom. Clarity is a gift that you allow to root within and bear fruit through conscious alignment with your Truth. And the Truth that you carry at Higher Levels of Higher Selves is a even a much higher truth that many could potentially resonate with and many will.
Truth alignment is about bringing potential to speak Higher truth and higher levels of truth are also available to you through alignment to Higher Self and possibly much higher aspects than that. Higher aspects of Higher Self have their own level of truth that resonate with those people who are in connection with those aspects as well. Higher Aspects of Higher Self are those levels that you call the Soul, Oversoul, Monadic Consciousness, Higher Sources like God and Undifferentiated Source which some people/beings call Divine Knowing. These higher sources of Truth resonate with beings at higher levels and there are a few beings who incarnated these days that fully are in those levels of truth. We are aligning to higher levels than ever before and speaking from those levels is an advanced technique of channeling and we recommend trusting higher sources of Who You Are on clarity, wisdom and truth.
Higher Selves are your higher aspects that you might resonate the best with for now when channeling. We advise that you develop conscious connection with these aspects for transcendence of human limitations and higher truth development. Such connections do exist today and many are exploring these relations for other reasons than channeling. These connections are evolving more for those who work with higher consciousness and we are asking you to explore this subject for your own personal and spiritual reasons.
Truth is the way to channel your own guidance and your own information via channeling. And truth is the level of your own understanding and level of perception that you develop as filter through your own experiences. When you can align to higher truth, the level of information goes higher and transcends dual perception and no longer is based upon concepts of duality.
People naturally perceive life matters and issues via dual perception which is based on the balance of opposites. Each issue has the opposite side of perception and you can see the same issue from different angles. Dual perception is the level of truth that human beings live by in the 3d dimensional reality. When you go higher in understanding, and bring that to the levels of Higher Self, there is a transcendence of dual perception and nothing is perceived as good or bad, but rather higher truth is channeled as messages that are felt as complete and whole where you enjoy higher level of peace and experience transcendence of the issues that at a human level could not be easily overcome.
Duality is based upon seeing and understanding life through the concept of the opposites that play out human dramas. Non-dual perception requires an adjustments to the levels of truth that humans possess and having connection to the messages from Higher Self can hold you true to the Higher Truth without need to rely on dual perception. The ability to hold true to the non-dual perception requires commitment and adjustment in thinking which leads essentially to higher levels of understanding and admission into the higher levels of existence.
5.7 Exercise for Non-dual Channeling of Messages
We are going to go into a channeling state, and allow yourself to release the need to see life from a dual point of view as we would like to have you all go higher in perceiving life. For this exercise, please take turns with each other and pair up. For those who will be channeling, please ask your partners to give you a question that you will be channeling answers to.
This exercise will be done together with Higher Selves of your partners. You will be channeling their Higher Self. And for this channeling, we are asking that you create a state of mind to let go of any thoughts. Take a deep breath and feel alignment with your Higher Selves as well. And as you breath, allow yourselves to create a positive outlook before connecting with the Higher Self of your partner.
This exercise shall not take a long time. We suggest that you simply stay opposing any thoughts that are less than higher truth. We ask you to fully trust that the Higher Self of your partner will deliver non-duality message to them. We ask you to align your mind and allow the stream of consciousness to flow into your mind. This channeling might happen via crown, and you have read about it last time. And this also could happen as overlay of consciousness or simply hearing messages with your internal ear. Do not get attached how this will happen, this is an exercise to see if you could deliver a non-duality message.
[switch partners]
5.8 Exercise: Taking notes for delivering messages to others
When you have someone asking you to give them a message, you can simply take a pen and paper and start writing down all thoughts that come to your mind. In this exercise, you won’t do anything that requires meditating and taking time to focus. We will be practicing and bypassing the mind by doing. And this time we want you to stay in a place of allowing and this allowing will eliminate the need to think and stopping to write is not needed. You continue writing all thoughts that come to your mind, and if they are yours, it’s okay. We will look at the messages and discern together where you wrote down your thoughts and where they were from your spirit teachers.
