We will rely on safety to be part of the course and provide you with safe techniques on how to clear yourself and other people. As a prerequisite, the mindset of feeling and being safe is important and we feel that your positive outlook on spirit communication plays a great role in setting the stage for safety of communication. For the purpose of our safe work together we will also bring to you 5th dimensional sonic shields technology for safety of communication that my team can install during your first week of studies per your request sent to celestiallights@outlook.com. This course is a self-study material that encompasses communication topics and practice. Partially, the safety is done via discernment that you acquire during the course by listening to your Guides and Angels. During this course we will allow only Light beings and Angels to be part of it.
In this outline, we would like to thank you for joining and allow you to see yourself as safe. This course will take you on a journey of self-discovery where you will allow yourself to play with new ideas that currently are not taught in schools on Earth's plane. Many teachers who wrote psychic materials on Earth have already graduated from this plane of existence and new material has not evolved yet.
For this reason, we are providing written material that you will use throughout the course and which does not come from books nor was taken from any other source. We also hope that you will enjoy learning spirit communication from scratch and develop new psychic senses, whether reviewing them or learning anew, all that will serve you as a part of creating a new psychic perception.
Often we are blocked on being psychic through human conditioning. From time to time there is a person who allows breaking free from human conditioning and those pave the way to the new perception of reality. Throughout this course we ask you to start breaking free from limitations of the human mind and allow for new psychic senses to come through, senses that are higher and unlimited in nature where conditioning no longer applies to those who allow themselves to be higher in vision. From time to time there is a vision that comes in from Higher Mind. It is not anchored in human perception of the physical nature. That is , for example, a new way of clairvoyance which does not depend on the 3d eye.
Understanding human conditioning is a part of your homework, to figure out where you condition yourselves to not be able to see or hear or receive information. Where do you say no to guidance, or where you say yes. How do you approach projects, being creative and allowing the flow and inspiration, or forcing yourself to do things? In fact, many of you experienced such flow and lack thereof. Such conditions in your life will show where you are lacking that flow of communication and where you are allowing that flow. This flow exists on multiple levels of your multidimensional self. There are parts of you that block that flow and that is what we want you to figure out for our first class.
The flow is part of the course prerequisite and working out your inconsistencies might be needed beforehand so that you come in with clear ideas and openness of what you intend for you. For a few of you who are taking this course, we suggest looking at what is blocking your current psychic flow, where you are lacking that flow and writing down some ideas what that maybe would put you into a moment of truth and will bring you the guidance that you seek in order to resolve that throughout this course.
From time to time we will ask you to check in with your goals and see what else you need to adjust in your flow to receive and allow never blocking that flow and opening up to higher levels of flow possible for your connection.
For a while now we have been talking about flow and your goals. It is the time to address immediate needs and we would like to address your preparedness to this class.
The class will take a few months to complete. Ask yourself, are you ready for such commitment? Are you okay with the pace that we all will be going? Are we willing to help each other and be patient? Are we willing to learn and transcend your limitations?
If these questions you have answered yes, then we say to you, We welcome you to this class and we will allow you to learn more than you expect through Dreamtime.
For now, please accept this as an invitation to think and address all the issues that you might be running into, and consider taking notes and bring them to our first class. We will address them by telling Ella what all of you need to know and what else we will be helping you with.
Healing & Clearing Yourself During the Course
This is a request that you can use to clear yourself from anything that is felt within or without:
I am asking for Archangel Michael & Blue Lightning Angels to come around me right now. (Wait a few seconds for Angels to arrive). I am asking to clear me from any negative energies, entities, cords & hooks, negative elementals, negative attachments, any residue of someone else’s energy, any energy that is not mine, please clear me at all levels and bodies of my being, fill me with Light and integrate all energies that I left in any situation or person fully cleansed and integrated back into my energy. I also ask that Archangel Raphael to come around me and about me. Please take this work into healing that I need and combine healing energies in clearing me. I also ask that my aura be cleansed and magnified with the Highest Quotient of Light that I can carry and all the energies be fully balanced. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Assisting Others in Clearing & Healing
For other people, we recommend this formula to be extended this way:
I am asking for the presence of Archangel Michael, the Legions of the Blue Lightning, Archangel Raphael to come about me right now. Please surround me with protective shields to do this work of clearing. I am also asking to surround them with Legions of the Blue Lightning to provide safety for everyone around them at this time.
Archangel Michael & Protection Angels, please fill this person (their name) with pure white light and bring infusions of energy that are needed to assist the clearing and healing. Archangel Raphael, please heal them through this clearing and bring the energies to assist the clearing.
I am asking to create a vortex of white light to open up through the core of the person’s body (their name) and remove all discarnates from them right now. Please take all discarnate people in and around this person to the Light. We are asking that all entities and attachments that exists in and around them be fully removed and taken to where they need to go. Please take this healing through all levels and bodies of their being. If any elementals got trapped in or around them, please untrap them and release them where they belong. Gently remove all hooks and cords and take them into the light.