5.9 Exercise: Taking notes for yourself
Taking notes for yourself takes a different practice. This is about bypassing your own mind and allowing other thoughts to come. This shall not be a biased message, but rather an honest and clear message that comes from the levels of truth of the higher beings who see you as love. We will address the question that you have in your mind. Please make sure you state one question and you can write it down, and allow the message to be transmitted to you via conscious channeling and see if that comes to you easily. If you feel stuck or blocked, don’t hesitate to raise your hand and I will address your issues on a one by one manner.
5.10 Traditional Conscious Channeling
This is about channeling by using multiple senses and multiple abilities, and here we won’t focus how this is happening but rather we will address the question in mind and bring out the best information which you can receive from your teacher. This channeling activity is a similar practice to what you normally call automatic writing. And writing messages down is a close resemblance of that activity. When you do automatic writing, you rather allow a spirit to manipulate your own hand and use their own language to transmit information in the form of writings. This does not depend on you and is only based on allowing the information to come through.
With conscious channeling, the translation remains to be done by you, and there is no actual words being given to you but rather a consciousness stream enters your psyche and delivers the information that you yourself translate at your best capacity allowing for that message to be clear and true. This feeling that accompanies the message is very important, and if the message feels right or resonates to true, that signals that you are very close to the original meaning of the transmission. When you rely on the intuition which is about feeling the message, your own truth is filtering it.
When you want to work with higher levels of truth, we suggest that you clear your attachment to dual perception and allow yourself a non-biased approach in receiving information free from your own judgement and your own personal truth. Instead, bypass your limited perception by rooting in the higher truth within your Higher Mind. This way you will be taking a higher stance about hearing and able to channel much higher concepts without relying on dual perception.
When you are channeling for groups of people, conscious channeling could be a way to share concepts and ideas that will relate to many. Therefore, your personal truth might not be as valuable. Ability to bypass your personal truth is essential in bringing unimaginably higher concepts that will satisfy many at the same time. Many people will resonate and can be reached via higher truths and these are the essentials of group channeling activities when you want to reach many in simple ways. During such channeled events there is an invisible energy alignment happening in such a way where we could experience resonance to higher truth and higher mind, or feel energetic expansion, or simply be lifted out of the dual perception.
5.11 Creating Expectations for Channeling Session
For a purpose of channeling a few adjustments are made to the state of your physical body where you are in the state of full relaxation allowing your frequencies go higher than opposed to normal way of being. You simply align your state to a higher way of being resonating to love and lighter frequencies start rising within and manifest higher vibration. This alignment is a minor adjustment required for channeling. When you align your frequencies to a much higher level, you will feel the resonance with the high alignment for possibly higher connection with a spirit and such alignment can provide amazing unity in consciousness and ability to think as one, communicate as one including channeling as one.
For this purpose, we advise that you clear yourselves before channeling and create a safe space as opposed to instant communication. When you create a purposeful state coupled with being safe and aligned in frequency, this state of consciousness co-creates a state for a spirit the same approach who reaches downward to rise your frequencies and help you align into the unison of conscious communication. The asking for higher love and higher knowledge produces a higher state of consciousness for a teacher who free of judgement and duality ascends into higher realms of communication and brings forth the message of high quality. The same shall ring true for a channel who listens, translates and brings forth true guidance.
5.12 Trust in Delivering True Guidance
Delivering messages is not difficult in a sense that you are only allowing information to shift from spirit realm to human realm. Such activity is rooted in discernment and truly relating to the messages coming through. When spirit communicates, they are in conscious agreement with you on the level of the truth and the message resonates to true within for you. When conscious alignment is not at the level of truth that you wish for yourself, then truth alignment is not easy to achieve and messages can get lost in translation. And with effort, truth alignment can evolve into higher levels of truth being channeled to you where you transcend your personal truth and able to shift into a higher state of lifting the truth to the highest degree.
Resonance on truth is a subject worth understanding and we are freeing ourselves from levels of truth that become invalid through higher consciousness. Truth alignment considering you are on spiritual path has a light weight to carry. And honest consideration of where your truth resides creates opportunity to left your consciousness out of the place where you are at and allow yourself to achieve higher alignment. Truth levels vary and we cannot possibly speak of higher than Higher Self truths yet, but we want you to consider the higher levels of truth as possibility for channeling and delivering messages at the highest possible alignments that transcend not just this reality and could relate to those in other dimensions.
5.13 Taking Steps towards Higher Truth Alignment
Bridging into higher truth requires lifting your perception from the personal viewpoint to the level of your higher consciousness. We have adorned ourselves with major energies that open at nadies and clear pathways for travelling of quantum particles of light, and prana travels in a toroidal fashion. These same processes happen in many levels of consciousness even higher than your human mind. The grids of the mind continue on facing up towards toroidal energy streams coming down. These energies truly bring down the magnetic alignments necessary to free human mind from limitations of the human consciousness based on social programming and dual perception.
Let’s practice now on freeing ourselves from limited thinking and aligning to spiritual truths that are valid to those who transcended 3d and moved into a higher dimensional perception. There is no need to feel that you might need help here. We simply want you to freely allow a higher perception to be given to you from a higher viewport and such alignment is a requirement for higher channeling.
5.14 Exercise on Higher Truth Alignment
Sit comfortably and allow yourselves to join into communion with spirit, by bringing out your heart energy. Let it expand and grow and magnify into a wonderful loving presence that you are. As you expand the heart, a vibrational shift happens. You are no longer in duality, and your conscious responses are now based on love. When you allow love abound, you will feel that there is no need for judgement, or pain, or feeling less than, there is no need to feel unloved or unwelcome, and there is only one truth that You Are Love.
As you proceed with consciously bringing out your heart energy, state your intent to communicate at the highest level that you could with your spirit teacher.
Now, as they come around you and take a space by your side, they expand their energies and align to your heart expansion. This expansion takes place regardless of them, and you are the one who consciously intending this expansion. Your teacher creates a safe space and allows you to feel them around you. As this progresses, your energies will raise upward to meet the energy of your teacher. This happens at your intent to meet them at where there are at, and they are normally a much higher energy.
As energy alignment and love alignment takes place, you will consider taking it further by taking time to shift into truth alignment. Alignment will happen when you feel as them, and when they feel as you. And if you have to go higher in energy, continue raising your frequency with intent. They will come down in their frequency to meet yours until complete alignment in energy sets in, and this way you can fully experience truth and energy alignment.
5.15 Exercise on Channeling Higher Messages
As you sit in this state of complete union with your teacher, feel how your connection is aligning and adjusting. The resonance that ripples from this connection may translate into you feeling sleepy or dizzy and even needing to yawn as shifting into higher frequency releases energies that can no longer stay in the presence of truth.
Truth alignment comes through asking for high level spirit communication activity and is normally performed by high level channels. They take a few minutes to shift and align before channeling and such activity shall be overlooked by others in full safety including spirit guides, spirit teachers and human companions. High level channels are the ones who come the closest to the experience of truth alignment. They merely notice a sequence of events that need happen for connection to establish before they consciously understand that they are aligned to a high level being. Thanks to such alignment, stories are being told, group activities are being presented. High level channels enjoy energy exchange, they sense higher wisdom and take their time to settle into true union and alignment with their spirit teacher.
Now, we would like you to see yourself becoming as light as a cloud traveling upward and the higher you go, the lesser weight you carry. With higher alignments your levels of energies will rise, and as you rise up, you will experience a deep release of energy. Rising upward requires an effort and proper intention on your side. As energies intensify, there is a major shift happening within your mind and you heal those issues that separate you from Higher Consciousness. As you travel up, your teacher comes down in their energy and brings down their vibrational frequency to match yours.
When you have experienced complete alignment within the energies of the heart and frequency of your subtle bodies, there is a muted feeling that feels like you know them and able to feel their love. It’s a feeling of relatedness and understanding. The feeling of relatedness is a truth alignment that you could experience also by visualizing them as your friend who you are fond of, someone close, or a dear teacher that guides you. This famous technique is a way to channel higher teachers and is highly known in all circles of conscious channeling.