When healing & clearing is done for this person (their name), I am asking to magnify their aura with light, surround them with protective shield and fill them with light.
Thank you, Archangel Michael & Warrior Protection Angels, Archangel Raphael and all assisting Angels and beings of Light.
Clearing Your Home
To clear your or someone else’s home, you can add this request:
Archangel Michael & Warrior Protection Angels, please clear my home (or person’s home) from any entities, negative elementals, discarnate beings and other low frequencies. Fill my home with light and infuse my home with beautiful energies. Thank you!
Interdimensional Interferences
Sometimes clearing with Angels is not enough and even after clearing you might feel off and have negative thoughts in your head. That might be a signal that there is a different force at play. These situations usually concern a different realm where extraterrestrials from 4th dimension exist. This dimension exists on the same plane that you are at and for centuries humanity have been dealing with a particular kind of negative extraterrestrials that are known as Reptilians, Draconians and Greys. And there have been a few other species that are not even mentioned in any literature that Ella was able to hear letter by letter transcribing their names. Ahinurians - a race similar to Reptilians who existed on Earth in physical 3D form and almost died from Earth changes and you know of that time as Ice Age. This race went underground and still survives to this day. Annunaki is another race that came from stars and existed within the human race for the purpose of interbreeding and consumption of Earth’s resources. These entities do exist, and they are on the path of Ascension now too. A few still remain astray and cause trouble. Enimootiens are species that currently live on Mars and sometimes they show up here in their 4D form. These are not friendly and sometimes can endanger communication. Kayitamions are the ones that you have read legends about and call them vampires that lived and fed off human blood. They are not a legend, this was a genetic experiment where blood-sucking species were mixed with the human race. They mostly disappeared through a series of historical events and it is not known if they survived and exist.
Reptilian, Draconians & Greys are the ones that are mostly well known today. These beings existed for a long time on planet Earth and they co-exist with physical 3-dimensional humans. Particular issues arise when a person rises in frequency and that triggers an alarm for these beings who controlled the evolution of the Earth and made sure that we do not evolve fast. That’s when the alarm goes off and they might come about you to make sure you don’t rise in frequency and cannot hold more light. Why they are doing that? Its because they are low frequency themselves and cannot reach our consciousness if we are higher. To control a human kind which they did for millennia, they needed to make sure that we hold a certain level of frequency.
To this day exist a lot of legends about Annunaki and many other species coming to Earth as Gods. These were 3-dimensional Reptilians who claim to be Creators of Earthly existence. This is something that you can learn in many channeled books and look into this subject more to understand the issue that Humanity is faced with. Regardless of what they do to control the population of people we still can handle that.
Addressing Interdimensional Interference
For the ability to be able to clear yourself and other people from Reptilians, you need to have an ET connection. That is easily aided if you accept an Arcturian download that they advise which puts you under their protection and alarms them when you are in trouble. This is something that is done by many people now on Earth to be aligned with 5th-dimensional ETs to stay protected from invisible Reptilians who claim their power over people.
Please use the list of videos under this lesson and play a YouTube video by Wayne Brewer for Arcturian Download. When the team arrives you need to state clearly that you would like to accept an Arcturian download to assist you with your protection in your life purpose and life mission. This is a small price to pay for protection that they offer and we recommend as Teachers of Spirit Communication that you do this before starting any spirit communication.
More likely Arcturians will place protective shields around your body and above your crown that ensures your protection from Reptilians. This is something that they do as a part of the accepted Download. Tremendous relief came to Humanity through the assistance of Arcturian teams who benevolently allow humans to evolve and grow spiritually without being used or manipulated by those who held a grip over humankind for the longest history known. It is not a secret that governments are controlled by Reptilians and it is not a fun subject to speak of when we teach spirit communication class, but it’s been very dangerous to learn spirit communication and many experienced deep interferences when they attempted to communicate with spirits.
During the download, process make sure to request a bubble shield that must be requested. The download is used for you to be able to dial in to Arcturians any time you feel interfered with. Yet, the bubble protection is something you have to ask for. It is not given out freely. Please make sure you have requested one. This bubble protection will work for 20 years and will ensure Reptilians and such cannot install implants and manipulate your mind. If by any chance you feel manipulated, negative or hearing voices that speak nonsense or diminish you in any way, it is a known Reptilian technology for infiltration. Make sure you invoke Arcturians and request a clearing team.
There are a few other ET races that protect Humanity from interdimensional issues, and these are Andromedans & Anterrans. They are also assisting humankind in clearing and healing us from interdimensional interferences. They can be asked for to assist with the safety of spirit communication when you decide to work seriously with this subject and doing service for others without their presence while doing spirit communication might leave you open to interdimensional interference.