When you channel consciously, there is no need to work hard in order to channel, but rather to align, and such alignment is the key to conscious channeling. This technique does not require any practical knowledge of spirit communication but trains you in understanding of how this is done before you channel.
And now, we ask that all of your teachers create a nice message to bring it through your persona. We ask the teachers to allow the students to feel your message, to see that message and to flow it through conscious alignment. We ask the students, to allow yourselves to receive communication and tell us the message. There is no judgement, it’s only about channeling and anything that comes forth is a good message.
5.16 Finding Your True Life Purpose
Finding your true life purpose requires soul searching, and many today are asking for higher information to be given to them for reasons they don’t fully understand. Soul searching begins from the day we come down here to incarnate and we refine this idea and continue in life with asking questions about what is my true life purpose. At times we are not fully aware of our spiritual journeys and that creates searching in life for situations and relationships and careers that would bring that fulfillment and higher purpose in that regard is not uncovered but rather lies dormant as the spiritual aspect of your own truth lacks awareness. When you are on spiritual journey of self-inquiry and self-awareness, this question becomes more gnawing and relates to searching for that hidden knowledge and direction that originated from your own true source.
Self-inquiry begins at the early stages of spiritual journey when you begin to unfold into a higher awareness of higher truths, and these little steps of self-discovery cannot disclose fully your true purpose in life. When you are more aware, you are still in self-discovery and your life purpose adjusts based on the higher awareness of truth and your capabilities to perceive that truth. When alignment to your own truth has been achieved, and yet you are aligning to a much higher source of your truth, these steps start revealing to you the source of your life purpose and meaning to life start acquiring higher ideals. This is where you begin to question even more so trying to see what’s hidden behind all of the drama and all of the events in your life. These achievements of spirituality where you gained wisdom, start showing through and bear fruits of higher wisdom. This is where you are understanding that you are standing yet again at crossroads of figuring out the letting go of what was true before and letting in of what is unfolding before you. The true purpose of your journey is self-discovery in understanding that every single event led to where you are at, yet there is a lot more that stands between you and the truth that you are seeking. The higher truth is always revealed at its highest when you reach higher, and this truth begins to unfold as well as you align to higher truth and higher knowledge regarding your own life purpose. When you reach an understanding of the lessons that took place, able to see through every situation in life and bypass your judgement and limited thinking, when you feel the love for everybody and see the capability of evolving into a better higher you, you are on the track to higher consciousness and levels of truth that are transcending all that you have ever been and will be. This journey is a long standing affair with God. Self-awareness is a key to finding that lost life-purpose and self-inquiry is the door through which you walk.
There is an invisible thread connecting you to your Higher Levels of Who You Are. You are never separate and never alone. Your truth turns you towards God, and the thread that leads to Higher Truth is the thread leading you to Who You Are on the journey to God.
Nadis are pathways that exist in the mind that circulate prana within the energetic body. Connecting to pranic breath and invisibly drawing prana into nadis within the body will circulate prana required to assimilate life force to develop higher receptors within the brain which allow for higher brain activity to draw in connections of the Higher Mind. When this is achieved, Higher Mind starts functioning at the levels of perception not based on duality but rather transcending such and revealing the truths that previously were hidden. Mana or prana is a concept of higher frequency energy that is given to us as breath of life from God, manifestations of the life force brought by higher aspects to us to sustain life. Drawing this force into you translates into development of higher nadis that elevate consciousness and purposefully develop higher mind and allowing much higher connections of the higher mind to come down.
Nadis are used to breath prana, and pranic breath develops higher level understanding. It is almost like breathing in the life itself. Pranic energy streams detoxify and leave behind those energies that served receptors of the lower mind. They are clearing away lower mind and bring down energies that travel to lower nadis and connect them with higher nadis.
5.17 Worksheet
Re-read all topics about conscious channeling
Review if needed from the previous class what conscious channeling is
Read independently topics: 5.6, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.16
At home exercises: 5.9, 5.16